Online Regression

He had his phone right in front of him to try to get the right answers, yet nothing seemed to work. he glanced down at his phone, and then did a double take. his phone looked cheaper than before.

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Port Dore - Chapter Five

I replied, handing my phone over to my mom. she nodded and scanned the phone. she suddenly began to dial a number. "what are you doing?" i asked. "calling the police." she answered, putting the phone to her ear. "but we don't know if he _did_anything!"

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Stories From Elton High | Chapter 17

He was changing into his bathing suit when his phone rang. "hello?" the otter held the phone against his shoulder as he pulled his jammer all the way on. "it's me."

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Chapter 2: Warning

"sure," milden said as he unlocked his phone and exchanged numbers with asher, "may as well verify security code while we're at it," asher said as they scanned the qr code and kept their phones.

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Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 02: Lunchtime Accident

Martin's phone suddenly rang, "sorry." "no probs." tom pulled his phone again to hide his embarrassment. he absent-mindedly checked his emails, not really wanting to start a conversation with max in fear of flustering.

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Chapter 8

Bonnie's phone vibrated, diverting his attention to a nearby bookshelf, where he'd left his phone. he walked over and grabbed his phone, accepting the phone call and resting the phone against his ear. "bonnie, here." bonnie said. "hi bonnie!"

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Chapter 7 of: Not Your Average School Year

"alright what's your mothers name kid" said the bear apparently rushing to get back to her non-important phone call.

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Paralyzed with Fear

He dropped the phone out of fear and it hit the floor. the phone propped up at an angle and shed a stream of light on the wall. the words "sleep well."

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Love and War Chapter 1

Mark was laughing on the other end of the phone. josh just played along. god he wished it were a date. "i'll see ya' down there a 3. ok josh?" " yeah sure. see ya' then bud." he put down the phone and let out a heavy sigh.

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Erik Kijani: The New York Trip

"erik...give me de phone." "what?, i got this idiot." "erik! phone!"

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Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 21

Bailey, returning with his phone and a smile on his face. his wife clearly noticed as well. "what put you in such a good mood?" she wondered, watching her husband return chance's phone.

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