Episode 11: The Smaller Things
The wolf walked and rubbed his belly, comforting him, "this isn't for me, although i _do_ like this sexy belly of yours," he admitted, making mark blush, connor cleared his throat, "this is for _him_."
Sonic adventures : Chapter 3 part 1 full detail
Then we went into my room and had some sexy time in there. the end of part 1
SonnyFur Resort (Prologue and chapter 1)
"for a limited time we're giving 16 lucky males and 16 sexy females of each sexual orientation the chance to find 'the one'." "if you want a purrrrrfect time, visit sonnyfurr resort for free. but, remember, only the first callers will get to go."
Love Ensemble, Part 8
It'll be sexy and wonderful. i think that's everything... thanks for reading!
Post Holiday Blues VI
He's sexy, smart, kind, and apparently has a thing for me. this is a no brainer. right? "i'm up for it." god damnit voice!
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 29: Grey Shadows
"sexy?" "sexy." they looked at each other, then laughed softly. "how did you meet him, if you don't mind me asking?" the panther asked him again. vilkas shrugged, the atmosphere between them getting warmer. "we joined the basketball club together.
Sunrise (Kreet 45)
But tomorrow night, can you please think of sexy khajiits before you go to sleep instead?" so i owe it a sexy khajiit dream. the old man in the story isn't a kobold - i just thought this image was appropriate anyway.
The Silver Lining-Part 3
"aww but it's so cute and sexy!" hearing that made kara blush a deep shade of red and he meeped as he felt the wolf's paw hit his rump. "h-hey now... i-i'm not like that...."
It Started With Toast- chapter 12
Nuzzling me he smiles and looked into my right ice blue eye and my left red demon eye "anyway you look a bit sexy as a demon" hearing this made me blush and giggle so i liked his nose before kissing him.
Kapitel 2 Erdbeerenmarmelade
Sagte ich in einer sexy stimmton.
The Clan Chronicles-Maryk Addition Chapter One: A Place to Rest My Head
Follow maryk & tharn, two wolf pups born into the same pack.thier whole childhood they were feirce rivals and complete opposites, maryk being the favourite as the leaders eldest son,charming,sexy,calm, and brave, and tharn being the betas youngest, bold, short
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep09
Look at that sexy body! and those glasses make him look so... oh dear, i gotta stop before i swoon in front of him!"_ rinami was thinking to herself, admiring the golden wolf sitting just in front her.