Project D.E: Chapter 1 Call of Duty

He walked further, but never stopped looking all around him, delighting himself with the magnificence of that place. "this place..." the distances all around him were hard to grasp as he walked across this narrow railed pathway.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - CH 101 - "Wish you were here..."

I haven't seen you and blain in four years and, well...'** **'it never stopped us from keeping in touch... no matter the distance...'** **'i know but... i have no idea how things will be if i would come back...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 28 harsh punishment

She just kept shouting out and screaming in pain, tears never stopping from flowing out of her innocent and hurt blue eyes.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 3

Othello liked to play the part of virtuous keeper of morality and wisdom, but that never stopped him from dishing out the booze to anybody capable of paying, whether they be too old to stand or too young to reach the bar.

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"of course honey," she said in a sweet voice that tore at ron's heart, "i've never stopped loving you." ron buried his head in his mother's shoulder and cried. after all this time, after all that he had done, those who really matter loved him.

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Desert Quest- Introduction

He dashed across the town entirely, never stopping, not until he had arrived at the docks. at the sight of ships he slowed to a fast paced walk, scanning the crowds as his hand fell to the new pouch on his belt.

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The World of It All: Chapter One

It hurt, whatever it was, and it made him wish he had never stopped. but all those thoughts vanish once he hears her voice. "listen you.. don't move or else.

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Let it begin?

She could never stops being so emotional. ever since dad left mom forever began to cling to me.

A Dragon Slayer's Heart: Chapter 2 - Spirits -

"she was always on my case about me being controlled by my own hate... never stopping to" "tell me more about sarah... we had vaguely spoke of her before we got...crazy... yesterday," she said, giggling.

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Senior Year Ch. 1: History

I never stopped being amused by the stares of first years. i'm kind of an oddity, that being my great, great grandfather was a goat. over the next few generations, those genes were blended into an otherwise pure fox bloodline.

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Wasteland Saviour - Divine Union - ch3

Crystal just looked at fox and smiled, "i could never stop you running off to save someone's day could i love?" she said rhetorically with a smirk for her mate.

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Wasteland Survivor – Regaining life - ch26

I sighed, relief pouring through me, "i am doing well, i guess, crystal, she would never stop loving me even if i grew horns and" i grinned, "a tail. and drath-" i began "wait, the dragon and you are..." he replied, sounding sceptical.

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