Goddess of the Throne: Named Master
#3 of Goddess of the Throne
Named Master
The woman that had bought Lyon glanced curiously down at her. She seemed like a nice enough person, if a little odd. Confidence radiated from her like sunlight radiated from the sun, though she probably had good reason for it. Having bought Lyon she obviously had saspin to spare and by the way she treated and directed the Center workers it was also obvious that she was used to having things done her own way. On top of all this, as if life hadn't blessed her enough already, time had been extremely kind to her. Even in her late thirties she was well shaped and slim, her golden hair raining down in long honey curls to her shoulders. She looked like she was twenty and knew it.
"Is this the cat?"
"Yeah, that's her," Aria replied, eying the lady. It wasn't hard for Lyon to see that she had been thinking much the same. "Lady Magdalene, was it?"
"That's right, dear." The woman smiled faintly as she met Aria's gaze without hesitation, then stepped by her towards Lyon. "She's completely gorgeous! And they say you can't find treasures in the bargain bin. Hah!"
Aria frowned as she said this, tapping the front desk with her fingers. Her mouth opened as if to make a comment, then closed instead. With a sigh Aria picked up a pen and began filling out the release forms. The scratching sounds filled up the empty adoption hall, filled with potted plants, worn chairs, and oil paintings of various animals. Sanya had told her that it was rarely used ; adoptions came slowly enough at the Southreach Center that it was usually a quick process without much waiting.
Magdalene petted Lyon, smiling as she examined her thoroughly. Lyon patiently waited, moving when directed and answering her many questions. When Magdalene seemed satisfied she turned back to Aria and nodded.
"She's everything I have been hearing: smart, beautiful, and well mannered," she said, waving two fingers at the manager. "She's quite to my satisfaction, so I'll sign."
Aria nodded and glanced down at the sheet in her hand. Slowly she raised an eyebrow. "I don't see any problems with your background check and other information either. In fact it's.. pretty perfect. It also says here you're currently staying in a summer home?"
"What can I say? I find myself with few flaws." She gave Aria a knowing smile and then waved her hand dismissively. "And yes, that's correct. I just bought a summer home here and was planning on only staying the season, but having purchased the cat I suppose that means I'll have to stay the year?"
"That's right. And the 'cat's' name is Lyon. You'll have to bring her here for at least an hour once a week."
"Right, dear." The woman smiled warmly, patted Lyon on the head, then strode over to the desk to sign the papers.
"Well, everything seems to be in order.." Aria said, biting her lower lip.
"Is something wrong, Aria?" she asked, frowning. It wasn't very comforting to see the manager's face like this, after all.
"Ah? No, no," She smiled warmly at Lyon. "Sorry, this is a big day for you and here I am letting my mind wander. You'll have a really nice home now. In fact, I even envy you a little!" Aria giggled softly and reached over to lightly tug on Lyon's ears. "I'll see you next week, cutie."
The woman waited until Aria stepped back then handed her a black and blue collar with 'Lyon' engraved on it. "I have already obtained your collar just in case I did decide to keep you. "
She took the collar and examined it, impressed at the incredible craftsmanship even if it really was just a collar, while she waited for her new master to remove the animal center's collar. Once her old collar was removed she carefully strapped the new one on. Magdalene stepped behind her and sealed it so that Lyon couldn't remove it herself, then stepped back around to examine her.
"If it's somehow possible you look even more lovely now, Lyon."
She really didn't know what to say. A life of luxury was far from what little she could recall of her experiences and her new memories most definitely weren't helping here. "Thank you very much, Magdalene."
The papers were then finalized and Aria officially turned her over to her new owner. Lyon didn't know what was going to happen next, but Aria and Sanya had both simply advised her to listen to her new owner until they got to know each other better. That would be just fine with her.
Now that everything was done her owner nudged her towards the door, impatiently sighing. Lyon waved to Aria as she was half-shoved outside, who laughed and waved back.
"Bye, cutie. Try not to become a fat, spoiled kitty!"
Magdalene briskly led her outside to a waiting car, one that appeared rather normal for someone as extraordinary as her master. The driver didn't greet either of them and instead waited until they were settled in before silently closing the door and placing himself in the driver's seat. Without so much as a gesture from Magdalene the car took smoothly off and melded into traffic, heading towards wherever her master's summer home was.
Lyon was quiet for most of the trip, feeling a little apprehensive and nervous. That, and Magdalene had been endlessly staring at her, head tilted and resting on a propped arm, since they had left the center. It seemed as if she was being gauged, but for what she could only guess.
Perking her ears up in surprise, she stopped wringing her hands and turned turned to face her owner. "Yes, Magdalene?"
"You're wondering why I am staring at you so intently?" she asked, an amused smile on her face. "In fact, I bet you're wondering a lot of things, such as why I even purchased you? Did I buy you because I was lonely? Perhaps you're a gift for a family member of mine? Oho, I might even be a breeder and simply want to make a profit using your body."
"Well.." She was at a loss for words. What was she supposed say in a situation like this?
Magdalene laughed regally, her silky, white hands covering her mouth. "I am staring at you because I am excitedly thinking of the days ahead. As for why I purchased you..well, there is a bit of a story behind that. I am willing tell it to you because we have some time and because I want you to understand the kind of person I am. Do you want to hear it?"
Curious and confused, Lyon nodded.
"Well then, I'll start by saying that everyone has at least something deep inside that they don't want anyone else to know. Some secret that, in society's eyes, would make them peculiar, vulgar, or something similar. Most of these secrets are usually private anyway and can range from the simple to the fascinating. Some people, such as myself, really don't care too much if some people know of their tastes, even if we're called odd. My..tastes are what brought me to purchase you."
"What do you mean, Magdalene?" The way her owner was eying her was making her a little uncomfortable, like a cat eying a mouse, and she was supposed to be the cat.
Her owner placed a warm hand on her cheek and stroked it gently. "I spent a long time earning my fortune. Once I did I also earned an easy life, but quickly found myself bored. So I sought excitement and pleasure in much the cliché fashion of the rich and found it in a wonderful hobby. The art of submission, ownership, and pain. It's not mainstream, but it's a pretty common fetish among humans. Have you heard of it?"
Lyon nodded, not liking where this was going. She had heard of the fetish before, a sexual relationship between a master and slave. Well, that was what it boiled down to in most cases.
"I've owned many cute girls and boys, dear. It is a thrill I have quickly become addicted to, a thrill I can not live without. Breaking them down until they are perfect little pets.." She sighed dejectedly. "But it never lasts. These are people with their own ambitions and dreams, their own homes and families. I don't really own them.. after a while it even seemed kind of pointless. I wanted to break someone completely, to make them my own in every way." Magdalene stared off into the distance and smiled faintly. "It's sad in a way. I can't even get wet without hearing someone cry out in pain, or beg me to stop, or without seeing delicious tears. I really can't help myself.."
"So you bought me because I would actually be yours to do whatever you pleased with," Lyon murmured softly, her eyes wandering to the carpet floor of the car.
"Yes. I have very specific tastes, you know, and this isn't completely legal, even for a simple cat like you, so I had to choose carefully." She pinched Lyon's cheek. "I don't specifically prefer females, but I gain much more satisfaction and pleasure from breaking porcelain rather than rugged stone. Most men though are like stone: defiant, hard. Some people enjoy breaking such people down, but I don't and it so happens that most females typically fit to what I do like. That, and I wanted something extremely human-like if I couldn't have a human itself. So you really are a rare, but perfect fit for me."
"So what happens to me now?" she asked. Her stomach was twisted into a knot and her nervousness was was flaring.
"That remains to be seen," her owner replied thoughtfully, a delicate finger on her chin. "We're going to be playing a rather serious game. For the next year I am going to train and break you until you are the most submissive pet I've ever had. Who knows how far I will get? Perhaps I'll somehow get caught before long and have to pay the pesky animal abuse fine, then you'll be taken away to safety." She paused to chuckle at the unlikeness of that, annoying Lyon. "Or, perhaps I'll go too far and you'll do something such as kill yourself. Still yet, you may break just enough so that you'll be my lovely and treasured pet for the rest of your life. Who is to say what the future will bring?"
Lyon's ears drooped as she lowered her head. The foulness of her luck was just too much. Sanya had calmed her worries by telling her that bad owners were far and few between, even before the days of more thorough background checks for the purchase of ani. Speaking of which, how had this woman ever been cleared?
"Hehe, well at least you are starting to realize your position. That's a good start," she said, watching Lyon with a smile. "As long as you obey my orders without hesitation and carry them out well there won't be a problem. If you fail to do either, however, well..I'll simply have to enjoy myself by punishing you, won't I?" She licked her lips and placed a finger on Lyon's nose. "So adorable.. Vandale really did me a favor by informing me of you."
"Vandale?" she asked suddenly, her mind racing. As disheartening as her owner's words had been, the name had sent such a rush of familiarity through her that she could think of nothing else. She knew this person, and well. "Who is he, Magdalene?!"
Magdalene looked at her with a raised eyebrow, seemingly curious. "An old acquaintance of mine that I exchange special information with, but even I don't know much about him. No one really does, but he informed me that you might suit my tastes quite well. It doesn't matter however, especially not to you." Her owner reached out and slightly twisted her ear painfully, drawing a surprised yelp from her. "The first thing you will learn is that you will always address me as 'master' from now on, understood?"
"Yes, Master.."
Her master smiled brightly and patted her on the head. "Good girl, I think we'll get along just fine."