A Fleeting Moment PART 2 (Monitor Lizard TF Story) [Commission]

To draw became an addiction with the most wonderful relief when that growing need was satiated.

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Red Twilight: The Avatar Awakend chapter 1

." \*\*\* as mac and walker catch up on old times el driver stands in the empty addict of a nearby hotel. the old bold war-dog places a satchel on the ground and removes from it the parts to assemble a rifle.

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Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor

That one, went on to develop dementia and several addictions to strange things like iron, nickel, and iridium. they died a week later from blood poisoning." [me] "wait, why?


Amber Silverblood: Chapter Sixteen

I just sat in the corner, curled up in a ball with dex's jacket wrapped around me, shaking like a crack addict. tears fell down my face, but i didn't cry or even whimper.

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What is Reality?

It's as powerful as it is addictive." she poured in into five cups, "some users are willing to cross the threshhold, and if they are killed they become a lich. calming someone that is consumed is nearly impossible." "what she said.

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Watch Dogs 8- The Crucible

Psychologist is going to obliterate your self-esteem, then we will begin with 5 hours a day of me cutting and cauterising your flesh, if you havnt talked by then we will begin slowly removing then reattaching your extremities, during this we will make you an addict

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Lonely Oak Chapter 26

Her muffins were addicting. i was tempted to test the curse of the house a few times just for the muffins alone, but i never did. i'm also jealous you're learning martial arts, at least i guess that's what you mean. which one?

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Goddess of the Throne: Named Master

It is a thrill i have quickly become addicted to, a thrill i can not live without. breaking them down until they are perfect little pets.." she sighed dejectedly. "but it never lasts.

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Adair's new start- friendly reunion, and a new plan.

Sky said looking over the place, obviously he was impressed with how the plain rooms looked, and probably for good reason since his brother used to be a heavy drug addict in the past. "well yeah, doing my best in chilling out and stuff.

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lMore then just friendsl lApartment 648l

''what makes you like drinking, i never understood how its addictive'' oklain simply possessed the drink in his hand once more and drank more of it.

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The Road Of Life- Chapter 2

I sighed to myself as i began to explain my life situation, i knew it would be of no use trying to lie to andrew, "i used to be living with my drug addict, alcoholic step-father..

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter11

Fingers a blur against his holopads, the doctor's slate grey eyes greedily devoured the numbers and code like a heroin addict grasping at a needle.

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