Raven Wolf - Book 02 - Chapter 02
"i do not deny that it is important, that is why i cannot speak any further about it.
The Joyous Piano (Final Draft)
Wouldst thou deny that god hath given unto this world gifts that thy pope hast not demanded?" "nae, but thou shalt comply." "bring thy pope here.
The Joyous Melody (ROUGH DRAFT)
Woulds thou deny that god hath given unto this world gifts that thy pope hast not demanded?" "neh, but thou shalt comply."
The Trial
Lazarus wasn't sure the boy was ready but wasn't about to deny him the chance. there was a time in every knights life that they had to pass on their duty. it seemed that this was the day for him.
Black Meridian 12: Mystic Horizon
"i ain't gonna deny it to ya. like i said, let's talk."
Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 41 - "The only friend I have..."
In my culture, it's a rude thing to deny food that is being offered whenever you're a guest in someone else's house, even when you're not hungry. turning it down is considered pretty much like shitting in someone's living-room...
Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 10
Ones he wished to deny more. "i really should go apologize to marshall." the brown pup thought. "maybe if i'm lucky, he will forgive me..." zuma slowly walked out of his pup house.
Dialog -- You Have Stayed Too Long.txt
"i have found many who are peaceful, who want to know what a peaceful world would be like, who want to understand rather than fear, who want to discover more than deny, who want to celebrate what is beautiful rather than ignore or destroy it."
The Unknown Soldier
Death, confident it won't be denied, manifests itself in the form of an enemy soldier.
Gateway to Hell - Prologue
Shigihara have denied the allegations, claiming instead that he was the one berating them for being "lazy and useless". mr. shigihara has not yet been found.
A Longing Connection - Thursday Prompt Story [#1, 05/1/23]
A dish made of assorted raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice, often with pecans, dried fruit and seasonings, and often served as an appetizer * * * it had only been days since he found this person in his chat app, but there truly was no denying
I have so very much i'd like to explain, to show there holding so carefully what's left of me, i can hear them talking, wondering why they're enough, this i made sure no one would deny...