Chapter Twenty One -- Sakura, Sakura, Hanazakari and Epilogue

But the king had never stopped loving the lady aiko, and seeing her again made him envious of his younger brother. the king thought if only he could make her forget his brother, he could make the lady love him instead."

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Stralia - Books in the Dark

"not quite, lady" while 'lady was considered to by most humanity to be a veiled insult, erildisan's considered lady a praise to those older than themselves. "just some... personal research.

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Episode 1: Runaway Lion

[he takes a pregnant lady] this lady is gonna have a baby. [sora hides behind the pregnant lady, and giggles and jumps] **sora** : phew! **vanitas** : good work in there. yeah. [vanitas and his unversed spot him] there he is. get him!

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Twenty Two

_ he swerved around a corner, nearly creaming an old lady. i chuckled. for a guy who never laughed, ethan could be funny when he wanted to. _"slow down, backfire!"_ yelled lady magnificent. _"you're going to kill somebody!"

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Ragnarok - XIV

The lady helped the child onto a seat from which her feet dangled, "king roam knows not that we are here yet. we have words to say to you three that are not for him to hear.

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How should I know? Chapter 13: This is how it goes?

What's going on...oh head lady, it was awful." she began to whimper. i pulled her closer for a hug, and then i released her.

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A night with a reaper

It was a young lady, unlike the others, he was going to give her a choice, and unlike the others, he would tell her what would happen. he had turnned to a diffrent from.

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A chance metting

"you have the count to five to apologive to the lovely lady for saying suching things about her before i turn your fucking ass in to dust" desmond demanded and threatened of him.

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The Horselords

Laying waste to all around her, lady fallow sought to find a way to reunite with her apprentice - who for reasons unknown, turned on her.

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How should I know? Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?

"yes, i am my lady!" she said as a responds. "please don't call me that, it makes me feel weird, and like i'm taking advantage of you." "lady krystal you have no idea how much you inspire me to do better.

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