Prey for me [Ares part 1]

Story by Imber on SoFurry

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#3 of Wolves

This is what happens to Ares and what his reaction to the situation.



His back was bare and his paws were scratched. The blood poured from his claws, but it wasn't his own. Not all at least.

"I'm sorry." His voice cracking with every word. "You made me do this." He let out a small growl and turned his face away from the scene in front of him. Licking blood from his sore lip he felt his rage rise once more. The dark shadow of despair fell over his handsome face. "You brought this on yourself." He stared into the dead eyes on his own destiny. His bloodstained hand went to his mouth, feeling sich he fell to his knees. "I... Had to." His head fell to the cold grass underneed them. The fog drew closer around them. No, he was all alone. She was dead, and he had taken her life. He had taken many lives, but this one was special. This one he couldn't turn around and leave, for he would never be happy again. The fog devoured her body, smoothly and with such innocence that he had to let her go no matter how hard it was. As she faded his leg began to hurt with a burning pain. He felt his body float away from hers as he opened his eyes and saw the familiar furry face of Fern in front of him. "You were screaming." Fern said irritated. He knew nothing of compassion and care. The only thing he knew was how to gamble and get into trouble. He only got in trouble when he gambled though. "Sorry, I had a bad dream." Ares replied tirely and looked down on his injured leg. It had bled through the bandages. "Yeah I noticed." He said ironically. Fern took hold of the brush that laid on his bed, which was beside Ares's, and turned around to brush his already purfectly settled purple mane. Ares pushed himself up, his body heavy from bloodloss. He hated being in his human form when another wolf was around him. It made him feel weak and disposable. There was nothing more unsettling than feeling that you could die withouth no one ever noticing. He had worked so hard to get to the boss, to get his attention, to be noticed for his skills. He smiled thinking that even if the boss didn't care about him there was one person out there that did. And he knew in his heart that he hadn't killed her. "Oh yeah, the boss want's to see you about the mess you made yesterday. And mind you, he wasn't in mood for your failure." Ares felt his heart get stuch in his throat and his stomach fall. "When did he summon me?" He began dressing. His clothes too big for him as he had transformed back to human. Fern looked down at his brand new watch, it was the first wristwatch in this part of the country. He was quite fond of it. "About five hours ago." He said with a wild smirk. "Why didn't anyone wake me up? Why didn't _you _wake me!?" Ares growled in anger and desperation, he wanted to bury his head in the bed and wait until he was fully healed, but it seemed like there was no time for healing. "I... well I don't know to be honest. I just kind of wanted you dead so I was hoping you would just sleep forever. You should be happy that you're still alive, moron, I wanted to choke you while you slept. Anyways, I need to get going. Since _you _couldn't do the job it seems like I need to finish it for you." Fern smile was friendly even though his tongue and mind was toxic. Ares could never understand that guy.

"Yeah whatever, good luck trying to get her, she's tougher than she looks. If you can't take me down you most certainly can't take her." Ferns smile faded. "The boss is firing you." He said in a serious low voice, making the atmosphere almost like the heavy fog in Areses dream. He shivered but pulled himself together. "Whatever you say, Fern." He smiled as he went out the door, just to make Fern loose his temper. While Ares ran down the hallway he could hear the wolf roar and throw something into the wall. He couldn't do anything but smile, that was the kind of relationship he had with Fern: they both loved to piss off each other. Still Ares couldn't lower his pulse, his stomach was growling and his mind was dulled from all the pain in his body. "She got me good." He said out loud as he had to stop to get his breath back, and smiled because he knew that if Fern went after her she would mercilessly kill him. He smiled because he somehow knew that she would be safe even if he didn't save her. Down the stairs, into a new hallway and pass the guards. The boss sat by the fire in the big room smoking a long pipe. His other hand was occupied with some documents, and as he smelled Ares nearby he threw the documents in the fire. "I'm so sorry sir, I passed out and..." The boss turned his attention to the injured youth, piercing him with his pale eyes. He didn't look angry or mad, to be more precise: he showed no signs of emotions whatsoever. The boss sat in his bright red chair like a ghost from the past. Even the flames had trouble reflecting on him. "Sit." He said with a strong voice. Even if his body was old and humble, you could tell that he had been a great leader and fighter in his younger days. His voice didn't suite his looks anymore. But the power he held as a person was so enormous that no one dared do anything to anger him. Ares lowered his injured body into the other chair in front of the fire. The heat made his wounds burn even more, but he didn't show any signs of it. "You almost died." The boss said looking into the fire. He always talked with few, but strong, words. "Am I getting fired?" The pale wolf smiled knowing Fern was setting it up for Ares again, but Ares didn't know how to respond to the smile so he just watched the old man. "Why didn't you finish the job?" The boss looked into the fire and watched as the documents burned to ashes. "I... Well she was... Strong." Ares voice shivered from exhaustion and fear. He shouldn't have ran all the way. He tightened his fists, pinching the inside of his thumb to make his face emotionless. "I never expected you to become so weak. And I wonder why... why weren't you able to kill her? The first thing I though about was that it might have been my fault: you might have grown up with this beast or had some kind of relationship with it, even though you are forbidden from doing such things without my permission." He held the pipe tight between his lips, getting all the smoke into his longue. Ares gazed into the fire with fear, he knew the boss was unto something and he knew this could actually be the end of him. He bit his tongue and thought of an escape route from this room. "I didn't know her and don't have any relationship with her. I tried to do my job, but she was too strong for me to handle. I followed her into her flat and tried to take her down as fast as I could, but she seemed prepared and well equipped, while I had nothing on me. You told me it was going to be an easy task: get in and kill her. But it wasn't that easy. I almost died, for crying out loud! She is a beast!" Turning his attention to Ares, the boss lowered his pipe and studied the injured body of his most loyal pupil. "It's allright, my boy, no need to fire yourself up. You're in no condition to transform, so lower your body temperature and listen to me. You failed to kill her, but that's all right. I've already send another wolf to do your job, and if he doesn't do it then I'll just send another one. You are too precious to me, you have skills that few have and that's important to me. I'll give you another chance, here." The pale old man gave Ares a briefcase he was hiding under the chair. "You'll need to prove that you're worthy of being a Fang, so do your job properly this time. And if you fail this time... I don't need to say it do I? You know what happens to losers here." Ares took the briefcase and got dismissed. His body felt heavy as he walked back to his room. Fern was nowhere to be seen so he used the opportunity to write a short letter to his destiny. He warned her about Fern and the Fangs that were going to come after her, and he asked her to flee the country, and then he signed with his own name (hoping that she remembered him). He cut his finger, leaving a drop of blood in the letter to prove his identity and sealed it with wax. After telling one of his most trusted runners where to leave it he fell down on the bed, letting the briefcase fall to the floor beside the bed. He still had four days left to finish the new quest and there was no need to rush it. He slept for the rest of the day.