The Sleepover

"yeah,that's because of the red fox gene in let's get started shall we."after that the girls got their movies,joseph his one and they sat on the couch. "so what y'all bring?"asked joseph. "i brought some disney movies"said krystal.

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The Morning After (Part 1)

Figuring it was time to get out of bed, the tired red fox sat up and swiveled around to face his bedroom door. a quick glance at his phone alarmed him; "only 4:23 and i've got 15 unread messages? shit."


TumblrxReddit - Day 1

He better not be trying to drag her into another- she opened the door to the sight of a tired-looking and visibly upset red fox. his jeans were wet around the ankles, as if he had stepped in one too many puddles.

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Voided Traveller: Chapter 8

Lexiss, after they were sure that skyclaw was asleep, silently padded up to the sleeping tiger-wolf, the past having some consolation to the red fox's skillset.

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PMD: Ventures of Beyond CH:1

Shiro got back up to see who it was who ran into him, what he saw was a red fox pokemon that had 5 tales. "i-i'm sorry he mumbled" dipping his head.

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Bradon (Wilde) Chapter 2

She opened it up, there was a picture of two red foxes and a grey fox, on the other side looked like a report card with the name bradon wilde on it. i looked a little confused than she started to say, "nick was in third grade when he met bradon.

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The hunter becomes the hunted (part1)

One of the guys, a red fox named ben, said "try this one!" and he tosses a pringle can, the can lands on its side in the soft dirt.

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Writing Exercise - Vivid Dream

I know there's nothing specifically 'furry' in this piece but just imagine a red fox living in a brick and mortar apartment. i actually describe the apartment more than him, which is strange. i get too fixated on details. anyway! enjoy this.

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Vadim, Chapter 3: More Than a Feeling

"it was that our government said that red foxes were to be killed, like the arctic foxes were. there were so many of us in the streets, being beaten and taken away. i was running with you, holding your paw, but then... i don't know.

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Chapter 3

The red fox giggled, drawing a heated glare from namico, "geez, i think i can make it up to you though. follow me!" namico and craig watched as the fox kit ran off the path, quickly disappearing into the forest alongside.

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Rabbits Don't Tell

A mixed couple, a red fox and white rabbit, kissed passionately in seats near the front of the car. "what's your name, bunny?" the black rabbit asked of the doe.


Krystal and Chase: Ronins

On a large screen was a red fox running from several robots. as the bots fired their weaponry downrange at him, the fox was dodging around the bursts, using the steel crates as cover. "come on chase, think!"

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