Voided Traveller: Chapter 8

Story by Skyclaw Eallec on SoFurry

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#8 of Voided Traveller

Ah, chapter 8's now out on here. And more is revealed.

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The two sat by a fire, the sky the dark blue and offset by the triple moons and stars.

Lexiss was sitting on a rock, looking over the edges of the twinblade, a whetstone at the ready, while Skyclaw was on one knee sorting out the amethysts gained from the Creature in order of usefulness via size. He knew how big they needed to be, but they needed to fit in a trinket to boot. Any below that size were in a pile to probably be given to a jeweller, as they were too small to effectively channel Void.

"Any other things you can tell me about this Overvoided we're chasing?" Lexiss asked. Ever since that destroyed village a week ago, Skyclaw hasn't spoken a word about his target.

Skyclaw heaved out a heavy sigh, throwing a tiny amethyst into the pile that he would sell.


[BC]~ ~ ~


Skyclaw placed his training halberd against the wall of his quarters of the Keep. It's nearly been a week since his 15th, but training never ceases, apparently. The Keep was massive, a great structure of grey stone and was always defended by at least 50 Void Knights, but he and his Quartersmate knew where their quarters were by heart, and both took great pride in becoming Void Knights.

If they lived to tell, of course. The training to become a Void Knight is said to have killed those who weren't careful.

His Quartersmate came in behind, a white furred lion with a growing mane of chocolate brown. He pulled the bluntened iron claws off his forearms and paws, placing them gingerly next to Skyclaw's halberd.

Skyclaw was always fascinated by the design, since it was something from across the Southern Seas. It may look easy to wield, but the tiger-wolf had an attempt and was flabbergasted at how heavy it was.

"Tough training today, aye?"

[BC]~ ~ ~

"We Void Knights distance ourselves from even other Void Knights, pushing away because of what using Void does to us. Leon, although a Void Knight, held a caring personality. A shame that he became an Overvoided, but Leon's lost, and a shade remains."

Skyclaw finished the recount, threw the last amethyst into the selling pile, and a log onto the campfire.

"I'll take watch," Lexiss proposed, placing the whetstone back into a pouch and walking away with their twinblade, the white surface still glinting in the firelight.

With another heavy sigh, Skyclaw began the process of taking his armour off, since sleeping in it is extremely uncomfortable. It took a little bit, but the tiger-wolf went to sleep.

Lexiss, after they were sure that Skyclaw was asleep, silently padded up to the sleeping tiger-wolf, the past having some consolation to the red fox's skillset.

Looking down at the tiger-wolf, Lexiss can see the internal turmoil that the dark knight is going through. A nightmare, perhaps?

As quietly as possible, Lexiss knelt down and gently rested a paw onto Skyclaw's head, between his ears. An act of....

Lexiss removed their paw and silently went back to the watchpost they set up.

'What was I thinking?'

[BC]~ ~ ~

Skyclaw came out of the city's jeweller, 6 gold coins richer than before. Lexiss was leaning against the brick on the other side of the street, holding their twinblade and his halberd.

Skyclaw placed the 6 coins into a pouch and took his halberd back from Lexiss. Not quite the sharp snatch that he was always used to doing, but wasn't the gingerly pull that many of these townspeople would do.

With the small amethysts out of the way, the two began a trek towards one of the Void Keeps, a Socketer needed for the correctly sized gems were either found at Void Keeps or Bright Fortresses.

On their way out, however, were harsh glances and one was a stare of ill intent.