The Lord Tiranis, An Origin, Part 2 (1st half) (an excerpt)
He's forbidden me from going out with the scouts. when i asked why he blew up, told me not to question him when he gave me orders or he's going to have me dismantled. like he thinks i'm just some sort of machine he can throw away.
Taming the Werewolf - 8
She was denied that dark, forbidden pleasure by the machine her mate - lover, no, he was her _mate_ - had forced her to suffer, just for the sake of keeping up appearances. wasn't that all it was? keeping up human appearances?
Kiah+Tacoma: The Encounter
It was strictly forbidden in my church, to be gay or even have homosexual thoughts. a darker grey fur wrapped around his arms and his sides, but he had a crest of white above his pecs.
Things to know about Portumel
Origin: named after the fortune teller who traveled the world and learned the forbidden spells of the fallen to fight off the legendary being of death itself and prevent the genocide of his people. thuus:thursday. color:purple.
For Love of Perfection
His family have forbidden him to come here, but they have not forbidden you to go there. go then, find him, and be with him among the dragons, if that is what it will take to lift your sorrow."
The Depth of a Lagoon
It wasn't forbidden to go up, but it wasn't socially accepted in the ravine either. slowly he became more and more an outcast because of his lack of fighting skills and because he would much rather explore the world than train all day.
Prey for me [Ares part 1]
The first thing i though about was that it might have been my fault: you might have grown up with this beast or had some kind of relationship with it, even though you are forbidden from doing such things without my permission."
Tales of the Thief King 4: A Minor Setback
forbidden romances between tribes and the like.
Character Sketch: Takenoko
Nor did she have the obvious assets that mercedes had, but she could change- no, that was forbidden. still.... mercedes waved her hand in dismissal. "whatever. you wanna make it a challenge? i could use some action tonight..."
Fire: Lost and found
That night, however, they had exchanged a forbidden, but incredibly passionate kiss. the pokemon ran away in her shame, thinking how wrong she had been to give him such a kiss. she fled, scared to be refused because she was a pokemon.
Chapter 1
Then, using a very powerful and massive amount of dark magic that has been forbidden for a few hundred years now, they open a wormhole between the worlds.
a Werewolfs love - chapter 2
Another was the werewolf council had forbidden any werewolf to change his form in the day unless he had no choice. the reason for this was so that no one could see us.