When It Hurts The Most
#27 of Midnight
A female teen with a few months remaining of high school falls into an intimate relationship with an umbreon on the school's grounds. She has to juggle this and high school itself, all while finding herself as a person. Playing it safe is key.
Existing; complete stories: 'A Night She Couldn't Resist.' (Male midnight lycanroc x fem trainer.) 'Cassidy's Journey.' (Male braixen x fem trainer.) 'All They Knew.' (Male alolan ninetales x fem trainer.)'Only Crystal.'(Male human x fem espeon.)
All NSFW scenes: Chapter 4: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 7: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 13: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 22: Julie & Midnight.F human x M umbreon. Chapter 26: Angie & Calda & Midnight.F human x F flareon x M umbreon.
~ Non-canon:
Chapter _: Midnight & Calda.M umbreon x F flareon.Part 1.
Chapters 1-14. Part 2.
~ Timeline of all stories and upcoming projects are available in my profile.
Julie was on top of her blanket later that night, stripped of all clothing she wore to Angie's room and in a new tee and panties while Midnight was on the floor. He hadn't joined her, and she hadn't asked him to.
She held her aching stomach she heard groan in discomfort and stared at the dark ceiling painted with a dull yellow glow. Her throat was dry, and her eyes were bloodshot, tender, and sore to the touch. Julie had been crying for the past two hours from everything that transpired and had stress-eaten four white Grands brownies from the carton she had bought, along with two bags of fried chips, sugar cookies, and other snacks she'd bought or that had been on her desk. Everything was beside her on the bed. She never had an appetite. She'd just stuffed her face with anything she could.
Life hadn't been good to her recently-- or maybe she hadn't been good recently, going to a party and having public sex on campus. Julie wasn't being the woman her mother raised her to be, nor was this who she wanted to be. She wished to be unyielding to peer pressure and temptation more than ever, but she was weak in every sense. She knew she was, which meant an increasingly rocky and dismaying existence lay ahead. Julie was lucky no one cared about her at Ecruteak, or else she may have tried drugs or something with enough pressing.
She was physically and mentally incapable of handling herself in tense or perilous situations, and that showed when people like Justin and Angie pushed themselves onto her. It was as if she became a helpless child, which meant anyone could take advantage of her as long as she stayed this way, but how on earth could she fix or outright change who she was? The most Julie could do was stay away, which she had always done. She couldn't turn to Alyssa for help or comfort the way she used to, but it was a good change for Julie to live without anyone holding her hand. Unfortunately, she was learning the hard way, and it had been brutal.
Angie had deleted the video before Julie left, removing it from her trash, but Julie hated her guts. Angie destroyed their friendship and what it could have been, and Julie hated that too. She was starting to feel like she wouldn't have anyone but Alyssa in life that she could trust. Maybe Julie was choosing the wrong people, but Angie seemed like a good person and the perfect friend all around at first. How could she have known something so wicked hid underneath?
Julie had no idea how she was supposed to even begin to get through this while that ekans got off free. Midnight and herself being separate wouldn't help. Julie couldn't let Angie's horrendous actions dictate or sever their relationship. "Midnight..." she called, hoarse. She didn't move but felt him hop up with his eyes on her, and she turned onto her side to look at him.
But as she scanned him while he sat near the edge and stared back, Julie saw nothing but explicitly vivid clips fill her head from hours ago. She saw him thrusting into Angie and could hear heart-wrenching moans and his alongside as they built to orgasm. It tightened her chest to the point that it pained her to no end, and a subtle whimper erupted from her throat while tears started forming in her eyes. In a deluded, emotional reality, Julie was almost disgusted by the sight of him standing before her. "Midnight, whyy did you knot her?..."
He widened his eyes, stiff. Had he hurt her that much by doing so? It very much seemed like it, and even if he could speak, Midnight would have no answer. He didn't have to do that, and maybe he shouldn't have, but it was a heat-of-the-moment action and a natural step in mating done out of lust and instinct. He knew Julie may have needed time, so he'd kept his distance until she called him, but he wasn't aware that she was so upset with him.
"Why?... You did not have to do that... ugh," she pouted and whimpered, turning onto her other side and looking at the wall while the tears streamed down her cheeks and dampened the blanket as they dripped from her chin. "And you enjoyed it..." Julie turned again and shifted her eyes to him. "I watched. I s-saw how you held her, how hard you thrusted... like you were obsessed and wanted to make her first time so frickin' good. I heard _every _noise y-you made, Midnight. You l-loved her pussy so much," she squeaked upon reaching a high pitch. "Didn't you? Loved making her moan..."
He hadn't moved an inch with his tail and ears lowered. He felt like a deerling in headlights, which his expression reflected. Midnight was afraid of how she was acting. He'd never seen this Julie before, and he felt like their relationship was in imminent danger, but why was she twisting and pinning everything on him?
"You f- you filled her like it meant nothing. Y-You'd be fine with a-any girl... Does it even matter to you?" Tears were blurring her vision with how much constantly filled her eyes. She sniffled and whimpered again as pain swelled in her chest, a deep heartache. Julie had to remind herself that he may not see relationships like many humans did. She loved Midnight so much, but he was still a pokémon at the end of it. Maybe he didn't value them the same way and could be someone else's pokémon with ease.
Midnight was just as hurt that she was even asking him that. He'd choose Julie over any female, and she should know that. He'd never go back to Angie or seek another mate. He was true to Julie. Midnight would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy that session with Angie, but it came with the territory. He did what he did to keep Julie in school and her life intact. Midnight couldn't make sense of her behavior. He turned around and got off the bed.
She watched him disappear and felt her breaths stutter, wiping tears that wouldn't stop coming and lying back down. She was an emotional wreck. She was hysterical and too emotionally drained to do anything more.
Julie opened her swollen eyes to faint white light pressing against the curtains as dawn broke. She'd gotten a couple of hours in and was surprised she was even able to cry herself to sleep. She felt no better, regardless. Her thoughts returned to reliving 9 p.m. They wouldn't stop, and it was torture.
She slowly sat up and pushed her messy hair aside, looking around the room and spotting Midnight lying motionless by the closet on his stomach. Julie's emotions were at their peak last night, and she was brutally unfair to him. She didn't mean what she said and cursed herself for berating him. That sex and their relationship didn't correlate, and what he did and felt was natural. She got off the bed, approached, and knelt beside him. "Midnight?" she mumbled.
He opened his eyes upon hearing her voice and lifted his head, looking up at her. He had yet to sleep. He hadn't had to be on the floor like this since Ecruteak, he had never been so far from Julie, and he'd never been shunned by her the way he was last night. The hours after were the worst of his life. They dragged on for an eternity.
"I'm..." Julie choked up and fought tears, although her eyes glossed up. She was so sick of crying. "I'm so, so sorry for the things I said last night. It was horrible of me..." She looked over his face and could feel his sorrow as their eyes met. "Can I lie next to you?"
Midnight nodded. He'd felt awful after her words, but he still loved his mate, and it seemed she wanted to fix things between them. Julie was all he had and wanted, so he was more than willing to. He was glad he backed off when he did last night. She needed more time.
She lay on her side by him but didn't touch him, as she was unsure of how he felt toward her. "I was messed up and wasn't thinking... It's no excuse, but..." she sniffled, her eyes welling up. "While I hate what you had to do, you did well by me. I-I said you could, and it was all my fault in the first place. I'm really sorry, Midnight," Julie whispered.
He turned onto his side so he faced her and moved closer, placing his paw on her wrist while keeping his gaze on her. He understood her vulnerability and emotional outbreak last night. Maybe it took a while for everything to hit her, and when it did, it did hard.
However, it'd take Midnight a while to get everything she'd said out of his head. It made him feel extremely guilty about mating Angie and how he could have shown her a bad time. Maybe Midnight did put in too much effort, but she may have caught on otherwise or refused to delete the video. Plus, none of this was on his mind during the act.
Julie rested her cheek on her arm, glanced at her wrist, then pulled her hand to take and hold his paw. "I just want to put this behind us with time. I want it altering nothing..." She would never let someone like Angie separate them in the slightest.
It would be difficult for her to overcome, especially when Angie went to the same college and took the same classes, but the wounds would patch themselves. She just hoped-- very much hoped that Angie never spoke to her again. She was a malicious person, and it was the worst case Julie had ever seen. What Angie did, Julie could never do to anyone. Other than what she and Midnight had, Julie considered herself a conscientious person.
But Julie's nature loses in the end. People like her are trampled and used, and it can result in them growing to resent the world. Why do people like Justin, Leia, and Angie benefit from life while being the people they are? It was inequitable. They have no care about how their malevolent actions affect their victims long-term. They had no compassion, no empathy. After they destroy a piece of someone and got their satisfaction, it was onto the next, or they live like it never occurred. There was no consequence besides supposed karma and the law in extreme cases, but by then, the victim had to live with irreversible damage.
Julie didn't want to change, at least not for the worse. It was difficult to resist locking herself in this room and interacting with no one else ever again, where only she could affect her life. However, she couldn't let the actions of others control her to that extent, as it only created a chain reaction.
Julie had been in bed on her back for hours with closed curtains to drown the sunlight. The room was almost pitch black.
She glanced over at Midnight, who was curled up beside her, then shifted her eyes back to the ceiling, moving her arms to rest above her head. "I feel sick, love."
He lifted his head and looked at her.
"It's like... what am I doing? I can't find myself." Julie shut her eyes briefly. "Or maybe I have. Actually, I do know who I am, but I don't know who I should be at the end of the day." She looked back at him. "Midnight, you know I love you... but you also know we aren't supposed to be together."
This was mainly why Julie wouldn't interact with boys and barely wanted to talk to other girls. They'd either find out somehow if Julie knew them for long enough, which risked Julie and Midnight, or they would think she's weird for being 'single' forever as long as Julie hid the fact.
Midnight could tell that their relationship was deemed inappropriate from what he'd seen at Ecruteak. He eyed her with apparent worry and moved onto his stomach. She didn't want to call them off, right? Especially after last night. He couldn't tell what Julie was implying, but maybe she was rethinking everything about committing to a pokémon, which struck fear into him.
She saw his concern. She could feel it; it was obvious after her words that he thought they were heading in a different direction. "...Come here."
Midnight stood and walked slowly, sitting over her.
"We're going to belong to each other forever. That... isn't what I meant." Julie shifted onto her side and looked up at him. "I can be who I am now, a woman in love with her pokémon. I can shun the world that'd spit on me if they truly knew me, stay inside studying with you and hopefully go far... barely go out unless with you or to shop."
Julie rested her head on the bed between his legs. "Or I can be the woman that pleases the world. I get a human boyfriend, have girlfriends, go out, laugh, be social, have everyone else's definition of fun. So, for the last time, I can make myself happy, or I can make everyone else happy. I need to make a lifelong decision. It'll be too late to change it one day."
Midnight couldn't see why she had trouble being herself. Those people didn't care about Julie. They would never accept her for who she was, and even if she did change, they'd probably move on in a month, and she wouldn't be satisfied with life in the end. "Umb." He leaned and nudged her head. He wanted her to be content with herself.
Julie held his leg. "I know I need to be me. I'm never leaving who's best for me. I can trust you more than any boy. You won't judge me. You accept me unconditionally, and I don't want to do what everyone else is doing." She pushed herself off her side and sat up, stretching her arms above her head. "So I'll be me, and that includes no more sex outside this room..." That wasn't her. Julie had no idea who that girl was. Some wild and stupidly kinky version of herself that she didn't appreciate. The true Julie was private and sophisticated, right?
Midnight liked that idea. They should keep their mating sessions in here. Next time, they may not get so lucky. Last night was awful, but Julie still belonged to this college in the end. They could have gotten caught by faculty or a different student who would have run it straight to the board.
"Are you feeling okay, by the way?" Julie needed to ensure her lover was sound or at least healing properly alongside her. They needed to be on the same page.
He nodded. Midnight had been trying not to think about it, but he felt exhausted in every sense of the word. His passion for Julie hadn't faded in the slightest, however. He just wanted life to return to how it felt before all of this, sharing gummies with his mate while she video-called her best friend with giggles all around.
"Positive? The thing with Angie on top of what I did..." Julie found herself looking away slightly, still full of the same amount of guilt as yesterday. "Be honest, love. I want you to be okay."
Midnight set his paw atop her hand and gazed at her face. "Umb..." They were in this process together. He was as okay as she was.
Julie glanced at his paw, ultimately focusing on his face that held genuine emotion. "Thank you."
He watched her slide off the bed in the next few moments and go to the window, parting the curtains and looking out while gentle sun hit her face.
"It's nice out..." Julie's eyes shot to people walking as individuals or scattered groups on a bright and happy day. She briefly considered going somewhere with Midnight, maybe to the ice cream parlor off campus, but she didn't want to go down there. Julie didn't even want to leave the room. She needed to rest and recover, as did Midnight. She'd be out tomorrow anyway.
Julie had classes.
She was up the following morning pulling up jeans and zipping up a dark yellow jacket after having taken a hot shower that did nothing but make her feel clean. Julie had fought skipping classes and sulking in bed for another day, but she'd decline if she did that and probably never want to leave it. Besides, she was here for a reason, and it wasn't to miss the education she'd worked so hard to reach.
Midnight had been lying at the center of the mattress, watching her get ready to leave. Usually, he was okay with it, but he didn't want Julie to go today. He knew she'd be back as usual, but he wasn't feeling well. Her being gone would take the only sliver of life from him that remained.
Midnight wouldn't be able to move from this bed among the hours of dead silence ahead. It's not like he did any other time she was gone but to eat or stretch. However, it would feel worse this time.
Julie entered the bathroom and looked into the mirror to give her hair a last check-up, patting some areas and fluffing out others. She didn't look half bad after sobbing her eyes out and being glued to her bed yesterday.
She left and grabbed her backpack off the floor, slinging it over her shoulder and looking back at Midnight, whose eyes were on her. Julie could tell he was still feeling down. She could see it in his demeanor and dull gaze. She went to the bottom end of the bed and knelt. "Hey, love," Julie spoke while reaching her hand out.
Midnight stood slowly and went to sit in front of her by her hand, eyeing her face.
"Are you going to be okay while I'm gone?" She set her palm on his cheek and rubbed beneath his eye with her thumb. Julie didn't want to go either. She wanted to be here for Midnight and hold him for hours, but life went on. She still had a degree and career to pursue. She wished she could take Midnight with her, at least.
He nodded. He'd survive, and he didn't want her to worry. Julie needed to focus on her schooling, but Midnight would anticipate her return more than ever.
"Okay..." she grinned subtly. "How about after I'm out, we go somewhere together? Maybe for ice cream or something. I think it'll help."
He perked his ears, which Julie saw, her grin growing. That would help. It definitely would. Having that to look forward to with his mate lifted his spirits ever so slightly.
Julie leaned in to kiss the center of his head ring before standing and turning to leave, but she stopped and glanced at the window. "I know you aren't a daytime enjoyer, but do you want the curtains parted?" It'd liven up the environment.
Midnight shook his head. He liked the room as it was. It'd keep him calm and the air cool.
"Okay. I'll see you soon." Julie raised her hand and waved slightly, then went out the door and locked it behind her. She sighed while heading down the hall. It bummed her that she couldn't look forward to attending regional history for the rest of the semester since Angie would be there.
Even worse, she lived in the same dorm, could be attending some of the same future classes, and there was also a strong possibility that Julie would see her around campus.
She stopped and called the elevator upon reaching it, leaning her side on the wall. She hoped this wouldn't ruin college for her. Maybe she just needed time for it to hurt less, but how long would it haunt her?
When the doors opened, Julie went to enter but saw two guys exit that lived on the floor, who she exchanged formal greetings with before taking their place and pressing down for the elevator, watching its doors close.
Julie had to get herself together. She had to get everything together before her life declined any further. She had thought Ecruteak was her problem that left after graduation, but it wasn't. It was her. Julie was _still _creating a mess for herself in college.
She stepped out of the elevator and rubbed her eyes while walking down the hall to the exit, glancing aside at movement in her peripheral vision of students in the laundry room putting clothes in machines and using the kitchen. Julie pulled her bag as it started to slip, holding the strap with one hand while pushing open the door and stepping onto the grounds without much sun present compared to yesterday.
Julie looked up at a relatively cloudy sky, although they were thin enough to let weak sunlight seep through and somewhat brighten the campus. The air wasn't that warm, either.
She started her walk east to the Communications Building with her head down that was a few minutes past the library, surrounded by the usual happy buzzing and countless guests and students, and just like the day that Angie broke her, they irritated her. Julie hated that because she loved this university. She loved being here and adored its environment, but she didn't know when she could enjoy any of it again.
When Julie got to the building in a few minutes, she entered and went down the hall past framed pictures of influential authors on the wall and a glass case of several notable books half-open and standing to show their covers and titles.
Some students talked to a professor by a classroom door, and others chatted among themselves while heading to the exit. She paced past and slipped into speech class a couple of doors down to the right.
The room was half-full, and Julie spotted Anna in her seat while walking down the steps to hers. A part of her wanted to sit away, but she wouldn't do that to Anna again. She was a kind and admirable woman, like a motherly figure in an odd sense. It's not like Julie didn't have an amazing mother, but Anna genuinely tried to help, care for, and understand Julie.
She went down a step at the mid-section and stopped at her seat, setting her bag on the floor and sitting. "Morning..." Julie said, leaning back in her chair and concealing a yawn with her hand.
"What's up?" Anna grinned and looked at her while fidgeting with her pen and studying her tired gaze. Everyone was waiting for the professor to arrive. "Tired today?"
"Yeah. Something like that." It's not like Julie could tell her, and she didn't want to talk about it anyhow.
"Is something bothering you?" After their short discussion outside, Anna had been extra curious to know more about Julie. There were things she kept to herself, perhaps due to her nature, but there could also be other reasons.
"Something like that..." Julie almost mumbled. This is why she wanted to sit away.
"No press, but I'm always open if you want to talk." Anna turned ahead and set her pen down as the professor walked down the last step and went to her desk.
"Yeah..." It may help to talk to someone like Anna. It had last time. Julie was unsure, but it couldn't be today, and she wouldn't tell her about Angie. "Maybe I'll text you later."
She sat through her speech and oceanography, writing notes and following the professors without being sidetracked too often by spurs of sporadic thoughts, fortunately, but that could now change.
Julie walked down the hall of the History Building on her way to her last class of the day at 2 p.m., which she was usually relieved and eager for since it was her favorite class, but she barely wanted to attend today.
When Julie arrived at the classroom, she stopped at the door. She'd walk in and be seen by everyone in the class-- Angie included, but all she had to do was not so much as look in her general direction. She briefly shut her eyes and held her breath before walking in and beelining to a known free desk toward the rear section past the professor that was sitting silently on his laptop for more students to fill in.
Julie dropped her bag and sat among others, leaning back in her seat and swallowing while her heart beat. She had no idea if Angie's eyes were on her as she passed, and she couldn't believe this was how it felt to enter her regional history class now.
Julie leaned over and unzipped her bag, pulling out her text and notebook and blinking her tired eyes. She could do it. Every other day of this, she would push through. It was one thing she was good at, surprisingly.
The professor spent half the class setting up the upcoming history final and key chapters to go back and study and whatnot that Julie was barely in the mindset for, but she needed to pass with an A, so there was no room to slack. It'd just be a little challenging, as would her other classes.
Julie wasn't looking forward to her final for public speaking class, which would be a five to ten-minute speech. It made her want to groan and pout just thinking about it, but after passing the course, she'd be done with public speaking for good. Julie had to take another class in communications to satisfy her graduation requirements, but it wouldn't be a second public speaking course.
Julie put her text and notebook back in her bag and zipped it up, then stood sluggishly and tossed the strap over her shoulder while leaving the room among others doing the same, talking at desks or writing last-minute notes.
She felt a sense of slight relief when out in the hall and even more so when she was out of the building on the grounds and heading back to Midnight under a late afternoon mid-blue sky, but after a few steps, that crumbled in seconds because Julie heard a voice that she never wanted to again. The audacity.
"Julie, uh... Julie."
Julie stopped and froze but didn't turn around, instead keeping her gaze ahead. Her day had already been ruined before it started, and Angie was bent on making it worse.
"I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but... I-I... Could we talk? Aside."
That's when she turned around, peering. "There's nothing to talk about. What do you want?" Julie eyed Angie's slouched posture and swollen eyes. She was in a slim black jacket and jeans, and her hair wasn't looking its best, with frazzled strands in some areas.
"Julie, please," Angie swallowed. "Please hear me out. Could we sit?"
Julie turned around and walked off-- at least that's what she did in her head. Something was stopping her, although she knew she shouldn't give Angie any time. "I guess..."
So they went to a bench nearby and sat on opposing ends while students and groups walked by along the open pavement.
Angie shot nervous glances at her before speaking, "so... I wanted to apologize." She held her hands over her lap. "I was going to give this a few days, but it ate at me all night."
"Apologize?" Julie grinned. She could chuckle, actually, and she looked over at her. "You don't know what you did, do you? I was up all night sobbing my eyes out, Angie. That was the _worst _night of my life by far." Jule felt a knot in her throat, meaning tears were next, but she couldn't show them.
"I know," her tone quavered. "Julie, I know. I know what I did. I know you hate me," Angie continued. Fortunately, no one was in their immediate proximity, just passersby. "I was- I was thinking with my pussy and infatuation. I can't fucking _believe _what I did to you two..." That video was two of her greatest turn-ons, and her lust and desire increased every time she'd pressed play.
Julie could puke just looking at her. Pain and resentment filled her, and she was holding back tears as best she could. The urge was strong, but she wouldn't. "You've complicated my relationship and experience here for who knows how long? I know I'm an idiot for doing it in the laundry room, but you really took advantage of me... You were never my friend, Angie. You're an awful person. It doesn't matter how long you would have waited."
"No." She started tearing up. "No. That's not true. I was your friend. I wanted us to be close..." Her eyes welled with them in moments. "I liked you," she sniffled. "I'm- I'm not making excuses, but that's why I came onto you the way I did. I wanted to know whether my feelings were true. I should have gotten to know you more a-and asked you out or something." And she could have positively used the video to get even closer to Julie. Angie still cursed herself for that.
"Angie, I don't care." She almost glowered. Her tears did nothing for Julie, as hers didn't when Angie was blackmailing her with that disgusting smirk on her face.
It was obvious that she felt terrible for her actions, and maybe Angie wasn't the person she was last night, but that's who she was last night. It was in her, and she was capable of it. "You touched and kissed me without consent and would have gone farther if I didn't find it in myself to stop you. You made me watch something that will be forever burned into my memory. If I can live with your actions as the victim, then you can as the committer." There was silence. "I have issues, Angie, but yours are something else if you can... can almost rape me and make my boyfriend mount and take you. I just hope you enjoyed it."
Angie looked down, wincing at the mention of that word. "...I'm sorry, Julie. I wish I could undo it-- a-all of it. It kills me that I ruined what we had and that I touched you like that," she sniffed and whimpered under her breath. "I-I do have issues. I do, but I wouldn't have forced anything more. I s-swear I wasn't going to."
"That is a lie." Her tone firmed while she stared, a tear running from her eye and trailing down her cheek, and her eyes sorrowful. "That's why you were moaning my umbreon's name while he fucked you, right? All the way until he made you climax... because you would never do such a thing, right?"
Angie kept her eyes down while tears dripped from her glasses' frame onto her jacket and pants, not even bothering to wipe them away. "Remember when I said I ch-changed after my mother died? I turned from that cheerful girl to an ugly, bitter shell that lost all her friends. I still am, f-full of dysfunction and uncontrollable urges. It's how me and Calda started. I tried to s-stop it so many times, but whenever the arousal and temptation toward something so accessible came, my willpower scattered..."
Julie found more and more in common with Angie whenever they interacted, except they were simultaneously polar opposites. "Well, there's your problem, Angie. I understand that trauma, more or less, and the effects it had on you even more. You channeled it incorrectly. You held and embraced those negative emotions, losing your compassion, your empathy in the process."
Julie ran her eyes over her. "We could have helped each other... I'm troubled. You're troubled, but you channeled your pain against me to fulfill yourself for a brief moment in time. You can't just control it the way you think you can. It harms your existence and perception in ways you may not even realize. You can't do it on your own, and you will never heal on this path." Julie inhaled and let silence sit. "...I never want to speak to you again. Don't approach me like this. Don't even look my way." She stood and turned around partially but looked back. "You got what you wanted, now pretend you never met me... please." Julie kept walking.
Angie deserved a smack to the face and several insults, but that's not who Julie was. She didn't want to fix a wrong with another that only felt right. It was better to let Angie live with that regret. At least she wasn't trying to rub it in after the fact.
Julie didn't know the details, but she knew from that night at the pizza parlor Angie was a mess of a girl living in constant internal anguish, and Julie almost felt bad for her. She hoped this taught her a lesson so she wouldn't enact such atrocities on any others. Perhaps it would begin Angie's first step toward piecing herself back together, and it may have shown Julie the light as well. She now wondered how much therapy could have helped her on top of her pills. She'd told Angie that she couldn't do it alone and had seen the effects, so what made Julie think she could? Perhaps because she had three saviors in life, but how much did they touch on her deep-seated issues and help with her anguish?
Julie applying that logic to herself, bringing her to a rough realization that hurt to consider. She also felt worse now than when she woke up this morning. That encounter felt like Ricky all over again. He'd made her feel awful that day and humiliated her in front of everyone, then said sorry later to make himself feel better about it, but even that, Julie could forgive. Fine. She could never forgive Angie, and she should never have sat down with her in the first place, but at least Julie had a vague reason to put Angie's behavior behind. Julie was curious and a bit too nice.
She stopped mid-step, forcing a few people to walk around her, then briefly looked around and spotted a vacant blue bench to her left. She pulled her phone from her pocket and unlocked it, staring at its screen, then going to her mother's contact and hovering her thumb over the 'call' button.
Julie needed this. After all that had happened recently, she needed it, and she couldn't leave her best friend to go through such a significant turning point in her life alone. She went and sat on the bench, pressed the button, and held the phone to her ear, hearing it ring several times before picking up.
"Hello? Julie?"
"Mom... hi," she replied, smiling a little at her voice.
"How are you, sweetie? You sound beat."
"I just finished my last class for the day. How about you and Alyssa? Is she there safely with you yet?" Julie felt bad. She had yet to check on Alyssa due to recent events.
"Ah, I just got home after a late shift. I'm on the couch watching the news, and yes, she's here. Alyssa's been fairing okay. She hasn't left the room much, but I got her downstairs last night to eat dinner with me, and we talked some. She's also been taking out the trash to help me out and have something to do."
As she knew. Alyssa had to be severely depressed. Julie couldn't fathom being in her situation. "Mom, so I have an idea."
"All ears."
Julie looked ahead at blurred passersby, zoned out. "My finals are in two weeks. I was thinking after this semester that I could take a short break and come home for a while. I miss you both..."
"That sounds wonderful, sweetie. I miss you too. I worry sometimes, but I know you're fine out there. I'm sure Alyssa will be excited. You could cheer her up a little. When exactly would you come?"
"I'm going to go look at tickets later. I'll text you when I've decided... and about Alyssa... can you not tell her I'm coming?"
"A surprise?" she chuckled. "I like it. I won't utter a word. Rebirth Day is coming up just after two weeks, though. Maybe you can get here in time."
"Thanks, Mom, and I'll be there in time. We should go to the festival. Has it been cold over there?" The end of the year was huge for Johto between Rebirth Day, the New Year's Celebrations, and the Film Awards, and Alyssa's birthday fit its way in there too. The events had always been a lot of fun for Julie growing up, as her parents made them something to remember, taking her to the Rebirth Festival and fireworks shows for New Years.
"I like that idea. It has been rather cold, and we've been getting snow lately. I've been having to run the central heating a lot because Alyssa's shaking all day and night. Poor girl."
Julie giggled. That sounded cute. "She's a northy. She's not used to the climate. I can't wait to be back with you two. I'll talk to you soon."
"Love you, sweetie."
"Love you too," Julie replied before hanging up and putting her phone back in her pocket. She stood and continued her walk to the dorm, feeling better just thinking about taking a ferry back to Johto. She'd research ticket options after her outing with Midnight. She needed to make him feel better first.
Reaching the halfway point in minutes, Julie grinned at a few wild glameow grooming themselves or rolling on their backs under the samurott statue while students on the benches paid little to no mind to them. She did spot a girl, seemingly Fioreanese, on a bench her age with wired earphones on, watching them with a grin, however.
Why couldn't Julie find friends like that? That girl could be closer to how Julie is when compared to Angie and Anna, and don't get her wrong, she loved Alyssa to death and then some, but Julie couldn't relate to her in most aspects. That would be nice to have, but she sucked at making friends, and a girl like Julie would be _like _Julie. People often had to approach and befriend her, or Julie met them through class projects or something.
Julie kept strolling and passed her by, seeing her dorm ahead after some more minutes of walking and finding herself speeding up to a pace. She pushed open the doors after reaching them and held them open for a guy entering behind her, taking the elevator up and going to her door while pulling out her key.
Julie fumbled with it a little to get it in the proper position in her hand, stuck it in the lock and twisted it, then pushed it open to a darker room than earlier. "Midnight?" She flipped on the light and quietly closed the door, dropping her bag and walking to the bed as Midnight lifted his head. She glanced back at his bowl and saw that he hadn't touched his berries from the pack she'd opened, but he had drunk water, at least.
"Umbre." He stood and went to her at the mattress' edge, sitting as she crouched to meet him. He felt warmth stir within just looking at her face. It was rough without Julie, a depressing day full of depressing thoughts, but he'd endured it.
"I missed you, love," Julie grinned and leaned in to kiss his cheek, then gave a quick peck to his lips that he could barely react to. "I have news. Good news." She placed her hand on his upper back and nuzzled his cheek with her nose.
Which he returned, pressing his cheek to her. She was in a somewhat better mood, judging by her affection. Midnight wasn't complaining. Seeing her joy made him feel better instantly. It was beautiful to witness. "Bre?"
"I'll tell you at the parlor. We're going for ice cream, remember? It's called Vanilli." Julie had been twice to a particular one so far and loved how rich and creamy theirs was. It was also the only one around here that sold soft serve, located just minutes off campus in the immediate area, so it was safe.
The company was new and founded five years ago in Unova, but Julie saw a successful future ahead for the brand and hoped they'd expand to other regions in the future like Cherubi's had.
"Umbreon?" He perked.
"Yes. Now. I'll rest later." Julie wanted to lie down. Her legs and mind were tired, but she couldn't do so in peace without ensuring Midnight was as content as she.
So after Julie cleaned up from her overnight stress-eating session and tossed everything in the bin, they were out the door as quick as she came in, heading north off the grounds and taking a left, walking along the sidewalk edging the campus before the neighborhood. Verdant trees were planted symmetrically across the pavement in an endless row by the curb with parked vehicles at meters and light traffic. The school's buildings and parking garage were on their other side, with students walking back to or away from the grounds, some getting into their cars that lived off the campus.
Julie watched people across the street in the neighborhood jog or bike on residential sidewalks, some with their pokémon alongside them, like cute eeveelutions, herdier, and a shinx.
Vehicles drove by and pulled into driveways, with fathers getting out after work and being greeted by happy children and equally excited family pokémon, or mothers pulling in with groceries and their children that had gotten out of an afterschool program or sports practice.
Julie would never be able to experience that-- perhaps if she adopted, but she wouldn't think she'd feel comfortable with her kid knowing that she was in a relationship with an umbreon or growing up around it for several reasons, including influence. "It's up ahead." She glanced at Midnight walking beside her.
He could see a line of stores ahead on a busier road with cars passing more frequently but focused on his surroundings and the gradually dimming blue sky that faded to a deeper orange as the hours passed and sunset neared. Midnight sniffed the air, which was noticeably fresher than Goldenrod and Castelia City's.
He preferred the serenity of neighborhoods and the area surrounding the campus. The principal's home was in Violet City but sat on a central road, so there was endless traffic, people, and activity. Julie's home was in a better spot, but it was like a strip of quiet encompassed by noise the second you walked two blocks away.
They stopped at the end of the pavement before a busy main crosswalk, waiting for the light to turn red with a few others, which took half a minute, and Julie ensured all the cars stopped before stepping into the street with Midnight.
The parlor was between the breakfast and lunch restaurant that Julie had wanted to eat at again and a small seafood market, which she had yet to enter. The parlor's words were large, bold, and light blue and white with a vanillite replacing the dot in the I.
Midnight stopped behind Julie as she opened the door and heard a bell ring above it, walking in and looking around at the white walls with vanillite, snowflakes, and swirly blue art on the walls. Various posters also promoted new ice cream flavors, cake deals, and innovative products.
A few people sat at the group of tables toward the far-left section by the windows, including a few students with backpacks, some sitting and studying with shakes and their pokémon, including a dewott holding a pecha cone, and parents with children.
Julie approached the counter and looked side to side at the assortment of about ten flavors frozen behind glass casings. She saw vanilla and plenty of sweet berry flavors. Their most popular was a dyed purple one called 'Vippy's,' made after the famous candy bar brand. It was micle berry flavored with nuts to complement, but she wasn't fond of it.
"Hey, welcome. Ready to order?" A black-haired male employee in a white and blue tee and pants approached and grinned half-heartedly.
Julie wanted to start working on her confidence with strangers more. She'd keep a mental note to pause and stay calm. "Uh, yes. Can I have... a vanilla soft-serve in a cone? And..." Julie looked down at Midnight and leaned over. "Come, love," she whispered.
He walked into her arms and let her scoop him up, looking down at all the flavors around him.
"You can choose one of those or have vanilla soft-serve."
Midnight glanced to the right over Spicy Spelon, Sweetly Shuca, but landed on Opulent Oran. "Mbre." He tilted his head to it. He recalled Julie bringing him oran berries at Ecruteak. It was the last bag she'd brought him, and he loved the taste.
Julie took a step and pointed to the flavor. "Oran?"
He nodded.
She looked at the employee." And... and one scoop of oran in a cup, please."
"Check. Any toppings?" He looked at the assortment of labeled transparent containers lining a section on the metal surface above the flavors
"Oh, yeah." She looked at Midnight. "Any toppings, lov-- Midnight?"
"Mb..." He eyed them, shooting his eyes from cookies to sprinkles to-- gummies. "Umbre." Midnight nosed at them. They were his favorite snack after Julie introduced them to him months ago.
"Gummies? Kay. So gummies for him, and I'll take rainbow sprinkles."
After paying and watching the worker make their order, Julie and Midnight were at a table by the window while people passed and cars zoomed by. She licked her ice cream and chewed sprinkles, grinning at him eating at his scoop on the table and chewing.
"Taste good?" Julie wouldn't frequent this place due to her dietary restrictions, but it was addicting enough for her to want to.
Midnight nodded, licking his lips after swallowing a red gummy. He hadn't been to many, but this parlor was the dreamiest he'd tasted.
"Oh, the news. Okay. Ready?" She took another lick.
He nodded, glancing aside as a student got up from their table and walked past to exit.
"So, we're going back home to Johto to visit mom and Alyssa after my finals. It's just over a week away. I need a break to reset and gather myself."
"Umbre?" He eyed her with a subtle grin. Midnight knew that it would cheer her up to see her mother and best friend again, and he missed his surroundings and the feel of his home region.
"I'm excited, love," Julie smiled. She'd savor this moment of happiness and the time she was spending with Midnight because she knew she'd be hurting again later. She may reach out to Anna later. Julie still had to think about it, but she realized that she didn't want to go through this alone. However, Julie had no idea how to approach.
Anyway, she had something to look forward to that'd help carry her through finals, and what Angie did, even though it'd haunt her for the foreseeable future, she was relieved in a sense. Julie was relieved to be still attending Castelia University, and she was relieved to still have Midnight. He was alive and healthy, as was she, and with her to this day even after he shouldn't be.