Hunting Death- First One
The elf, who must be little more than a grown up child by the way he acts sees the pack and apparently feels the need to comment. "why do you need to have such a large pack with you?" "because i am going on a long trip.
It's Not Easy Being Huge
In my pack?! but it happened and they are holding my pack hostage. they already killed two of them which already made me angry and want to kill them all but i need to keep control.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 19
Hidden in the forest, the pack that ninetales had assembled to bring dark growlithe back as her to mate.
the wolf and the hunter
But i hear the call of the pack - 5. soon i hear the hunter - 6. hiding among the lumber - 7. the hunters come from far away - 8. they smell of smoke and decay - 9. so i run to the pack who are far - 10.
A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:1
It was then the gods told her how displeased they were with the behavior of all the wolf packs.
Eyes of stone : Chapter 1
"c'mon, get packed and ready..." troy sighed, heading upstairs. "i'll be talking to your bro while you pack." "dude, couldn't you just help me pack!?" adam exclaimed. "effort." after adam packed up he went into maxwell's room to tell troy.
An Encounter at the Foot of a Bridge
This is a very good sign in a pack that has lost its healer. this brave warrior stops for nothing, he pauses not for food nor drink.
Eternal Flame Ch.1
Thyl a dragon with a mysterious beginning who was hatched into a pack but no one birthed his egg, it was found on day in the woods by a pack as they were moving to a cave for the winter, the egg was a deep black color and the pack was curious of its origin
Runt - Chapter 3 (final)
Maybe it's part of your spirit pack?" "spirit pack?" runt asked. "it's something one talked about," i explained. "it's... it's the pack the spirits meant for you to have. it might not be the pack you're with right now.
Wolf-Haven: (prologue) The Exile And The Adventurer
There is a total of 27 pack mates in the pack, each with a different look, skill, a different way dealing with things.
Rick and Jasper
#3 of character bios jasper species: werewolf age: 28 orientation: straight home: originally came from a pack a great distance from where he now lives as part of seekers pack with his brother rick.
The Stray Cat, Ch. 12
Instead, he made me explain the fight in detail and show him how the pack gang members attacked me and how i reacted.