How should I know? Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?

Story by Pod155 on SoFurry

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#11 of How should I know

Author's Chapter Notes:

Our Heroine awakens...

How should I know

Chapter 11: Where do we go from here?


Before Ferali went to town.

"You bastard!" I yelled as I awaken from my unwanted slumber.

My eyes squinted from the bright sun that beamed down on my face. 'I wonder how long I was out for and for that matter where's Sasha and Ferali?' I thought to myself as I jumped to my feet.

Looking at my surroundings for the man posing as Dr. Shine wasn't around nor is he hiding in a nearby location. Well I'm not going to get any answers from just sitting here. For all I know they could be in trouble or something.

Shaking the thought from my head I sprang into the woods running at full speed with sound of wind passing through my ears. When the first group of trees appeared I spun around them nimbly as I had to use my right foot to catch myself and bounce off a few of them. The trees weren't that big of an obstacle, just the loud noise that the wind was making, but I didn't care about that. The only thing that mattered to me was seeing my friends safe and sound.

'Lake of Rage.' I thought of what the voice said to me.

Why would Dr. Shine want me to go there and if that was him why was he so pissed at me? Before he died he was like a father I always wanted and one of the few people that actually wanted to get to know me. Not only that he knew I loved his son, so there should be no reason for him to insult me the way he did. Also what did he mean by side project? My parents funded him to find a cure for my illness, and the way I am was just side effects.

Dammit this is just what I need, but now isn't the time to be worrying about that, I need to find the others. I continued to run faster as the thought of what could be happening to my friends now crossed my mind. What if that deranged psycho found and hurt them...even I couldn't do anything to hear him let alone stop him.

When I got closer to the camp site there was no one which caused me to worry even more.

"Damn I was gone for too long." I said as I landed in the center of the site.

I look to my tent and rushed over to it, when I looked inside I saw a ball of dark fur sticking out of the covers I used last night. I reached around an object anything that was long and hard to poke whatever think is going to have a free resting place.

I pulled my head out of the tent and found a long stick. Quickly and quietly I stuck the stick inside the tent and jabbed at the creature inside blindly. When I pulled back on the stick I felt a light tug in resistance. I yanked harder to retrieve the stick, but the creature inside must be pulling with the same effort that I was pulling. I gave it one final pull and out came the stick along with the creature right on top of me.

"Ouch that hurt, please don't hurt me." Said a very timid voice.

"Ugh I'm going to be feeling that later." I said sitting up on my left elbow rubbing my lower back with my right hand. "Wait who said that?"

I looked down to my feet to see that the creature was Sasha. I'm glad to see her; I'm in no mood to be fighting anything else. Speaking of fighting where's that monster of a partner of mine? Hopefully Sasha knows where he went, though the language barrier isn't going to help right now. "Sasha have you seen Ferali?" I stood up with my right hand still on my back.

She looked at me and nodded 'Yes.'

"Great, is he ok can you take me to him?" I asked her now relieved.

She began to shake nervously then look to the ground, "I wish could tell her."

"What th-...what did you just say?" I asked in disbelief.

"Wait you understood me?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure how though, this is really creepy...but anyway what happened to Ferali?"

"Krystal, Ferali is gone..." She said very disappointed.

"What do you mean 'gone' please don't tell me he got killed by something..." I said sarcastically.

"No, what I mean is that he left us." She said as quietly as she could not wanting to upset me. "I tried to stop him, but I'm still recovering..."

I took a deep breath and placed my left hand on my forehead. I turned away from Sasha then closed my eyes; I then let my hand run down into my face as my eyes shot open. "So did he do anything to hurt you?"

"No, even though I shot a thunderbolt at him, he just turned away and walked away from me calmly. He said 'Thank you' before he disappeared across the river." I could tell she began to reflect deeply on what happened to her. "After that I barely had enough strength to crawl back to the camp, where I must have passed out inside the tent."

Shit this is exactly what I need first my parents, then that psycho, now Ferali. How so many bad things could happen in one day I'll never know, but Ferali shouldn't have a reason for leaving. Not like this anyway not without telling me or something. Ugh this is way too much, it seems the more I want to find Max the more something keeps pushing him away.

"Umm...Krystal?" Sasha said breaking my train of thought.


"Are you ok, you were gone for a really long time?" She asked as she lowered herself to the ground to lie down.

"How long was gone for?"

"If my timing isn't wrong it was like two hours."

"Two hours! Damn so that means he's long gone..." I said now sighing to myself. "Wait is there any way you can track his scent, like we did the first time you guys fought?"

"Unfortunately I can't, because he was crossing a river it would wash his scent away."

"Give me a break, you're kidding me right?" I asked now annoyed.

"But I did hear him say something before all of that happened." She said as she began to lower her head in submission.

"Which was?" I said turning to face her.

"He was talking to himself saying something about The Lake of Rage."

"Lake of Rage!" I repeated loudly.

What the hell is going on did that guy talk to Ferali while I wasn't looking or something. If not why would Ferali want to go there; this is becoming more and more troublesome.

"So, Krystal what happened to you?" She asked shaking.

I notice that she was becoming scared of me; she was beginning to shake a hole in the ground. I began to step to her only to see her shying away from me. I couldn't have another Pokémon scared of me not when she had opened up to me so much.

When I stood over her, fell to my knees to where her mid-section was. I leaned down further and gave her a hug to comfort her. Her body began to tense up as I buried my face into her torso, after about a minute of hugging her body began to relax.

"Don't worry if anything it's my fault for not being there." I said almost forgetting to answer her question. "You see on my end things didn't go so well either."

"What do you mean what happened?" She asked looking back to me.

"Well you see I'm not entirely sure myself, but I think I was attacked by the dead."

When I said that a large question mark appeared over her head like 'Wtf.'

"Yeah I know what you mean; I thought the same thing when I heard the voice myself. The person was really fast and was able to get behind me and hitting me from behind and knocked me unconscious." I said disappointed in myself.

"No way no one can beat you..."

"Believe it or not I'm not invincible." I said shrugging. I then looked to her and smiled placing a finger on my lip. "Well at the end of the deal, just before I went unconscious he told me to go to The Lake of Rage."

She stared at me in awe wondering if such a thing was possible, but believe it or not I am human. I wanted to do more for her, but we were wasting too much time on comfort. We need to go find the other member to our party and I will personally beat the crap out of him for leaving without saying goodbye to me!

I stood up with my eyes closed then opened them to look at the path we must take, and without Ferali it was going to be a hard one.

"Sasha, you ready?" I asked her.

"Yes, I am my lady!" She said as a responds.

"Please don't call me that, it makes me feel weird, and like I'm taking advantage of you."

"Lady Krystal you have no idea how much you inspire me to do better. With the training and our conversation makes me feel that you're more than a friend to me. You're my leader and I'll follow you to the end!" Sasha said with a new resolve in her eyes.

"Heh okay sure whatever, you don't have to call me that, but if you want to that's fine. Now let's go!" I said in a commanding way.

"Yes mam!" Sasha responded and shot off in the Direction that Ferali went.

"Sasha wait!" I yelled to her to stop her.

"Huh what's wrong?"

"We need to take down the camp." I said as I pointed to the tent.


About ten minutes passed by the time we were able to finish completely taking down the camp. Once we were done we looked to each other and nodded. Taking off in direction to where Ferali make be, led by Sasha.

After about twenty minutes of running we came across the river where Ferali was last seen. The sun was starting to set and the thought of what the hell is going on kept passing through my head. This was all going to drive me insane, so at this moment I decided I'm going to cast all of these thoughts out of my head and focus on the mission.

"So can you get a catch a smell of his scent?" I asked Sasha.

"Not anymore, but even if I were to since he crossed the river I wouldn't be able to pick up his scent on the other side." She said as she continued to sniff around. "Wait I smell something."

"What is it?"

"I smell the scent of a large group of Pokémon that much have recently passed through here and could still be close by." She said as she continued to sniff around.

"Let's hurry and cross the river before we attract some unwanted attention."

"Head Lady Krystal I think we maybe a little too late for that." She said as she sighed tilting her head in the direction of the approaching creatures.

I turned around and dropped into a fighting stance, waiting for anything to try and leap out at us. I tilted my head to Sasha telling her, "Hey lets fend the first wave off then I'll recall you into your ball and get us across the river quickly."

"Sounds like a solid plan Head Lady."

"Remind me to ask you why you've added 'head' into the title." I said with a giggle.

The First of the Pokémon stepped from behind a nearby tree it was one I haven't seen before. It was that of a large beetle its body was blue with a long horn in the center of its head. It must have been roughly five feet tall; it also had two antennas hanging on the side of its horn.

"Damn it's a Heracross, be careful Head Lady these are really strong and quite fast, but nothing we can't handle."

I nodded to her and waited for it to make its move; it did nothing but sat there watching us with a blank stare. I wasn't going to move until I knew what its intent was; and going on the run without leaving my mark just wasn't my style. If anything I was going beat the crap out of it then make my leave across the river.

"Head Lady, let's make our way across the river now."

"Why, what's wrong we can take it can't we?"

"Yeah, but it seems that it's calling on reinforcements and I don't think we need to stick around for that."

"Okay but I need to do something first." I said smiling to her.

"Sure thing but make it quick please."

"Of course I will." I said as I dashed toward the Heracross at full speed. It stumbled backwards from my sudden approach. I reached into my backpack and pulled out Sasha's Pokéball; sticking my hand behind me I recalled her back into it. In the same motion I shrunk her ball down to a small size and balled my fist up.

The Heracross lowered its horn to intercept me; I used my balled fist to hammer its horn into the ground. Once it fell to the ground I used the momentum of the blow to do a summersault on to its back, it began to shake wildly trying to throw me off. I stuffed Sasha's ball inside the side pouch in my backpack with my right hand, while I held onto it with my left.

Now with my right hand free I immediately punched it in the back of the head. This caused the Heracross to expand its wings and flap them powerfully.

"Over the River and make it quick you weak bastard!" I said pointing over towards the river. It still was thrashing about, but another slap to the head straightened it out. It began to ascend into the air; I could hear the bushes behind me rustling.

"Crap that must be the cavalry, move it you stupid bug!" I yelled as we now began to cross over into the river. Once we reached the halfway point I turned around to see what all was following me. There was about ten other Pokémon standing right where the Heracross was just at. I shook my head at them and looked on the other side of the river; the Heracross began to shake wildly as if it were in pain. I took a look behind me to see a Beedrill stabbing it in the back of the leg.

I lifted my right foot and kicked the Beedrill in the face, sending it spiraling towards the water below. I then decided that the bug was becoming a burden, as it started flying lower and lower towards the river. I then placed my left foot on top of its head, which made its head tilt forward. I then pressed down and made the bug's body half way submerge, and then I used my right foot to stand on its horn. I used the unfortunate creature as a stepping stone, as I kicked off with all my might.

I was sent flying into the air with enough force to land me on the ground on the other side. Before I landed on the other side a couple of people ran front of my landing path.

"Out of way you morons!" I yelled to the top of my lung.

"What the-"

I landed squarely on the top of them.

"Ugh what the hell happened?" The man asked as we all lay on the ground.

I was the first to stand up; I rubbed my back from the pain that now ran through. The woman was the next one on her feet with her left hand on top of her head. The man just laid on the ground with his arms out, eyes spinning around in confusion.

"What was that for?" The woman asked me with a mean expression on her face.

"I told you, get out of the way. It's your own fault for not moving." I said removing my hands from my back and folding them. Tilting my head back to show that I didn't care what happened, I added my frown to insult the woman further.

"What kind of shit is that you little bitch and how dare you look down at us after you fell on us."

"Look here I'm in a bad mood, you best step off while you have a chance." I said now smiling.

"Why you little!" The women yelled as she reached into her back pocket pulling out a Pokéball. "I challenge you to a battle loser pays dearly!"

Looking back across the river to see if any Pokémon were following us there were none, guess they must have retreated or something.

"I accept you challenge and your terms!" I said back to her as I dug into my backpack pulling out Sasha's Pokéball, and expanding it.

She expanded hers as well and lightly tossed it into the air the ball exploded in light revealing the Pokémon inside that was a Nidoqueen. I tossed Sasha's ball into the air the same effects took place; she looked around then jump back after seeing the large creature.

"I'm going to take a wild guess and say I have to fight this behemoth?" Sasha said insulting her opponent.

"I think I'm starting to rub off on you hehe, and I like it! We're going to finish this in one blow." I said with a giggle.

The Nidoqueen let out a loud roar as it took a fighting stance; Sasha also crouched down getting ready for anything it could throw at her.

"Well aren't we the cocky one, you have no idea what you're in for." The women said with a smug smile.

"Nidoqueen poison sting!"

"Sasha dodge it, and counter with a slash attack!" I ordered to her wanting to involve myself as much as I could while Ferali wasn't with us.

Sasha jumped into the air to avoid the onslaught of purple needles spraying all over the place. She leans in forward to carry her weight toward her foe to so she could make her slash attack.

"Catch it by the horn and slam it into the ground, Nidoqueen!" The women yelled.

The Pokémon nodded, as it reached forward and grabbed Sasha by the horn and whirled her around before slamming her into the ground making it twice as effective.

"Now Body Slam that loser!" She yelled as her Pokémon now jumped into the air.

Sasha quickly looked up to see what her opponent was about to do, when caught a full sight of what was about to happen she quickly jumped out of the way. The Nidoqueen landed flat on her face into the dirt.

"Sasha Psycho Cut full power!" I yelled.

The horn on the side of her face began to glow, she screamed to the top of her voice as she waved her head from left to right. Firing off large purple energy blades, though most missed one did manage to zip pass its leg and hit its standing stiff tail severing it. The creature roared loudly as its tail landed right in front of it, but was in too much pain to actually stand.

"Ouch now that looks painful." I said holding the back of my right hand up to my face. "Now we can stop if you admit defeat or we can continue, but I can tell you now that your Pokémon doesn't look like it can take anymore."

"Dammit you crazy bitch, look what you did to my Pokémon! Ugh...I surrender to you now but I tell you now I won't forget this. Paul get your ass up and pay this girl so we can leave."

" babe you lost this one too? Now we have to take both our Pokémon to the Center, looks like no sleeping tonight." He said disappointed.

"I don't care about your losing streak pay me now." I said holding my hand out with my eyes closed.

He walked over to me and handed me a small sum of money, I looked at him and took a deep sigh.

"What? Times are hard now days, and if ya ask me that's a lot." He said proudly.

"This is only five hundred Poke dollars, make it a thousand, then you can go." I said withdrawing my hand from him.

"Whatever little girl, how about this..." He curled the money into his hands and gave me the bird.

In the blink of an eye I grabbed his finger and began to twist it, the larger man fell to his knees on my level of height. Now squealing in pain his girlfriend began to approach us with her hand out reaching for him.

"Not another step closer or I'll break his finger, then his neck.

"Ok ok, sweetheart just pay the little freak so we can get out of here, ever since we ran into that Feraligatr nothing but trouble keeps finding us." She said defeated.

"Feraligatr..." I looked towards Sasha, as she looked towards me and nodded. "Have you two seen a Feraligatr around here?"

"Maybe we have, maybe we haven't..."

"Care to wager a finger on that?" I responded. "Ugh...fine I don't have time to deal with you losers, keep your money. Now I want info on that Pokémon and you are going to tell me." I said as I bend the man's finger more.

"Yeah yeah we saw one he beat up my Nidoking pretty good and took off to the town not far from here...ugh." The man grunted as he tried to grab my wrist only to have his hand lifted even more.

"What's the name of the town?!" I yelled now becoming very annoyed.

"Ecruteak City it's not far from here just keep heading north and you'll find it, now for his sake please let him go." The woman yelled as a tear rolled down her face.

I let him go and turned away from them; I waved Sasha over then lean down to her, "What their saying true?"

"I'm not sure, but most likely that's where he went. I don't see Ferali wanting to sleep outside."

I turned back to see the couple on the ground tending to the man's finger. I shook my head then begun to run north, with Sasha right behind me.

I looked up into the sky and it was now turning dark I didn't want to stay up, to long with Sasha. She may be determined, but she still has her limits as I have mine. I was starting to become tired myself we're not too far from the city we can rest up for the night and pick back up in the morning. That idiot most likely is going to sleep the morning away so we have plenty of time to catch him tomorrow.

"Hey Sasha hold on a sec." I said to her as I began to slide to a halt.

"Yes Head Lady what is it?"

"Let's call it a night and pick back up on tomorrow." I said placing my hands on my hips. I look towards the path laid out for us that we'll be traveling tomorrow.

"Are you sure Head Lady, we're pretty close to the city right now."

"Yeah I am because I know that city is going to be loud and I don't feel like going through a night of that. Besides you know Ferali and the way he likes to sleep we'll catch and beat the stuffing out of him when we wake up." I said smiling to her.

"Yes mam! But..." she looked down to the floor.


"He looked really sad before he left so not too rough on him please."

"Hehe no problem." I said rubbing the top of her head. This feeling someone needing and relying on you is better than all the money in the world, to me that is...I know where I need to go and that's to Ferali side.

Chapter End Notes:

Another week another post! I'm on a roll! thank you for reading and I'll see you next week. ~Pod155 outta here!