Eyes of stone : Chapter 1
#2 of Eyes of stone.
Hey. This is the first real chapter of my story "Eyes of Stone". The prologue was a bit of a quick introduction, and by all means is not needed to understand the characters. Think of the prologue as a teaser...
Anyway, here's the first chapter, I hope you enjoy.
Troy awoke to the buzzing of his alarm. He scratched his body, his forest green scales reflected the morning sun. He looked at Adam... Slept straight through the alarm. He kissed Adam on the forehead, got up, and proceeded to get dressed. Today was saturday, he needed to pack, and then get to Adam's house so they could pick up his stuff before they went camping for the weekend.
He nudged Adam, his fur tickled the palm of his hand.
"Adam, get up, we gotta go."
Adam stretched and yawned. "Oh jeez. My body feels like it's going to collapse."
"That's how you always feel." Troy laughed, then yawning himself. "C'mon, you can help me pack.".
After they packed, they made their way downstairs. Troy's father had already set off for work, so he was safe for embarassment for another day. Adam's mother had offered to pick the boys up whenever Adam rung her.
"Hey, mom... Yeah... Thanks for coming to pick us up mom... Love you too..."
Troy snickered at the comment.
"What? Not allowed to say I love my mom anymore?" Adam sighed.
"Not my fault, I find it kinda funny."
"This has typical you written all over it..."
"I know you won't get mad at me." Troy grinned.
"I won'tget mad... I'll just do this!" Adam grabbed Troy by the hips and held him in the air. Troy held on tightly as he was playfully body slammed onto the sofa. They shared a laugh, and then kissed.
"I remember when this sort of roughhousing was normal for us..." Said Troy.
"That was before we started banging eachother senseless." Adam remarked.
"Don't be so blunt about it... It sounds so-"
"Crude?" Adam interrupted
"Yeah." Said Troy, laid on the sofa below his boyfriend. "What we had before we were a couple was special... I don't want to feel any different now were going out."
Troy and Adam had been long time friends since their first school, they decided to go out after they told each other they were gay.
"What we have now is special, nothing has really changed..." Adam replied.
"It's different. Love is different." Troy said.
There was a small silence before Adam taunted Troy on his statement.
"Faggot." Adam grinned.
"Oh yeah, says the bear who wants my ass!" Troy remarked.
"You're in for it now!" Adam challenged Troy, lifting him off the couch. Their laughing was interrupted by a knock at the door. Adam carried Troy toward the door, and opened it.
"Who is it?" Troy asked.
"Hi, mom." Adam said.
"Hello son... and Troy." Said Mrs.King
"Hey Mrs.K" Troy replied.
"Come on, get in the car."
Adam put Troy down, and Troy went and got his stuff for the camping trip. When the walked ot the car, they held hands all the way. The journey to Adam's house didn't take long, and they were in the house within minutes.
" Bro! Maxi!" Adam shouted.
" What!?" Screamed Maxwell, Adam's younger brother.
" Come down, give your bro a hug!"
" I'd rather jump into traffic, thanks"
"Sounds nice..." Troy remarked.
"He's more than likely just pissed." Adam replied.
"I accidentally broke his PC, he basically lives off the damn internet..."
"Doesn't take after you then. You never sit still."
"It's a good quality, and you know it." Adam flexed.
"C'mon, get packed and ready..." Troy sighed, heading upstairs. "I'll be talking to your bro while you pack."
"Dude, couldn't you just help me pack!?" Adam exclaimed.
After Adam packed up he went into Maxwell's room to tell troy.
"-and guys like that?"
"All guys." Troy said.
"I'm not sure whether I wanted to know that..." said Maxwell, who then took another bite out of his sandwich.
"What were you talking about?" Adam asked.
"Oh Adam! Your bro is so cool." Troy exclaimed.
"You think that? Thanks." Max said, itching a pierced ear.
"You're such a rocker."
"Don't promote his lifestyle... He should be a jock, like me." Adam flexed.
"Bro, you're barely a jock... You used to sit here twen'y-four seven, and play battle zombies with me on the ol' console."
"He got you Adam, he got you."
Adam growled. "C'mon, lets get outta here. Someone hasn't obviously let go of his grudge yet..."
"See ya, Beats" Troy called back, waving. Maxwell waved back. They stopped outside Maxwell's bedroom door.
"Beats?" Adam said looking confused.
"His nickname."
"It's cause he's a rhythm game god."
"I never knew... Tell me, what brother doesn't know his brother's nickname?" Adam asked rhetorically.
"Don't sweat it. I think you're a great brother... He said good stuff about you. Y'know, he told me you're a pretty good cook."
"Yeah... That, and that you're also really good at getting him out of trouble."
Adam was silent. He had a smile on his face.
"He's right. I said that." Maxwell said, opening his bedroom door.
"How long you been listening?" Adam asked.
"Long enough to know that you're feeling pretty guilty about not being a good enough bro."
"For the record. I'd not have you any other way. You broke my PC, and you're clumsy, but I still love ya." Maxwell said, wrapping an arm around Adam. "If you ever doubt you're a good bro. I'm gonna hunt you down, and I'm gonna beat you down so fast you'll see stars."
"Sounds brotherly." Adam said, giving Maxwell a nuggie. "I'd beat you any day, anyway."
"A black belt in two different martial art forms says otherwise." Maxwell said, escaping from the headlock.
"Enlighten me." Adam taunted. Maxwell punched him in the balls. Troy laughed.
"That was epic!" Troy said, high-fiving Maxwell.
"Ughh.... Lets...*cough*...go" Adam said, doubled over.
After a small break to let Adam regain his senses, they made their way for the car. Adam's mom was dropping them off at the nearby lake where they were going to camp. They slung their suitcases into the boot, and got in. The trip would be long, but it would be worth the silent weekend.