Moonblades (Kreet - 44)
eilistraee nodded. "yes. i could have. i'm sorry. i'm not above having a little fun." kreet shot her an angry look. eilistraee may be a goddess, but kreet would never worship her. she had a mean streak.
Sunrise (Kreet 45)
eilistraee's face turned a bit more serious, but the smile was still there. "yes kreet. you have about 6 months to find your home - or make a new one for yourself." "eilistraee! i have no idea how to... do this!
Spellbound (Kreet - 40)
Sigmundurr started, then he saw eilistraee and his eyes went wide. "oh fuck." kallid just stared at the goddess. "sig, kallid, this is eilistraee. she is..." but eilistraee finished for her, "i am glad to meet you both. my name is eilistraee."
Romance (Kreet - 41)
To offer some to eilistraee.
Hellos and Goodbyes (Kreet 79)
"this is eilistraee." "i know who she is!" miss tribi insisted. "she's a..." "goddess," eilistraee finished. "good to know i've not been forgotten totally in the daylight world!" "eilistraee, this is miss tribi.
Eilistraee (Kreet - 39)
eilistraee turned and walked over to the two. kreet noticed that the goddess' hair continued to flow around her as if in complete disregard of gravity, wind or any other earthly power.
Short Engagement (Kreet - 42)
"eilistraee? would you marry us?" the goddess smiled as if she expected the question. kreet figured that she probably did. "right here kallid?" he nodded eagerly, and she looked at kreet. "yes, eilistraee. right here and now.
Kobold of a Different Color - Kreet 75
Pelor was not there, but probably eilistraee was, in the form of the moon. she prayed a short prayer to both pelor and eilistraee. her life - kallid's life too - was about to change in a fundamental and permanent way.
Daylight - (Kreet - 43)
Then eilistraee arrived.
Goldworm (Kreet 90)
Like eilistraee's." she wasn't sure if she should bow or kneel or what. and she had just thrown up in front of her god! worse yet, she now found she had to pee. "not like eilistraee's," she said, bowing her head. "well, hey.
Bishop - Kreet 66
Would eilistraee allow that? who knows. it could even be that she'd predicted it. taking his soul instead of his body to their home would still be fulfilling her promise. you could never be quite sure of the words of a goddess.
Betrayal (Kreet - 38)
Ahead is the stairway of eilistraee." the name rang a bell. some goddess of the drow if she remembered right from her training at the monastery. she couldn't remember anything more though. they rounded the corner and looked up.