Chapter 3

Story by Grey Tail on SoFurry

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#3 of Next Generation- The Digivolution Saga

A bad taste comes back to haunt our heros,

Namico was running. Running through an empty city not unlike the layer she had grown up on, except this one looked more lived in. She was trying to escape from a giant black winged eye that was chasing her on a Rider that was spewing great torrents of fire into the air. Suddenly, a strange faceless figure ran past her, in the opposite direction. Turning around, she watched in awe as he effortlessly leapt into the air, cutting the eye in two with a huge scythe, the halves falling away to reveal a ball of darkness, which her saviour dove directly into. A few second later, the ball exploded, raining light down around her as the man reappeared, two massive bat-like wings on his back. Leaping down, he wrapped them around her, leaning in to kiss her in the soft darkness surrounding them, and then she woke up.


Looking around, disorientated, she tried to move her body, causing her crotch to ache. Confused by this, she looked up and saw Craig sleeping peacefully next to her, and it all came flooding back. Placing a hand on her stomach, she smiled at the idea of Craig's seed inside of her, maybe even impregnating her with his child. Her mind started to think of names to call it when she caught herself. She was thinking like a girl, not like her normal self, she scolded, but, but whenever she was with Craig, it was like her heart melted, she felt light, and safe in the knowledge that he would never abandon her of his own will.

"You look happy," His deep voice said softly, rumbling against her head where she pressed it into his chin affectionately.

"Mmmmm." She murred, pressing herself up against his bare chest, inhaling the smell of him. Sighing, she sat up slowly, looking down at him, a mischievous grin on her face.

"What are you planning, Nami?" he asked, raising one eyebrow, a slight smile on his lips.

"Oh, nothing, just being happy to have you." The white and blue feline replied, leaning down and kissing him softly on the lips. Hopping out of the bed, Namico grabbed her dress clasp from the floor and a large piece of green fabric she had been given by the townsfolk, which she wrapped around her body to form her usual toga style dress, attaching the clasp on the shoulder so the dress wouldn't fall off, waving, she giggled at him "Going for a bath, see you later."


Sinking into the hot water, Namico sighed happily. Yesterday, when Craig had insisted she be washed, she had hated it at first when the girls had had to scrub her clean, but once they were done, leaving an entire one of the several smaller pools a dark brown, they had let her soak in the heavenly water of the largest. Lying back, Namico let herself float gently in the warm water, not even noticing as someone else joined her in the steaming pool. Namico only realised that she had company when she felt a hesitant hand touch her shoulder.

Startled, Namico shot up and leapt back; going into a fighting stance. Staring at the now terrified Karen, she relaxed and apologised.

"Oh, sorry Karen. Natural reflex, I come from a dangerous layer, so I'm really cautious. What do you want?" She asked, looking at the bright red fox, unsure of if she could she a blush under her fur or not.

"It's just I was wondering..." The fox girl mumbled, pressing herself against the side of the pool.

"Wondering what?" Namico asked, settling down next to the fidgety little girl.

"I was wondering...what's it like... you know..." She whispered, her voice growing softer and softer.

"No I don't know, come on, spit it out!" Namico was blushing now too, worried she was about to have to give The Talk to a girl nearly her own age.

"What's it like having a Tamer?" She suddenly blurted out, staring down at the water, trying to hide her now surprisingly obvious blush.

"A Tamer? We-ell...Wait! How did you know? Craig hasn't gone out of his Combat form this whole time!" Namico said, standing up in front of the girl, her slightly swollen nether lips now level with Karen's nose.

"I...I saw when Craig used his 'vice on the mountain! When he was changing what he could look like!" Karen stuttered, trying desperately to not look at Namico's crotch, her face reddening even more under her fur.

"On the... but, he only used that function after we were in the hut, right before we... You were watching weren't you?! I knew I saw someone watching us!" Namico said, dropping back into the water and leaning right up close to Karen, their noses, and chests, almost touching.

"What?! No!!...I wasn't watching you, I wouldn't! I didn't see you and Craig have sex! I...I..." Karen stopped short as she realised what she had just said. Giving a defeated sigh, Karen went limp, and started to cry softly, "Please don't tell on me, I'll get into loads of trouble and I won't be allowed to visit my granddad! He's teaching me how to fight and fix stuff and all kinds of cool survival tricks and..."

Karen's pleas were silenced when Namico pressed her lips softly over the fox kit's, pushing her tongue softly into her open mouth. Karen tensed up, staring wide eyed at the calm looking feline's face, slowly relaxing as she realised that it actually felt nice to have this foreign object moving around in her muzzle. She started as Namico wrapped her arms gently around her strangely underdeveloped body, pulling her into the middle of the pool. They floated there for what seemed like ages, kissing the whole time, only breaking momentarily for breath, and just as Karen was getting into the idea of kissing, exploring Namico's mouth with her own tongue, the sound of women's chatter filled the air.

Breaking the kiss, Namico grinned at Karen, who smiled nervously back. "Come on, let's go back to the village, we might as well tell Craig too." Namico whispered into Karen's ear, making the girl lose her smile and just look nervous again, before climbing out and wrapping the green fabric around her still wet body. Attaching the clasp, she held out her hand for Karen, helping the girl out just as several of the older women arrived, gossiping loudly to each other.

"Did you hear all those noises last night?" One said, giggling, "Sounded like that feline couple was having a lot of fun!"

Namico and Karen looked at each other, blushes on their cheeks as the older women walked by, laughing loudly.


"You did what now?" Craig said, looking down at the tiny girl, who was standing embarrassedly in front of him just outside her Grandfather's barn like workshop.

"I watched you and Namico last night, I'm sorry and I won't do it again, I promise!" Karen repeated, cringing as the oil covered feline crouched down in front of her, a stern look on his face.

"Whatever, I don't care if you watch us, hell; I wouldn't care if you filmed us." Craig laughed at the scared girl, rubbing her head and grinning.

"Hey, maybe she can join in next time!" Namico giggled, "She's a good kisser, y'know"

Both Craig and Karen blushed deeply and stared at the white feline, who just grinned and asked, "What?"

"Boy! Where are you boy?!" Karen's grandfather's voice shouted from inside the workshop, "Are you helping me fix this thing or are you being dirty with your girlfriend?! Get the hell in here and lift this bloody thing, will you!"

"Gotta go, helping the Old Man fix our Rider," Craig said, turning to go.

"Hey, can I help?" Karen asked enthusiastically, "I really like this kind of thing," running to walk next to him, Namico taking the other side.

"Yeah, I might as well learn something about it too, in case it breaks again; then I can help you!" Namico giggled, hanging on Craig's arm.

"Sure, but it's dirty." He laughed, going quiet when the two girls glared at him.

"So? What's so bad about that?" Karen growled, Namico adding in, "Did you seriously not see me before that bath?"

"Sorry," Craig mumbled as they reached the Rider.


"I am so going to kill you for that, Karen!" Namico grumbled as they walked along the path to the hot springs, all three of them were dirty, but Namico was covered head to foot in oil.

"What? I said I was sorry! I didn't realise you were right below me when I undid that cap!" The red fox giggled, drawing a heated glare from Namico, "Geez, I think I can make it up to you though. Follow me!"

Namico and Craig watched as the fox kit ran off the path, quickly disappearing into the forest alongside. Looking at each other, they shrugged, hurrying after her. They moved through the dense forest slowly, having to push shrubs and plants out of their way, following a barely visible path Karen seemed to know perfectly. Eventually, they came to a small clearing, a steaming pool on one side, and a small river fed inlet on the other. Staring, Craig and Namico watched Karen jump into the hot spring, waving them over.

"This place is awesome, Karen," Namico said, pulling her stained toga off and tossing it away, placing her clasp on top of the clean cloth Craig summoned from the 'vice, "How'd you find it?"

"I was mad at my mom for not letting me go out into the fields one night with Granddad, and ran into the forest. I sorta fell into the cold pool." Karen giggled, ducking her head underwater, letting her hair wave loosely around in the warm water. As she resurfaced, she gasped in surprise, swallowing some water and coughing violently as she choked.

Gasping for air, she felt a large but gentle hand pat her heavily on the back, clearing her lungs and helping her breath. Turning, she looked up at Craig's worried face; her own flushed from coughing, and from seeing him naked. Trying desperately to not look down, Karen smiled sheepishly at the grey feline boy, waving him away and saying, "I'm fine, go sit down."

"Are you sure, looked like you took a big gulp there, what happened?" Craig asked, rubbing Karen's back gently.

"She's a virgin, Craig, she lives on a nice peaceful layer in a little village. I seriously doubt she's seen a fully grown naked guy before, especially not up close." Namico said bluntly, swimming up behind Karen and jumping on her, knocking the girl into the water.

"Oh! Shit, sorry!" Craig laughed, sitting down in the hot water as the pair resurfaced, Karen desperately wrestling to get Namico off her. Watching the two, Craig cringed as Namico dunked the girl again, before intervening and scolding her, "Watch it, Nami. I don't think she's as tough as you are!"


"Ah!" Namico screamed as Craig threw her into the frigid water of the river fed pool, before jumping in after her, "That's freezing!"

"Yeah, but it's actually good for you, gets your circulation going and helps to release toxins from your body," Craig laughed as the shivering feline clung to him for warmth.

"I don't care if it'll make my breasts bigger!" She shouted, "Just get me out!"

Obliging, Craig carried her back to the hot spring, jumping in and gasping as the heat of the water seared his cold skin. Namico leapt out of his arms and quickly swam to sit next to Karen, who had just climbed back into the pool from her own cold plunge. Snuggling up to the blushing kit, she stuck her tongue out at Craig, who just laughed and swam short lengths of the pool, occasionally ducking under for short periods of time. Looking up at the night sky, the day cycle having ended a few minutes earlier, the two girls started chatting, Karen asking Namico about what she'd said.

"Do you really want your breasts to get bigger?"

"Hmm? Yeah, but not much though, then all guys see are these hunks of fat on your chest and ignore who you really are." She giggled mischievously, "Why, do you want big tits?"

"No, I would just like to grow a little more, I mean, we're the same age and you're almost 2 feet taller than I am!" the fox grumbled, "And you actually have breasts to want to be bigger, I just want breasts."

"Hey, you can't force yourself to grow up more quickly, I'm sure you're just a late bloomer or something." Namico said kindly, trying to comfort the girl.

"Not necessarily," Both girls jumped when Craig spoke, sitting down next to Namico, "Look at this, 'A Digimon is a creature composed of data, and so needs data to grow. In the current Digital World, if a Digimon does not absorb enough data it may result in stunted growth, loss of muscle mass or even ,over extended periods of time, deletion.', Do you see what this means? All Karen needs to do is absorb some data and she should start growing again."

"What is that thing now, a manual on all things Digimon?" Namico laughed, staring at the holo-screen.

"I guess," Craig replied, scrolling through more text, "It's useful though. Now we at least know that Karen just needs to absorb more data."

"Yeah, but where are we going to get data here? There are only Ocsunemon in my village, and I don't want to hurt my own kind." Karen said quietly, before sobbing, "I'm going to be stuck like this forever!" jumping out of the pool, she ran to the other side of the clearing.

"Karen! Wait, come back!" Namico jumped out of the water too, but was stopped by Craig grabbing her arm. Looking at him in confusion, she stared at him as he motioned for silence, cocking his head.

"You hear that?" He asked, as the low rumble grew louder.

Shivering, Namico nodded, "Fire Riders. But how'd they get here? Everyone thought the Beam would kill you if you touched it!"

"I don't know, but I'm going to stop it." Craig brought up a new screen, hitting a small square with the number 2 on it, "Stand back, I'm about to get scary."

Namico stared in horror as Craig's form shifted. As he began to glow, his fur grew out and darkened, pressing against his skin, making him look completely black. Then came the wings, as they grew out, his feline ears disappeared into his head, making him look like some kind of featureless angel monster. Calling the staff out of the watch, he growled in a voice that sounded in every way evil, "Weapon Form: Electric Wind Scythe!", looking back at Namico, she stared at his eyes, now solid orbs of blood red, and said, "I made this form for emergencies, and I feel that this is one. Please, stay here and keep Karen safe. I'll come back as soon as I can. I love you, Namico."

Namico stared at the creature that had once been her Tamer and lover, but now all it was terrifying. She felt only a little comfort when his voice softened momentarily as he said 'I love you', before he leapt into the sky, disappearing into the night.


"Where is the grey cat?" the hulking form growled menacingly, holding up a fist full of fire to the old foxes face, his blood the same dark red as his fur, "Where is he? You have the Rider he stole, so he must be here!"

"I don't know where he's gone, wandered off a few hours ago." The vulpine spat blood as he spoke, not a hint of fear in his voice.

"Well too bad, I guess we'll just have to look for him," The bulky lizard laughed, standing up to his full height, almost 7 feet tall, "And we might as well have a little fun here before we go. This nice layer of yours will make an excellent rally track, once we've had our way with that bastard, that is."

Catching a glimpse of movement behind the lizard, the old fox grinned, "Y'know, this layer isn't exactly safe, there are a few predators around." He chuckled, looking up at the huge lizard.

"Like what? I'm a Zarrumon, I'm not afraid of any Digimon!"

"Old Man?" the voice curled around the lizard, sounding both like the rumbling of thunder and the screech of ripping metal at the same time, "Who Is?"

Spinning around, the Zarrumon stared at the solid black creature sitting on the rooftop just behind him, its blood red eyes appearing to focus on him.

"Is Prey For Demon?" the creature asked, cocking its head at the lizard.

"Prey? I'm not anyone's prey! I'm the fucking hunter!" he roared at the creature, pulling a short blade from his belt, "And I'll prove it! I'll kill this old fool!"

"NOOOO!" everyone was forced to the floor by the deafening screech, desperately covering their ears to block out the horrendous sound. Leaping off the rooftop, the monster landed in front of the Zarrumon, lifting it to its feet, growling menacingly, "My Village, Special Village, Give Demon Present. No Touch Old Man, Make Special Present. Present For Demon."

"What the fuck? What are you?" the Zarrumon growled back, a hint of fear in his eyes as a drop of blood slowly trickled from the hole that was his ear.