Love Ensemble, Part 8
Here you go, guys. I think this is my longest story so far, which is awesome! I didn't actually count the words though... Not that it really matters. Here's some more cute content with Blake and Jordan. And yes, the two real people this is based off of are really this sappy. Hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: This story involves and showcases romantic and/or sexual interaction between two underage males. If this is something that bothers you, leave the page at this time.
Blake woke up in his bed sometime around noon, still feeling slightly tired from the events last night at the game. It was more likely from the hours of texting exchanged between he and Jordan though. He got up, took a quick shower, and threw on some good looking clothes. He remembered that Jordan wanted him to meet his mother at some point today. He sighed and looked at his reflection in the mirror.
I sure hope I look okay... I'm so nervous. I've never met a guy's parents before. What should I say? What if they don't like me?
On the night stand was the fox's phone that started to ring. Blake turned and walked over, looking down to see that his older brother was calling him. Confused, he picks up the phone to answer. "Hello?"
"Hey, cutie! I heard you got yourself a boyfriend," came the voice of Blake's older brother, Sean.
Blake just sighed quietly. "How do you know?"
"Dude, it's all over Furbook."
"Yeah, I know. Why do you care?" Blake asked. He and his brother don't always get along, and their relationship only got worse once Sean left for college two years ago. Blake was scared going into high school because he always feared that people would make fun of him for being gay. His brother promised that he'd always be around when he needed help, but the thing is it was rare for Sean to come home because the college he went to was five states away. The older fox would only come home for things like Christmas and even then it was usually only for a day or two. Blake relied on his older brother for courage and strength, but after Sean left he had to learn to fend for himself.
"Bud, I'm so proud of you!" Sean said. "I always told you that you can get whatever you wanted if you just tried."
"I didn't exactly try, Sean. Caitlin pretty much spilled all my feelings for Jordan and he asked me out later."
"Well isn't that just as good? I mean it really doesn't matter how it happened, just what the result is."
"I guess," Blake said quietly.
"Consider yourself lucky. I can't hold onto anyone for more than like two weeks tops. Usually just fuck 'em and leave, you know? I've got too many other things in life to worry about," the older fox said with a laugh.
"I hope that doesn't happen..." Blake said worriedly.
"Don't. You're a sweetheart. He'll love you. Oh, I gotta go. Talk to you later."
Blake couldn't even respond before he heard the beeping of the call ending. He sighed. He wanted to be mad, but he missed talking and playing with his brother at times. The older fox had changed a bit and it was pretty obvious, but in the end he was still the outgoing and happy fox that he looked up to. Blake probably wouldn't have been any kind of social if it weren't for Sean. He just wished his brother was around more like he used to be.
There was no message from Jordan yet, so Blake just assumed that the wolf was still asleep. He decided to hop on the computer to pass the time. He scrolled through random YouTube videos and posts on Furbook and pictures on imgur. After a while, he hopped on Mumble to find that Josh was online.
"Hey, Josh," he said.
"Blake! What're you doing today?"
"Well uh... Jordan wants me to come over and meet his mom. I'm waiting for him to message me."
"Meet his mom? Already? Wow, that's a big step, man," the orca said back.
"Well he hurt his leg at the game last night so I asked him to keep off it. But then he practically begged me to come see him. I want to, but I'm so nervous," Blake noted.
"Ah, that makes sense. Well my parents like you, so I don't think it'll be too bad."
"Well yeah, but I'm also not dating one of their children."
"Well did Jordan give you any warning or something?"
"No. He seemed pretty confident that everything would be fine," Blake said.
"Well then don't worry," Josh said with a very apparent smirk even though he wasn't visible.
"Yes, cuz it's that easy," Blake said sarcastically.
"You worry too much. Just relax," the orca said back.
"I am relaxed!" he said loudly, but then calmed down as he caught himself. "I'm just nervous," he said softer.
Josh just groaned. "Your lack of confidence is gonna get the best of you one day, man. You have nothing to worry about. You're nice, caring, good-hearted, smart, ambitious, everything that mom's like. Just be yourself."
Blake sighed without pressing the talk button. He was a little tired of hearing that regardless of how true it may or may not be.
A few hours passed and Jordan texted.
"Hey, babe :)"
" Hi. You feeling alright?" Blake texted back.
" Oh yeah, I'm fine. Told you it's nothing to worry about. Feel free to come over at any time. My mother's really excited to meet you :P"
" Do I have to?..."
"No, of course not. But I don't wanna just lay here all alone :("
Blake couldn't help but chuckle a little at the cuteness the wolf had every so often. " Alright, fine. I'll be over in a half hour."
Jordan cheered, kicking his legs up as he lay in bed, but then winced as the pain shot through again. Bad idea. He sat up slowly, still only in his boxers. It was at that moment that he realized that he just invited his boyfriend over to visit and hadn't even gotten himself ready. He shot out of bed and made a quick dash to the bathroom; or rather he would have if it weren't for his injured leg giving out a muscle spasm. The wolf winced and tumbled down with a thud.
"Ow..." the wolf complained quietly as he slowly stood back up and rubbed his leg.
"Jordan? Are you okay?" came an older woman's voice which belonged to the wolf's mother.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Jordan shouted back. "I just uh, dropped something."
"I have lunch ready for you and Blake when he gets here." The woman was more prepared than even he was.
"Okay, thanks. I'll be down soon."
He hopped in the shower, eagerly wanting time to go faster so Blake would be there.
Blake stood at the sidewalk outside of Jordan's house, trying to gather up the courage to move closer. It had been exactly 30 minutes, but the little fox had stood out there for about ten of those minutes at least. He decided it was easier to just text Jordan. In less than a minute, the wolf was outside wearing a black t-shirt, a pair of khaki shorts, and sandals. Blake had on a green polo, some dark jeans, and dress shoes.
"I... overdressed, didn't I?..." Blake asked.
The wolf chuckled and grabbed his boyfriend in a tight hug, kissing him firmly on the lips. "Of course not. You're trying to give a good first impression."
Blake blushed and smiled shyly, retuning the kiss and instinctively giving a small nuzzle.
Jordan grinned and nuzzled back. "Ahh, you're so cute I can't stand it," he said before giving a playful lick to Blake's nose, causing the red fox to blush even more.
"Ew," he said through giggles. The lick was nice though. It actually almost turned him on in a way. "Jordan, I... I'm so nervous..."
The wolf grabbed his paw an squeezed. "Don't be. My mother will love you."
Blake stood there silent for a while, his body half-frozen. He was so scared, so worried of being rejected. He really liked Jordan and he didn't want anything to make their relationship difficult. If Jordan's mother didn't like him, he might as well have one paw in the grave. But the look in the wolf's blue eyes was all that he needed to feel courageous.
"I'll do my best..." Blake said before the wolf kissed him one more time. The two walked slowly to the front door and went inside.
Jordan's house was smaller compared to Blake's, but it was still nice. The living room was spacious with a large family TV, a couch, and two arm chairs. Across was a sliding glass door that led out to the backyard. To the left was where the kitchen was located, full of all sorts of different appliances and a little island in the center. There also stood an older female arctic wolf.
"Well hello there. You must be Blake."
Blake and Jordan's mom walked towards each other and shook paws, Blake very hesitant with each action. "Hi..."
The woman chuckled. "You're right, honey. He is shy." The young wolf blushed at the name while the fox blushed at being called shy. "Don't worry though, I won't bite. You may call me Patricia, or Mrs. Rull is fine."
"Y-Yes ma'am..." Blake said as he let his paw fall back to his side. He felt Jordan give him a reassuring squeeze to his side.
"Well we're gonna go into my room, if that's okay," Jordan said.
"Oh sure. You need to rest that leg anyway. A muscle won't heal if you keep using it," she chimed before turning to go back into the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Blake and Jordan went into the wolf's bedroom and sat on the bed. Jordan smiled and leaned forward to do a quick and playful lick on the fox's cheek, causing a laugh from him. "See? I told you you'd be fine."
Blake smiled a little. "I guess. She seems really nice. I'm sure if I was much more outgoing then I would've actually had a conversation."
Jordan scooted closer and pulled the fox in for some cuddling. "You'll learn."
Blake happily accepted, laying against the wolf's broad chest. "So your leg injury is serious?"
"It's just a small muscle tear. All I have to do is not use it for a little while. I should be fine by Monday or Tuesday."
"I guess we'll have to make due with TV and video games then," Blake snickered.
"You and I both know we already do that anyway."
"I know, but now we have a reason."
The two of them talked and played video games for the next few hours before they went out for dinner at a Golden Corral.
Blake couldn't help but notice how Jordan always came back to the table with loads of chicken, pork, beef, and other meat. "You really like you're meat, huh?" The fox asked.
Jordan winked. "You know it. Can't get enough."
Blake blushed. "That's n-not what I meant..."
The wolf laughed. "Well do you wanna see how much meat I can take when we get back to my house?"
"I, uh... A-Are you serious?"
Jordan shrugged. "Only if you want to. I was mostly kidding. I don't wanna rush you. I've never had sex before, to be honest."
"I haven't either. I want to, though. I'm just scared... But I've wanted you so badly. I can just imagine you over me... I-I mean-" Blake zipped his mouth shut, desperately saving himself from further embarrassment.
But it was too late. The arctic wolf had a big sly grin on his face. "Me over you, hmm?" He leaned closer, keeping constant eye contact with the smaller male.
"Uh... I-I just assumed it would be that way s-since you're so much bigger a-and I'm so passive..."
Jordan continued to smirk for several seconds, slowly getting closer and closer to the fox before finally licking his nose. "You're so cute."
Blake blushed and finished his food. "We probably should go back to your house soon before your mom gets worried."
Jordan nodded and scarfed down the rest of his meal. "Alright, let's go," he said with a hint of excitement.
The two stood, Jordan grabbing Blake's paw, and they made their way out of the restaurant. A few people they passed gave glares and others whispered amongst themselves. There was one little girl in particular in the parking lot that spoke up.
"Daddy, why are those two boys holding paws?"
"Ignore them, sweetie. Just pretend they aren't there."
Blake tensed up for a second; Jordan noticed. The wolf gently nuzzled Blake's cheek. "You okay?"
Blake sighed. "I'm fine. Just some people are so closed-minded and it makes me mad."
"Some people are just like that. I just pretend they aren't there," Jordan said before kissing the fox dead on the lips.
Blake chuckled and kissed back. The wolf was so right about everything that he said. But he wondered why the negative comments were getting to him all of the sudden. It wasn't like he didn't expect it. Then again, before now it didn't matter because he was single and not a lot of people knew. Most of the comments were from high school kids who were just being stupid high school kids. But now he and Jordan were out in the real world on their dates; places where adults were. Their judgements were much more harsh. They weren't people who use the term "gay" for meaning that something was "stupid".
Jordan nuzzled Blake's nose. "Just remember to look at me when you get scared."
Blake nuzzled back, face red. "Alright."
They got back to Jordan's house and went to his room. Blake immediately flopped onto the wolf's bed, feeling very tired and full from the meal.
"Anxious, are we?" Jordan said as he followed the fox's action, laying partially behind him and partially on top. He gave a quick nuzzle to the back of the fox's neck, wrapping his arms around the smaller canine's frame.
Blake murred quietly as instinctively curled his body into the body behind him. He liked the feeling of being little spoon with the strong wolf's warm arms around him. "I'm tired."
Jordan sighed happily and gave frequent kisses to the back of his fox's neck and shoulders, slowly and gently rubbing his body. "Yeah, me too. The game really wore me out."
Blake turned his body slowly so that the two were facing each other. The fox reached down and rubbed the wolf's injured leg, causing the wolf to moan quietly. "Is your leg feeling better."
"Mhmm. And that feels really nice."
"Good." Blake kept rubbing as the two males went back to nuzzling and kissing. After a while, Blake could feel something pressing against his own leg. The wolf became slightly more dominant as he lay further on top of the fox, giving a small sexual growl and slowly started to grind against him. Blake moaned quietly, leaning up to kiss Jordan again. He really enjoyed the feeling of the entire wolf's weight on top of him. He felt like he was pinned down; helpless and vulnerable to the wolf's desires. And he loved it.
Jordan growled again, snaking his tongue into the fox's mouth in the middle of their passionate kissing. His arms explored all of the fox's body parts. He stopped just for a second. "I-I'm sorry. It's hard to hold back, Blake. You're just so cute and sexy. But I'll stop if you don't want to do this."
Blake smiled. "I'm still not sure if I'm ready, but... I want to. I want to do this with you. I trust you enough to not hurt me."
Jordan smiled warmly and nuzzled against the fox's nose. "You make me so happy, you know that?"
The two continued. It would be a night the two would never forget.
Blake woke up several hours later, his body facing the naked wolf in front of him. He slowly remembered the events that happened that night, smiling softly to himself. He got closer to Jordan and placed his nose into the crook of the wolf's neck, sighing happily.
The wolf muttered and woke up slowly, smiling at the fox under him.
"You alright, babe?" the wolf asked.
"I'm wonderful. I'm just so happy that I'm here with you."
Jordan smiled and wrapped his arms around Blake again, pulling him even closer. "I am too. Thanks for coming over. It means a lot to me."
Blake murred in comfort and warmth. "So am I staying over the whole weekend? We could go to my house too. My parents aren't ever there."
"You live on your own?" Jordan asked confusedly.
"Not technically, but no one's ever really there unless I invite them over. I'd rather not talk about it..."
"Alright. Well that sounds nice. I'll have to ask my mom though. Now go to sleep. It's late," Jordan said before kissing the fox's forehead and closing his eyes.
"I love you, Jordan. Thanks for everything."
"I love you too, Blake."
Don't you just wanna puke at the cuteness? You know you love it :3
I know what you all want and don't worry, I'm already on it. I've got the whole sequence of events for Blake and Jordan's first time in my head. I just need to write it down. It'll be sexy and wonderful.
I think that's everything... Thanks for reading!