
When dozens of them flung themselves upon him and their teeth gnawed at his furry hide, leonard found the strength to reach a clawed digit to pull the pin on his grenade, the resultant explosion taking his attackers with him into oblivion.

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Spiced Coffee

On a nightstand nearby, a digital clock read ten forty-five in the morning. ?where is he?? muttered xian, lazing in the sunlight streaming through the window. his fur ruffled, he rolled onto his belly. nothing covered his body.

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in a wolf's body: chpt 17: living the dream? it's time to wake up

But instead of my paws a hand with five digits. i raised my other hand and felt my face, no muzzle. "he's awake!" someone shouted. i slowly opened my eyes and saw doctors running into the room and looking down at me. "you gave us quite a scare.

Divine Age

It felt as if it had been bound in silk, his digit smoothly tracing over the fabric.. he reverently slipped it off the shelf. it weighed heavily in his paws, its pages were disgruntled and tan with age.

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Simulation Realities: Problems of a Solar Magnitude

. \*\*\* over looking all the digital information i saw a change, the data stream was fluctuating rapidly and i had to reroute it onto several different channels to keep the circuits from blowing.

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The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 5

No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.

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Homologous Recombination

His digital self, which he nicknamed "dunthyon delta 4", was able to walk around inside the computer, like he saw in the movies.

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Finally she feels like she belongs in the digital world she put herself in. it was when she looked back at all of her creations that she noticed her support. it took looking back that she realized what she needed to do.


Humanity Lost, Primal Instinct Gained

They no longer have human fingers, and each digit is tipped with a thick, razor sharp claw, and each claw is digging into the dry earth. i start to inspect the rest of my body, and indeed, the rest matches my paws. i am no longer human, but a feline.

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Tales of Zootopia: Wynn

Up until their 18th birthday, wynn had been a brilliant student, earning eagle scout; graduating from high school three years early; and writing, drawing and composing music digitally from an early age. the same goes for georges.

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Pokemon Journey to another world

It took my body the better part of an hour for it to even move a digit of one of my fingers. i cried a little thinking, if it took me an hour to move just a digit of a finger, how long would it take for the rest of my body to wake up?


Chapter 6: The Digidestined of Blaze

* * * four hours ago in digital world... jijimon was getting even more worried now, he wondered where the digidestined were, if they received an attack in file city, it'd be hard to recover afterwards.

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