Five Fingers on a Dusty Window
He mumbles explicits under his breath and struggles to start the engine. the starter screeches, grinds and growls but the volvo remains passive.
Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Twenty Eight
Unless they're not only clearly interested, but have given explicit invitations. in which case, wear them out!" he cackled a moment, then snapped his jaws shut. "unless it's a honeypot trap. and then...well you get the idea, hmm?" "uh...right."
Springtide of the Black Rose: Chapter 5: It's Time
You dare sleep with me without my explicit consent, you'll be left alone for the rest of your life while enjoy mine with my inamorata and her lover.
Federal Bureau of Mystical Creatures
If you make another thrall while under probation without the explicit permission and direction of the council, you'll probably be executed."
Revolution | Chapter XXIII: Clarity and Theory
_jupiter_ "i explicitly told you not to add sugar, you useless misfit!" jupiter scolded, slapping one of the many servants across the face, sending him onto his knees sobbing.
When It Hurts The Most
But as she scanned him while he sat near the edge and stared back, julie saw nothing but explicitly vivid clips fill her head from hours ago. she saw him thrusting into angie and could hear heart-wrenching moans and his alongside as they built to orgasm.
A Reading From the Gospel According to the Wolf
And the next thing you know you've recontextulized the aesthetics, iconography, modus operandi, cultural niche, and phraseology of the religious hegemony that once oppressed you in service of an explicitly pagan devotional story.
Children of the Night
Depending on what the response to this is like i may consider writing an adult version of this story with an explicit mating scene (though it's been many years since i last attempted to write smut) and/or re-posting some of my older fanworks here.
Rexville 38: The Beach House
Nonetheless, he was glad he didn't make an explicit video, just teases. hunter continued, "_but anyway, say goodbye to those stilled half-naked wolfmen in that magazine and have this video instead.
Forgotten Friendship part 3
The barrier i had placed over the entrance to my den was broken--the one i placed explicitly so i could be left alone. it seemed someone was more persistent and wouldn't take no for an answer.
Mega Garoozis
Entwined explicitely with the pseudo energy these 'mages' control, but you are not a copy of the truth. you are the truth. still, you are weak. that changes today."
Phantom Chronicles Chapter 9
She had explicitly told them to head straight to boss but no they had to run off to who knows where and boss had to send someone to find them! how embarrassing!