A Fine Start
#2 of Surviving a lost mind and a lost soul
Today is good, really good. The sky is full of huge fluffy white clouds, there's bird chirping and no wind. It's late in the afternoon and the sun is getting ready to leave. "Any time now." The rusted fur forms into a smile, paws at the back of the head. The wooden rocking chair for two squeaks and the small rocky fountain mists the air. Darrek reclines, trying not to sit on his lower back, foot paws tapping anxiously on the cool flagstone. There he is there's his cub, his happiness, the twelve year old wolf cub with snow fur everywhere. He has his backpack slung over both shoulders, walking along the sidewalk and up the flagstone pathway to the patio. Darrek sits up with his muzzle fixed grinning.
"Hey Darrek," The cub stops in front of the older wolf, a smile forming on his little muzzle.
"It's good to see you again, Max, how was school?" Darrek kneels down and hugs onto his cub, Max nuzzles into Darrek's neck fur while wrapping his paws around.
"I didn't learn anything new today; I couldn't wait to get home." Max giggles just a little bit. Darrek stands up and opens the screen door for his cub who scampers his way inside. Darrek stands there, looking out into the street with the sound of wind blowing. He starts to stare off, the leaves of the trees not moving.
"Darrek...come on." Max whines softly, tugging on the older wolf's paw.
Darrek smiles "Oh, sorry Max." patting his cub between the ears.
Max leads Darrek inside and pushes him onto the living room couch, "You took it right Darrek?" Max's eyes look like an interrogator's, almost glaring but with love behind them.
"I...think I did. I know I did, right after I woke up. I remember."
Max tilts his head to the side, "You got your prescription two and a half weeks ago right?"
Darrek nods, "January twelfth."
Max trots off to their room and comes back with an orange pill bottle with a white top; He unscrews the ‘child safety' cap and pours the contents out carefully onto the coffee table. The cub counts by twos. He gets to thirty-four and stops, there's one left over, "Thirty-five," Max looks up at Darrek, "You're one extra." The white cub scoops up the other pills and puts them back into their container. He holds up the extra to Darrek's muzzle. "Take it Darrek." Max says in a dominant, yet pleading way.
"I...could have sworn...Max...I know I did."
"The numbers don't lie Darrek, just take it."
Darrek's eyes grow distressed as he lets out a sigh, "Thank you max...Thank you..." The older wolf takes the pill with his saliva.
"That's a good wolf..." Max climbs onto Darrek's lap and gives him a peck on the cheek, "I'm sorry for being strict with you..." Max nestles his muzzle in the wolf's neck.
"You need to be...I need you to...I love you..." Darrek hugs tight with watering eyes, "I love you so much Max..." He sniffles and starts to cry.
Three taps on the door, the hinges squeaking as Joel lets himself inside. Darrek stirs in his sleep and opens his eyes, his tail buried in his chest, a few red spots on his white bed sheets. He sits up, still clinging to his tail.
"Here" Joel hands the grey wolf a pill and opens a bottle of water. Darrek does what he's told and takes it.
"I saw Max again...He's doing well, he found out I forgot to take my medicine. He's really getting smart, but I think school's starting to bore him...I want to go back to sleep for a few more minutes...Joel, I want to be with him a little longer..." Darrek grips onto his tail, starting to weep a little into his tail tip. "J-Joel...can I have a hug? It's cold in here..."
"Sure Darrek," Joel sits on the wolf's bed and lets Darrek embrace him, he rubs a single paw on Darrek's back, "You got your check in the mail, want to come with me to the store?"
Darrek just nods, "Can I get to see my cub a little more before we go?"
Joel pulls away from the wolf and stands up. Darrek substitutes the lost feeling with his tail, whimpering faintly. "Don't worry Darrek, today will be better. I have to make sure you take that pill when you wake up." Joel turns around without allowing the wolf to retort, shuts the door hastily behind him.
The wolf gets up and makes his bed, tucking in the corners good and tight. Darrek goes to his dresser, pulling out a pair of black jeans and white boxers. He carefully lays them on his carefully made bed, then turns for his closet, pulling a black T-shirt off the hanger and putting it on, he smiles seeing his black hoodie, he puts it on enthusiastically. Darrek smiles big and pulls the hood over his ears, just higher than his eyes. His tongue sticks out of his closed rusty muzzle as he dresses his lower half. The wolf walks slowly to the door, and stops at the threshold, keeping his tail close to his chest, petting his tail tip. "Joel...I-I'm ready." Darrek says nervously, waiting for an anticipated response.
Darrek breaks the silence, not wanting to, "J-Joel?" Darrek starts to whine, unsure whether to step across his threshold. Joel passes by and stops seeing Darrek waiting and back steps slightly, obviously oblivious to Darrek.
"Darrek," Joel looks apprehensive, "After we go to the store, I have to take you to go see Roxy, alright?"Darrek just nods and follows the husky dog outside to the car.
The sun is bright; the clouds look nice, just like the ones in his dream. Darrek stands by the passenger's side door, and waits for Joel to get in and shut his door before sliding inside the automobile. Darrek gets cozy, pushing his tail into his chest, nuzzling the tip softly. "I have to talk to Roxy about yesterday...don't I?" Darrek asks looking out the window as Joel pulls onto the street, watching the scenery blend together. Joel just says yes and the conversation ends until they get to the store's parking lot.
"You coming with?" The husky asks quickly. Darrek nods, the only thing showing under his hood is his blood stained muzzle. The wolf gets out, grabbing his tail and pressing it to his chest, running quickly to catch up with Joel. The husky gets a cart and they walk inside, Darrek following behind.
The fluorescent light is blinding, and the egg-shell white tiles just reflect the overwhelming luminosity. Darrek trails behind the husky paying attention only to his tail. The store is playing muzak over the speakers, Darrek gets lost in the white noise, realizing that he's been standing in the same spot for too long he trots back behind Joel who thankfully didn't notice. They get to the frozen foods section and Darrek's ears perk up underneath his hood, Joel looks back and nods. The wolf wears a smile and hurries himself along to the end of the isle, the ice cream section. He stops and stares, forgetting about his tail, and paws at the cool glass. He spots Joel catching up out of the corner of his eye; he looks from one flavor to the next frantically. Darrek finds one just as Joel gets to him; he opens the refrigerator's door, takes the pint of ice cream out and sets it carefully in the cart.
"Cherry Garcia again?" Joel comments. Darrek nods with a smile and grabs his tail again. "Well, come on. We're done." The wolf waits for Joel to pass before following closely behind him to the checkout line.
Darrek is in his mind again, petting his tail tip while listening to the soothing muzak on the speakers and the beeps of the cash registers. "Hey Darrek," Joel snaps Darrek out of himself, "gum?" the husky points at the shelves of gum and candy. Darrek nods a few times and gets himself some cinnamon gum, his tail wagging in his paws. Joel gets ready to pay while Darrek goes to the end of the conveyor belt and quickly bags what Joel bought, leaving out his Cherry Garcia and gum and reserving them to a separate bag. The nice hyena cash register lady says thanks to Darrek, as well as the feline bag boy, Joel pushes the cart outside and to the car, Darrek following behind, his tongue sticking out of a closed muzzle. They get to the car; Darrek unloads the cart into the trunk as Joel gets into the driver's seat.
One paw on his tail the other on the cart, the wolf pushes the metal basket on wheels back to the front of the store where all the other carts are. Turning back to trot back to the car the wind picks up and the clouds in the sky roll over the sun, turning the sunny day dark, the trees planted in the parking lot sway in the breeze. Darrek stops, clutching his tail, his mind fluttering. What did Roxy say to do when he felt like this? Think of something...count, remember a song, talk to yourself...something...anything.
"I want to live...where soul meets body...and let the sun wrap its arms around me..." Darrek sings in his head, walking slowly back to the car. "And bathe my skin in water cool and cleansing...and feel...feel what it's like to be new...cause in my head there's a greyhound station where I've set my thoughts to far off destinations...so they may have a chance of finding a place where...they're far more suited than here..." Darrek opens the door of the car and plops down in the seat.
"What took you Darrek?" Joel asks. Darrek just pets his tail and whines a little, the wolf sits quietly looking out the window with drops of blood running down his muzzle. Joel sighs and they drive off.
"I have to go back to the house and put the groceries away, your ice cream would melt otherwise. So just call me when you are done and I'll come get you, ok?" Joel says pulling up to the front of a multi story business building. Darrek nods as he gets out, tail in paw. The wolf walks up the concrete steps and pushes open the heavy clear glass door as Joel speeds away. Darrek walks through the lobby to the elevators and waits, his back to the wall. The elevator doors open, no one's in it, the wolf hurries inside, pressing number four. The doors open and Darrek walks slowly down the hall, the corner office, room 412. Darrek takes a few deep breaths before knocking on the solid wood door.
"Come in Darrek." The voice permeates from the door.
With a twitching paw Darrek opens the door and is hit with a blast of air conditioning. "H-hey Roxy..." Darrek walks slowly and sits on his usual recliner chair, must be expensive.
Roxy is a very slender cheetah, she trims her whiskers short, and glasses that hang right on the top of her nose. Her desk is very neat and organized, a few plants on the window sill as well as a few potted plants against the walls next to the large bookshelves. There's a window behind her desk, the blinds are are closed, the light shines through them and makes white vertical slats over her desk.