
Story by Rose_20 on SoFurry

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A now mature and young adult doe looks herself in the mirror and smiles. Her signs of depression are gone and now she has moved on. Her name is Rose and with the help of her friends and strangers her wounds were allowed to heal. Her times may have been tough and rough and the scars may never go away but today she lets all the bad fly away. She is free like a bird released from her cage, she no longer makes her past a plague.

She no longer wishes to harm herself or wish or think bad things of her, no now she recovers, now she revives she is no longer just a deer in the headlights. She is now better than she was and now a story to thank all of the people who helped her who recovered her, who saved her. That man in the black robe with a rope has disappeared from her field of vision and now sees a smiling face a beautiful creature created out of nature.

She wouldn't have made it if all turned their backs on her and left her in the dust to rust like a nail. She now will not surely fail. She is no longer pail and now hails the sun that shines upon her face. She no longer feels like a disgrace. She now feels true grace. When she was bruised and beaten her voice was hoarse from her injuries her pain to override her own love for speech.

That putrid writings on the walls and stalls have ceased a she has moved on from all those who called her awful names, and whom spat on the ground she walked. She has moved from all the things that happened too her now she has healed. She can do nothing but endlessly thank all that helped her recover.

Who knows what would of happened if she never found the wonders of technology. She is now in a better mindset and state of mind. It's time she started living and stopped crying over old bruises. She will try to forget it will take awhile and the road will be long. Finally she feels like she belongs in the digital world she put herself in.

It was when she looked back at all of her creations that she noticed her support. It took looking back that she realized what she needed to do. She felt finally she could live, that she could breathe. Every time she fell down now she got back up. She will no longer let herself fall down and be stronger than ever. She feels finally like the girl she wanted to be and not as the girl everyone saw her as or wanted her to be.

All those awful words disappear when her friends helped her out that pushed her out of her 6ft grave she put herself in. She can feel strong live long and best of all, smile. Her recovery felt great and now she can appreciate all that are around her. The doe has been through a lot but now she has the feeling of having the heart of a lion and the knowledge and wit of an elder.

Digital world

Rose a soft young adolescent doe always seemed so down and depressed every single day she came home from school. She always came home with scars on her body. Her parents where almost never around to see the doe's pain and agony. She always wanted to...



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