The Silver Lining-Part 3
#3 of The Silver Lining
Okay here is part 3, still is clean, so yeah, if you have issues with gays and what not don't read this! Also you should read this if your under 18 well cuz this is Yiffstar and its for adults only so get lost you minor.
Also thanks to my editor Shadow
Kara opened his eyes slowly as he looked around the room. It was lightly lit from the dawning light. The sun had just risen over the mountains casting a veil of light over the cabin, which had woken him up. He yawned as he closed his eyes to the warmth of the sun.
He could feel something around his body which confused him. He looked down at himself to blush as he saw Alex's arms around him, and not only that he just now realized he was still unclothed from the accident on the slopes. As he laid there he kept blushing as he looked back at the wolf embracing him. Not wanting to wake him Kara lifted the arm resting on him, moving it slowly and carefully off of him.
He slowly then wiggled off the arm that was below him and moved off of the couch. Gravity, however, being the cruel thing it can be, grabbed at him and tugged him down onto the floor. He landed with a thud and grunted, looking up at the ceiling. He was still in pain though it wasn't nearly as bad as it was the morning before.
He laid there on the ground not making a sound. He didn't want to wake the sleeping wolf, whether it was not wanting to deal with a grumpy wolf or not want to wake the cute wolf laying on the couch, he just could tell why he remained so still. He couldn't help but feel as if his reasoning was for the fact that he was cute and that scared him a little bit. The feelings were a bit foreign yet they felt so familiar.
Ever since he had seen the wolf he could help but feel, well, attracted to him. He really was having feeling for another guy. He was never taught nor told that being homosexuals were bad or evil, but he had always seen how people said it was. He never thought badly of it and he even fooled around with the idea on a rare occasion, even though he never took the ideas seriously. Though now when he looked at Alex he couldn't help but want to hang out and maybe even cuddle against. He was confused and didn't know what to think, he knew what he felt but at the same time he wasn't sure of what he felt, he needed help.
However the only person he knew who could help him was at the lodge and Kara was stuck in the cabin with the wolf, not that that was a bad thing. AS he concluded his thoughts, his stomach grumbled; it had been a while since he had had the wonderful spaghetti dinner that Alex had cooked up so nicely for them. Kara hoped there was some left over as he started to crawl away from the couch, being careful to not make any noises as he did.
He had made it about half way over to the doorway before he heard a soft coughing behind him. Slowly he looked back and saw Alex leaning on his arm, with his elbow resting on the arm of the couch staying at Kara with a single eyebrow raised. "Wilko tengo foxtrot?" Alex laughed out.
Kara just blushed softly, standing up and cleared his throat. "Well I didn't want to wake you..."
"Well if you'd ever like to let me sleep while you go off and get some food, you can start by not falling on the floor. You were quite loud when you hit it." Alex informed. "Oh and you're not eating yet, I have a special breakfast in mind."
"R-really? What did you have in mind? I just wanted some of the spaghetti, if there is any left over." Kara inquired as he moved out of the room and toward the kitchen, Alex following right behind him. "Oh and stop looking at my ass."
Alex laughed and swatted Kara's butt, since he had actually been eye the cute foxes rear. "Aww but it's so cute and sexy!"
Hearing that made Kara blush a deep shade of red and he meeped as he felt the wolf's paw hit his rump. "H-hey now... I-I'm not like that...." He cut off thinking about what he had been mentally debating earlier and kept thinking getting lost in his thoughts.
However he was quickly pulled out of it by the wolf. "Buddy, stay with me. if you want me to stop I will. I'm just teasing you." Alex reassured him.
"No, it's not that it's...well it's, nothing really." Kara said moving to the kitchen again.
"Oh no no no, your to getting off that easy. What's on your mind Kara? You look like you have a lot going on in there." The wolf questioned, looking genuinely concerned.
"'s just...nothing. I really don't want to talk about it with someone I have known for a day." Kara mumbled to Alex looking down. "It's not yo-"
Alex cut him off by placing a paw on his shoulder. "I understand, I'd feel the same way, but if you feel as if you have to speak then I am here."
Kara nodded quietly and walked over to the kitchen. He quickly moved over to a chair and pulled it, out sitting in it and resting his head on the table. He breathed through his nose leaving a fog on the frost clear glass table; he was torn on the inside, his whole life came crashing down on him in that few seconds in the hall on the way to the kitchen. Had he died there on the hills, the only people who would have truly missed him were the three that came up to the mountains with him. His mother hated him for whatever reason she had, and his father was dead. He had no siblings, and nor did his parents. He never knew his grandparents, That and he didn't have any friends from high school. He was alone, and now he was confronted with something he knew nothing about.
During mid-thought he was interrupted with the clinking of glasses on the glass table. "Look. I don't like seeing such a cute, sexy fox sitting in my kitchen hungry." Alex said firmly. "So eat, you're hungry and that can put you in an upset mood. Geez, I'd think you were having some inner quarrel about thinking you're gay. I remember when I realized it. That wasn't an easy time for me."
Kara looked up to him as his eyes filled with watery tears. He just stared up at Alex with his watery eyes before standing up, swiftly pushing the chair back and dashing off to another room. Alex just stood there, dumbfounded. He had no idea what happened there. Though after thinking about what he had said it dawned on him. "He's confused about...oh my...this is my fault.." He groaned as he followed the path that Kara took, looking in each room to find him. After checking several rooms he found him in the room that Alex had placed Kara in after he found the young fox beaten up from the devastating accident.
Alex opened the door farther and slowly, not wanting to startle to fox. "K-Kara, I was just joking about the gay thing, if it hurt you or made you uncomfortable I am one hundred percent sorry I offended you. I was just, I mean, you were....the look on your-"
"No, that's not why. I am not offended in any way, shape, or form. It's just that I have been thinking about things and well, I mean," Kara sighed and looked Alex, "I think I might be gay, or maybe even bi, but I am not sure if I am."
"I see, well I know that is a hard thing to adjust to, but even I went through it. The only way to really know is different with anyone who goes through the change." Alex assured him as he walked over to Kara and sat next to him, putting an arm around him. "For me I just assumed that I knew and I did. I have had my fair share of male relationships and I don't regret being gay at all. It hasn't always been easy, there is a lot of secret keeping and hiding things, but being gay is what I chose and I believe I chose well. As for you I'm sure you'll make a decision that will make you happy."
"That's not what I am worried about. I mean I can accept it, assuming I am you know-" Said the troubled fox before being cut off.
"Gay?" Finished Alex.
"Yeah that. I am more so afraid of what people will think. Especially my friends. I need them because without them I am nothing but a wanderer, a vagabond amongst the social networks that the world consists of. I need to fit in because, well, I never have and now I am finally slipping my way into the social ranks of which I have longed for my entire life!" Kara exasperated. He took several deep breathes before looking into Alex's eyes looking for his response.
"I only have one thing to say," The wolf claimed, "Never opened myself this way
Life is ours, we live it our way. All these words I don't just say. And nothing else matters.' I know damn well you know exactly what that means so I won't explain it. I hope that will help you figure things out."
Kara just looked at him gazing deeply into his eyes as he processed the phrase and took it all in. He knew exactly what was meant by the phrase. As the realization of what the wolf was conveying he just sat there, pondering exactly what he wanted out of life. He looked up at Alex, with water in his eyes and tears slowly running down his cheeks, and fell forward hugging Alex pulling him closer as he sobbed heavier. "You're so right; I don't know why I was thinking like that. I should know better than to let others dictate who I should be."
"'Atta a boy, I knew you'd understand that." Alex breathed out with a sigh.
"Th-thanks...though I was just wondering is there anything that can really help me determine that I am, you know..." Kara mumbled looking at Alex.
"For one just say it, 'you're gay'. It's not a taboo around me or any one, just so long as you don't let it. As for physically knowing there are a few... but that may be a bit to much for you. I am sure your not comfortable giving head or performing any kind of sexual activity." Alex said to Kara moving behind him as he began to rub Kara's back.
"Yeah, I am not ready for...that." Kara nodded in agreement with him.
"I figured as much. I really can't think of any activities that may help but if you can think of any your comfortable with then feel free to let me know." Alex told him.
The two of them sat there and stared at each other in an awkward silence. After a few minutes Kara broke the silence with a question. "C-could we, I don't know, kiss?"
Alex stopped the back massage, just resting his paws on Kara's back. He blinked and looked at Kara and just laughed lightly. "Are you serious?"
Kara just nodded still carrying a sad look on his face as he turned around and looked at Alex. After a few seconds of staring between the two Kara looked away as more tears began to flow down his face. "I'm sorry it was a stupid idea..." Kara choked out .
Alex placed a finger under Kara's chin and lifted it up to look at Kara in the eyes. "No, it's a great idea, I just wasn't sure if you really meant it. If you want to we can, but only if you want to."
Kara looked at him and then leaned forward, his lips meeting Alex's lips and holding there. The kiss was something new and wonderful to Kara, he had heard of how a kiss feels when it was with the right person and now he was feeling it. He loved it, so he held the kiss leaning into Alex, and Alex leaned back into it. The two furs murring softly as they broke the kiss to look into each other's eyes. "I-I am gay, or bi, and I think I like you..." Kara said trailing off.
"Heh...I take it you felt it too. The connection that is." Alex said coyly.
"Yeah, I did, and I loved it." Kara said blushing and he fell forward and hugged Alex. "I may have only known you for over a day but...I think I am in love."
"I think I am too, I have never felt that connection with another guy. Kara, I wish you could stay here with me." Alex whined.
"I do too, and I am not too fond of the city life. I mean it's nice and it has its benefits, but that life doesn't beat the rising sun over the mountains, and it doesn't beat the clean air and the smell of pine in the soft breeze. I wish I could live up her but I have to finish school." Kara said wiping the tears from his cheeks.
"That you do foxy. Oh and I think breakfast is getting cold. What do you say we eat? And maybe later, that is if you're game for it, I can take you over to the lodge and drop you off there." Alex announced.
"Yeah, I feel much better now. Hey you can meet Becca, she's my friend. I have only known her for about 6 months but I feel as if we have known each other for ever." The fox said giggling.
"Umm...heh, sure. Hopefully no one will recognize me from last winter." Alex murmured to himself.
"What was that?" Kara inquired.
"Oh nothing, sure. I'd love to meet your friends. I could use some social interaction." Alex responded.
"Still don't want to tell me what happened I take it?" Kara asked.
"Not yet, eventually I guess I will have to tell you." Alex said and then grinned. "Lay down on the bed Kara.
"Why?" Kara said leaning back on the soft cushy bed.
"This!" Alex shouted and slipped his arms under Kara lifting him off the bed. "I got you now!"
"Aak!" Kara yelped as he was picked up rapidly. "You got me!"
"Now we shall go dine!" Alex announced as he dashed off toward the kitchen with the young love-stricken fox in his arms.
When they arrived at the kitchen Alex set Kara back down into the seat he was in earlier.
After getting comfortable Kara looked at the crepes which were still somewhat warm, and to him it was good enough to eat. Alex did the same only he didn't hesitate to start eating. "Stilll good right?" Alex asked through his full mouth.
After hearing his question proposed he took a fork and cut off a large piece and stabbed it with his fork. He took the piece into his mouth and started to chew on it making silly thinking faces as if it was a hard decision to figure out whether or not it was good or not. After chewing it thoroughly he swallows it and licks his lips then looks at Alex. "Well, I hated it, I don't know if I can even look at it without vomiting up such a repulsive meal."
They both just stared at each other then without any words or hand signs the both started to laugh simultaneously. "So, I take it you liked them." Alex assumed and took another bite of his breakfast.
"Nope I told you," Pausing, Kara breaks for a second to take another bite. "I hate them, they are the most disgusting food I have ever tasted."
Alex giggles and finishes the last of his food and grabs at Kara's food. "Then I am sure you won't mind if I take this."
However just before Alex can get the food Kara stabs it with a fork and shoves as much in his muzzle as he can and chews it shaking his head and mumbling a barely audible no. Seeing the stabbing motion Alex withdrew his paw and laughed. "You are something else Kara."
"Damn right. Hell if I was normal, well, I don't know what I'd be like." Kara stated as he looked outside. "The weather is quite nice."
"Okay...It is quite nice out I guess. I'd say it is great weather for hiking out to the lodge. But I would not advise it because of your current condition." Alex remarked.
"I feel fine, and if anything is wrong I am sure that the people at the lodge can fix it." Kara noted.
"Well if something is wrong, walking for over a five miles will only make it five times worst." Alex corrected as he stood up taking both the empty plates over to the sink. "Plus I am not even sure how the weather will stay."
"Please! I really want to head back!" Kara pleaded as he moved over to where the wolf was washing the breakfast dishes. "I know that my three friends will be worried sick about me, and I would love to ease their nerves."
"I really don't think this is a good idea. I couldn't bear to see you get hurt even further. However...if that is a risk that you are really willing to take I guess I can't stop you, and I can't let you go out alone, so if you do decide to go I will be there right behind you." Alex groaned, looking at Kara as he finished cleaning the last of the breakfast dishes.
"Thank you, getting over to the lodge really means a lot to me so I am going. Even if getting there means getting seriously injured." Kara admitted to Alex before hugging him softly. While Kara hugged Alex, Alex turned and hugged Kara back, squeezing lightly.
"Well if you insist to go then you have to go and get dressed and take a shower, because hon, you smell and you will freeze if you go out entirely naked." The wolf stated as he giggled and snickered. Following his word the wolf left the embrace and pushed Kara lightly in the direction of the hall where the shower was.
"I think that just may be a good idea. Only I kinda need some clothes before I can put any on." Kara added.
"Come with me I have some clothes you may be able to wear. You seem like you're the same size as me, roughly speaking anyway," Alex blurted before motioning into his direction, "Follow me."
Kara nodded and followed him as they approached Alex's room. Alex opened the door and held it open to motion that Kara could go in first. "Why thank you, kind gentleman." Giggled Kara as he stepped in and laid down on the bed.
"Okay, get off my bed; I need you to stand up so that I can find you some clothes." Alex commanded as he moved over to his drawers looking through them for an outfit. After rummaging for several minute he threw a black shirt back that had the electric chair on it with lightning shooting around it. For the pants he threw back a pair of jeans that were faded and looked worn. "There you go. Now go take a shower you dirty fox."
Kara nodded and grabbed the clothes that were thrown back at him. He jumped up off the bed, slipping the clothes on. "They are rather loose but I think I will deal with them being baggy like this. Otherwise I like them, especially the pants."
"That makes two of us who likes those pants on you." Snickered Alex, making Kara blush.
"Naughty wolf! Now hush you, you're making me blush." Said Kara in a timid tone.
"Now go take your shower." Motioned the wolf while he watched Kara moving toward the bedroom door. Whilst moving to the bathroom the bathroom Kara yelped lightly as he felt a paw smack his ass.
"HEY! That is my ass!" Kara jumped and ran to the bathroom, and Alex gave chase giggling. Once in the bathroom Kara closed the door and then opened it again poking his head out again to say. "And no peeking!"
Alex fell over laughing, grabbing his sides. As he lay there laughing Kara stripped again. Kara turned on the water setting it at a medium-high temperature and let it run so it could heat up. He looked into the mirror and smiled. His mind was at peace, he was finally accepting the thing that had been gnawing away at him for oh so long. He could look in a mirror and not see the battle that had brewed on inside of him. "I'm gay."
He sighed in relief and looked into the shower stall were the water was running and put a paw under the flowing water. After determining it to be just right he stepped in and let the warm water wash through his fur and cleanse him. Soon after entirely soaking his entire body he grabbed a fur and skin shampoo and conditioner putting a bit of each in his paw. He then rubbed his paws together and ran them through his fur, lathering himself up to clean away the dirt and grime that probably came from him getting injured in the accident.
He stepped back under the water and let all the soap and suds wash off from him. Now that he was all clean, he turned off the water and shook himself, getting water everywhere. He stepped out of the shower stall and looked around for a towel but could not see one. While he was searching he coughed lightly, but the cough progressed and grew more severe. He used his paws to cover his mouth. When the fit was over, he looked over his paws and noticed there was blood on them. Not wanting to delay the trip he washed his paws of the blood and acted like it never happened.
Because of this he stuck his head out of the bathroom and looked down to see Alex there and informed him. "I need a towel."
"Nope, there is a blow drying system in there. If you would let me step in then I can show you it." Corrected Alex.
Kara looked at himself then at Alex and opened the door. "Since there isn't much to me you haven't seen I will let you in."
Alex chuckled and stepped in moving to a corner of the room that looked like a shower that shoots out from all sides and presses a button, making warm air rush out of the holes in the wall. "Come on over here."
Kara did as he was told and joined Alex in the warm jets of air, feeling the drying effects working very fast on his wet fur. "Oh my....this is quite nice!"
"Yeah, much better and faster than a towel." Alex added and grabbed Kara's butt with both paws.
Kara looked back and glared at Alex. "That is not for your amusement, so paws off."
Alex just giggled and took his paws off of it and teasing, "Well then go groom your floofy self."
Kara blushed as he looked at his fur, which was acting like a giant afro. "I think I will, now get out, you bad wolf!"
Alex left promptly and snickered at Kara as he went to grab a comb. After the door was shut Kara began to groom himself, brushing all the fur he could down flat. The fur was resistant but eventually it was all flat, so Kara slipped his clothes on and left the room to see Alex waiting by the door yet again.
"Well, now that you're all clean lets go get us some snow hiking gear, and I might as well get some clothes for me to wear if I stay the night there," Planned Alex, "Kara, if you are feeling kind enough, can you go get the first aid kit that is near the bed you were in the other morning. It's just for a safety precaution."
Kara nodded as he ran off to the room. He went in and looked all over for the first aid kit and could not find it. Since it was not visible he ran over to the night stand and opened the drawer and saw the first aid kit. However when he pulled the kit out he noticed a picture of Alex and a red panda, in which the two were holding paws and having a good time. As he studied the picture he noticed a mouse in the background, this mouse looked very familiar to the one he saw just two days ago. Not only that but the mouse did not seem very happy at all, if Kara was not mistaken he looked furious. "Strange." Commented Kara as he stood up to go and give the kit to Alex.
When he got over the Alex's room he saw Alex zipping his duffle bag up. "You find it Kara?"
"Yup, you left it in a drawer though." Commented Kara as he held it up to show.
"Good, your task is to hold it. Now put this on and we'll head out." Finished Alex as he handed a jacket over to Kara he, getting his keys from his desk and slinging the duffle bag over his shoulder
Kara nodded and grabbed the jacket sliding, it on over his clothes.
"Okay let's go. I just hope you know what you're doing by leaving like this." Alex said with a worrysome tone in his voice.
"I am sure I will be fine. Sow let's make like a tree and leave!" Kara said giggling as he headed for the front door of the cabin. Alex followed shortly and met him at the front door.
"Are you sure this is what you want? I won't think any less of you if you don't want to do this and just back out." Alex assured him.
"No. I am not backing out now, I am going there and I thank you for assisting me." Countered Kara.
"Okay, let's go...however take it easy; no running or anything just walk," Pleaded Alex, "Can you at least do that?"
Kara laughed and nodded, opening the door to the house and letting in a cold draft. He shivered lightly and stepped outside into the snow-ridden forest that surrounded the cabin. There was a small path that was big enough for a car to go down and it seemed like it went on forever.
"How far is it to the lodge again?" Asked Kara.
"Just a head mile down this road, then a right. Head another three or so miles and bam, there is the lodge." Alex directed, walking toward the road that lead to the main road.
Kara nodded and began to follow him as he held on to his first aid kit. The two of them headed down the road in a silence, for neither of the two could find a topic to think of. On the way Kara found a small pine cone and kicked it along all the way down to the main street where they were to hang a right onto and follow another few miles. Alex giggled and watched the fox as he moved out of his way to get the little pine cone.
While walking Alex to started thinking about where his life was, he had family, and money. But he lacked friends, companions and most of all a partner. What was truly eating at him was that he was single, nineteen and gay. He had no friends to speak of in person, meaning that he had online buddies, but that was just what they were. However, just as if fate fell and struck his door, maybe a little more literally than he thought, he found himself turning around with himself. He now had a new friend, who was more than a buddy online that he may never actually meet in person, though he wants his new friend to be more than a friend to him.
Through these feelings he wondered if Kara was feeling the same way about him. It was a lot to think that the fox would already be wondering about that, especially since he had just found out he was gay this morning. There was only one way of finding out but he really didn't want to ask because he felt as if the whole thing was going too fast. Now he needed an opinion on the situation and so he walked silently building up courage to ask Kara how he felt.
Likewise to Alex, Kara was pondering the last few days' events. He had just met a wolf, who was gay, and admittedly sexy, whom had saved his life from the perilous cold. He was taking him to the lodge, which the wolf was resisting heavily for some reason. Seemingly then, Alex was still going to go, even though something terrible happened there some odd seasons ago, just for Kara's safety. He kept being kind, sweet, funny, and all around wonderful. Kara was starting to wonder if he himself had found his soul mate.
"Okay Kara let's take a right here." Alex said, interrupting Kara's thoughts and cutting him short of his inner workings
"Awesome, just three more miles to go." The fox cheered before coughing heavily.
"Jeez, say it don't spray it." Laughed Alex.
"Fine then be like that." Kara retorted before going into a coughing fit.
Alex looked at Kara and took a deep breath before muttering, "Hey Kara, I know this may be a bit soon, you know with us just meeting and you just finding out your gay and all, but I was just wondering if perhaps you may have considered being my..."
"Boyfriend?" Kara finished questioningly before coughing again.
"Yeah, I mean if you want more time I can totally understand. If you just want to be friends then that would be just dandy too." He finished as he looked at Kara anxiously.
"Well, I am flattered, and I have been doing some thinking. It is a bit early though and it wouldn't be easy for me to understand what it is like, however I know that that kiss...there was a connection, but based on that I'd have to say..." Kara paused as he stared coughing. However this coughing was rather violent since he found himself on his knees coughing as hard as he could. Though when he opened his eyes to look at the ground he saw blood, his blood. It wasn't seeing the blood that made him feel funny, but it was a feeling in his chest, a sharp pain that kept making his vision go darker and darker until he fell unconscious.
"K-Kara!" Alex yelled out as he got down and held the fox. "Kara answer me! KARA! Oh no, I need help!!"
Alex bent over and slung Kara over his shoulder and started running forward toward the cabin. Unfortunately the small fox had more weight to him than expected, making Alex wonder if he was going to be able to make it a full three miles to the lodge. Not thinking of that he kept running, hoping that something would come by and help.
Just as a side note (So Lars doesn't sue me) THe reference is from Metallica's Song "Nothing Else Matters" and not my own creation. So yeah.... LARS CAN'T SUE ME NOW!
Oh and leave a comment please i love feed back! And hey it's right below this too so you can't forget. :D