TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 28 harsh punishment

Story by Marinus18 on SoFurry

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Ember has defeated her mother but what now? Will Wilmfe just accept it or not?

Ember has defeated her mother but what now? Will Wilmfe just accept it or not?

author note: Here is at long last chapter 28. I have worked like crazy on it but that's mostly because of my difficulty to write now. I had to wait until by betareader finished with it. Anyway, I really like this chapter, it's one of my favourites. Ever since I made it about half a year ago I've been dying to show it to you guys. It's not easy but I think I did a well enough job considering the circumstances.

I really had to think well about the sexsual things I used here. I really wanted something horrible to happen. Ember possibly the toughest character I have in my entire story so to break someone like her you need something pretty horrible. It's about how sadistic I can be if you will.

I know that this is a kind of sensative thing so I hoped I put enough respect into it to get the message across of how horrible it truly is.

From here the second part of my story will start. chapter 29 will not come for a long time because it still needs major work. With my life as it is it could take months for all I know

The legend of Spyro

Legend of the black dragon

Chapter 28 harsh punishment

Ember walked into her house brimming with pride. Her head held high and a wide grin across her face

She had done it! She had finally done it! She had defeated her mother in battle.

To defeat such a powerful dragoness like her mother was an impressive feat of strength but for Ember; the only thing that really mattered was fighting her in the first place.

To gather up the courage she needed to fight had been very difficult. It had cost Embed almost all of her will power and courage but, she had done it.

Despite looking her mother straight into the eye and Wilmfe looking more fierce than Ember had ever seen her before she had calmed herself and kept focused during the entire battle, not even flinching once.

For some reason it felt to Ember like she had just grown 5 years older in that one battle. To have defeated her mother completely on her own just felt very satisfying.

It felt like she had finally proven that she was no whelpling anymore now but a real life dragoness, and a powerful one at that.

The thought just made her feel so good.

Suddenly Ember jumped up as she heard a loud bang coming from behind her.

She quickly turned her head around and saw her mother; having just slammed the door shut with her tail and looking down at her with a murderous glare.

"Come here you!!!" she all but screamed at her, her voice all of a sudden filled with rage.

Ember let out a helpless squeal and shrank to nearly hatchling size.

She covered her eyes with her paws, too scared to even look at her.

All of Ember's previous pride and confidence vanished in an instant and she trembled in front of the red draconic form of her mother.

Slowly Ember removed her paws and she carefully took a peak at her mother's face. Terrified at the sight she might find.

As soon as Ember saw her mother's blazing red hot pupils burning into her she shot her head back down towards the ground again but, she had already seen enough.

She knew that look in her mother eyes, she knew it all too well.

It was a punitive glare of anger and aggression. The creases in her mother's face and the hellish fire in her now feral red eyes were unmistakable. Her mother was furious, not just mad but simply furious.

Ember had never seen her mother looking down at her with so much rage. Not even the time when she had broken their crystal clock had her mother looked at her this way.

Ember gulped in fear as she knew very well what it meant for her when her mother was angry. With her mother this angry, her heart all but stopped at how horrific it possibly was going to be.

"Why?" She managed to force out. Why was her mother so angry at her? She hadn't done anything wrong. It couldn't be that-

"I said come here!" Her mother shouted even fiercer now what seemed to snap something inside of Ember.

As soon as the razor sharp command reached the pink dragoness it felt like her legs gained a will of their own. They slowly started moving and brought her in the direction she was ordered. Slowly and fearfully Ember crept along the floor towards her mother, cringed down to a pathetic hatchling size and her face hanging down submissively.

She had no choice but to go, she had to obey and do what her mother demanded of her. Even though she knew very well what was going to happen if she did.

As soon as Ember was within reaching distance her mother swooped her tail around her and slammed Ember hard on her back instead of gently placing her there like she normally did.

Ember wheezed as the air was forced out of her lungs but before she could breathe again she was pressed down viciously by her mother's wings.

Her mother was having no mercy with her and pressed Ember down with all her strength. Ember ground her teeth from the pain in her left wing as that was being forced downwards in a very unnatural position.

She tried to fold it in but was pressed down with so much force that she couldn't even move it.

Because Ember was pressed down so hard she didn't even need to grab the spikes of her mother to stay on. Simply the pressure alone was enough to prevent Ember from moving in any direction.

Through the pain of her sharply bend wing Ember gaspingly tried to replenish her air supply but a powerful blow on her tailbase knocked it out of her before she could even start.

What little air the pink dragoness still had left in her lungs she screamed out from the first blow already.

When she finally got a chance to breathe again she inhaled deeply and panted but before she could even take another breath the second hard blow forced her to scream again.

Then the next blow came and Ember continued to pant and gasp as she screamed from the one after that.

Ember felt like she could choke as she screamed her heart out from the blows and was pressed down with so much force that she could barely breathe.

However Ember didn't think about breathing now, she only screamed from the spanking that was harder and more rapid than any she had ever suffered.

'Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang!' the blows came down at such a horrible fast pace. She couldn't even keep count on how many it were. It seemed like an endless barrage of slaps, not just one at a time but simply a storm of blows.

It felt like her eyes closed by themselves now and she cringed in with what little room she still had left. Trying to find any possible way to console herself.

Tears appeared in her still closed eyes as the painful and brutal spanking hit her not only on her backside but also deeply in her heart with every stroke that came down on her.

She felt like she couldn't move, not the wings of her mother but the overwhelming barrage of beats knocked out every bit of strength Ember ever thought she had.

All her confidence, all her excitement of the battle, all her pride of defeating her mother, it was all just simply being smashed to pieces by the most horrible spanking ever.

Ember had no strength anymore to resist her. She was completely powerless and helpless to her mother. Wilmfe could hurt her just as much as she wanted to and there was nothing Ember could do to stop her. All she could do was simply cry and pray for it to be over soon.

"Why mom?!" Ember shouted in tears. She knew that she was forbidden from talking during a spanking but she didn't think about that anymore. She hadn't done anything bad at all, there was no reason that she had to endure this. She had won the match fair and squire. She knew that she wasn't naughty. She had done only good today. She knew it!

Her mother didn't seem to hear her and continued her rapid spanking without hesitation or with even the tiniest amount of reluctance.

Ember now let out a long and painful scream from the relentless spanking that burned deeply into her with each slap.

Ember had been spanked before countless times in her life but never like this. In all the other spankings she knew how many blows it was going to be and she just counted them towards the end.

The pain was hard but there was always the knowledge that, painful as it was, it was finite. Ember knew just how much pain was coming and how far they were towards the end.

However this time she had no idea how it would last. Her mother just kept beating her again and again without slowing down.

For her that was even worse than the slaps themselves. She just didn't know for how long it would go on. It felt like it could go on forever.

Her mother hit her on the left side of her tail, then the right, then the left again, then the right once more. Left, right, left right, She never slowed down even a little bit to allow poor Ember to recover.

Ember kept squealing and sobbing, tears escaping from her tightly closed eyes and flowing freely down her chubby pink cheeks.

They slowly fell off her muzzle and dripped onto her mother's back, her mother seemingly unmoved by it.

As the relentless blows came down on her painful and sore tailbase Ember could feel the tiny scales of her mother's tail very well.

She could feel her mother's pedal shaped tail appendix. She could feel the slight bending it had as well as the spine that ran through it.

Every single detail of the tail she could feel burning deeply into her with every single strike that it made on her.

Ember cried and squealed with everything she had but there was no one who could hear her pain. It was just she and her mother, Ember completely at her mother's mercy.

The spanking continued on and endless tears kept flowing out of her shut eyes. The blows on her tailbase were hard and the pain her mother gave her was agonizing for Ember. It seemed her mother had no mercy at all with her little pink daughter.

Wilmfe spanked Ember without letting out a single sound or emotion. She simply kept hitting and hitting her pink daughter´s rump ruthlessly again and again. Never slowing down nor even showing a little bit of care of what she was doing to her.

Ember let out another desperate shout from a particularly hard blow and just cried helplessly as she waited until her mother had satisfied herself with beating her.

Ember right now felt just so helpless and humiliated. She was a warrior, a strong and brave warrior yet there was still nothing she could do.

She had to take this and take it all.

Ember didn't keep quiet or tried to resign to it. She just kept shouting out and screaming in pain, tears never stopping from flowing out of her innocent and hurt blue eyes.

Minutes, hours it seemed, passed until at last, in the haze of blows, pain, screams and tears her mother finally stopped.

Ember panted in desperation and was crying so hard that the tears were simply raining down on her mother's back. She didn't move at all nor talked, she simply just sobbed.

Ember's entire backside was a bright red colour and stung agonizingly. Bruises and even blue spots covered her tailbase and Ember could feel it heating up already. Her tailbase was so sore and painful from the onslaught it was going to take days to heal.

This was beyond doubt the most horrible spanking Ember had ever had in her entire life.

How many blows had it been? 100? 200? 500? Anything seemed possible, Ember had no idea how many blows it had been and actually it didn't really matter.

She didn't deserve this at all! She had done no wrong. Ember had defeated her mother in that battle completely fair. And yet she was spanked. It just hurt so much.

But, at least now it was over or at least that was what Ember thought.

"I don't even think you felt that!" Her mother snapped with an amount of venom and sadism that shocked Ember to the core.

It was a voice of pure evil and fury. Totally unlike the cold and insensate voice her mother normally had during a spanking.

This spanking was no punishment. Her mother was furious and was expressing all of her anger and frustration on her. The helpless and submissive Ember of who she knew would never fight back.

Her mother's anger hadn't subsided yet and for Ember that meant that more was on the way.

"Please mom, no more" Ember begged in tears as she was half dazed by the brutal spanking. It was already unbearable at as it was. Ember couldn't think of it getting possibly even worse.

"Please, I learned my lesson. Please." she stuttered.

Her mother didn't respond but didn't continuo the spanking either what meant that it could have an effect.

Ember took that slight glimmer of hope with her everything she had.

"I can't take it anymore." She shouted. "Please stop."

"I love you mom, please stop, please." Ember whimpered, tears flowing freely down her face.

She buried her head sobbingly down into the scales of her mother. There Ember just whined and begged helplessly, not showing even the tiniest bit of dignity or strength.

Normally Ember cried during a spanking and was submissive but she always kept herself at least a little bit of dignity. However this time she didn't care about that as she just wanted it to stop.

This spanking was something she couldn't handle. Not only was the spanking itself more painful than it had ever been. But what was even worse was that this time her mother wasn't beating her because she was bad. This time her mother hurt her because she just felt like it.

"Quiet you!" Her mother snapped venomously at her whimpering.

Ember yelped from a hard warning blow on her already very sore tailbase but that was nothing compared to what she was about to go through.

She suddenly felt a relieving feeling as the pressure on her back was lowered a bit.

Sliding a little now she instinctively she grabbed the spikes in front of her.

As soon as she had fixed her position she wondered what had just happened.

She couldn't see it from her position laying on her mother's back. But she didn't need to look back as she quickly figured it meant that her mother had lifted up her left wing.

She had no idea why her mother did that but she was glad for it anyway because it finally freed her trapped wing and she could now breathe a little bit more comfortable.

Then, suddenly Ember's mind was shot as she felt her tail being lifted up into the air.

As her tail was raised Ember's sex organ was exposed. Something Ember was very well aware off.

Although she was quite childlike Ember was still a dragoness of fertile age.

Therefore it made her feel acutely very uncomfortable that her mother lifted her tail and exposed her entrance.

Instinctively she put counter pressure against it to lower her tail again.

Suddenly there was a strong force on the back of her head and she slammed into her mother. Her vision blackened as her face was buried into the scales.

Ember couldn't see a thing now and could only still breathe through her nostrils.

With her now distracted her mother pulled the tail up over Ember's back.

She then caught Ember's tail with her wing and moved it back over Ember. Then she pushed her down again and kept the tail trapped between her wing and Ember's back.

With her entrance now exposed Ember shivered as she felt a cold breeze. Her cage of wing membrane and dragon body was warm but the lips of a dragoness' cloaca are so sensitive that they sense any exposure.

The temperature in the room was lower than her body temperature and she could feel that very well.

Then the thing happened that, although it should have been obvious Ember still didn't saw coming.

She let out a horrible muffled scream of terror as she felt her mother's tail blade against her now vulnerably exposed opening.

She screamed into her mother's body as her head was still being buried down by her wing.

There was a short pause and then Wilmfe hit her again on her opening, and then one time again around the edge.

Ember screamed her lungs out with each time and she wasn't done screaming from the first or the next one caused her to scream even louder.

The feeling of the blows was something that Ember had never experienced before or even knew existed.

It was such a excruciatingly sharp feeling. Not like the normal pain of a spanking at all. During a normal spanking; the blows were softened and spread through her entire back side, they only seemed to effect her body. It was painful and she hated it but it was bearable.

However this was something even a dragon as tough as Ember couldn't take.

Her last amount of will broke and she started yelling and whimpering blindly.

She struggled against her bonds but her mother's wings were too strong for her.

Ember pushed, turned and twisted but no matter what she did the wings wouldn't move.

Inside of her the feeling coursed and burned as it spread itself through every single vein of her body. The deadly sharp feeling filled her head and just overruled her thoughts.

When it had spread itself throughout her body it felt like there was nothing else remaining, nothing else but pain. Every other emotion or feeling was just completely cast aside.

The pain felt not like hammer blows but more like knives, the force of the blows were the size of the knives and the spikes of pleasure that came with it were the razor sharp cutting edges of them. The storm of knives started from her behind and went towards her head while cutting apart everything in their path.

Ember couldn't think about anything else anymore. She still tried to keep herself together but that was a futile effort. The feeling was just too strong to handle.

She couldn't see, hear, smell or taste anymore. She could only feel the excruciating pain she was in.

Ember never stopped struggling against her bonds but weak hatchling struggle wouldn't do her any good against a full grown adult like her mother.

Ember's body now started rocking and jumping up uncontrollably with each blow that came. Every muscle she had unwillingly contracted with every blow what caused her body to rock and move in all kind of random ways.

Never could Ember have imagined that such a feeling really existed. That anything in this world could be so horrible, so painful.

She struggled more and more wildly and suddenly she could feel fresh air as her head popped free.

She screamed out with all her soul in the hope that someone might hear it and come to save her.

But nobody came for her. "Wheeh!" Ember cried like a newborn from pain and disappointment.

The pain continued to burn deeper and deeper into her and Ember was starting to loose all sense of her surroundings.

Tears were still flowing from her cheeks and dripping off her face. Forming a small puddle between her paw and running down the length of her mother's body.

"Mommy, please!" She whimpered.

"Help me mommy!!!" She yelped. Her mind was so full of pain and so torn by the sharp feeling that she didn't even realise it was her mother who was causing her the pain in the first place.

She kept screaming out for her mother as the bolts of burning pain destroyed her mind further and further.

"Ember." through her haze of pain Ember suddenly thought she heard a voice calling her.

The voice sounded familiar to her but it was very faint. It sounded a bit like a memory but yet somehow it seemed real.

"I'm sorry" The voice was there again. It wasn't her mother as the voice was male but with the pain overruling her mind Ember didn't know anything anymore.

"Ignitus!" Ember shouted without knowing.

But he also didn't come for her. Nobody would save her and Ember cried once more in disappointment.

The pain seemed to go on for hours. Ember kept squirming and whimpering uselessly.

By now Ember didn't feel the individual blows anymore.

Her private parts had become so sensitive and the strikes so painful that they simply blended together. The pain didn't disappear fast enough or the next blow forced it up again.

Ember had become totally surreal. Her mating instincts combined with the excruciating pain completely destroyed her mind.

Ember had no idea anymore of where she was or who was causing it.

The only thing she knew was that she was in an unbearable pain and that she wanted it to stop.

There was nothing else she wanted, nothing she needed except for the feeling to finally stop. She would give anything for it, anything! She just wanted it to stop.

It had to stop! It just had too! The feeling just was too much to exist. It had to stop!

However no matter how desperately she wanted it to disappear it stayed and she couldn't take it. It was far beyond what she could handle. She couldn't stand it another second, it just was too much.

She wanted the feeling to stop, the price she didn't care. It just had to stop.

"Please, make it stop!" she shouted full of tears.

But it didn't stop. It kept going on ruthlessly.

"Please, make it stop, please," she whimpered.

It still didn't stop. No matter what she did it wouldn't stop.

"Make it stop!!!!!!" she screamed with her entire heart and soul.

However the jolts kept just sharp and painful every time they came to burn into her. It wasn't something she could get used to. She yelped, begged, cried, whimpered, struggled, screamed and shouted but everything she did was in vain.

Ember tried to open her eyes to look for something that might ease the pain but she didn't even have the strength to do that anymore.

No matter how hard she tried to fight against it or accept it, it kept coming and stayed beyond endurance.

Ember lost all track of time. Her eyes squeezed shut and she kept yelling blindly.

The feeling burned deep into her mind and imprinted a mental scar on the little pink dragoness that would last for the rest of her life.

Ember was now completely broken. She was a tough girl but this was something beyond her. Just something that was nobody could handle. It completely shattered her sweet and kind heart.

Ember screamed blindly and struggled as the horrible torture continued on endlessly.

Then, after an eternity the burning feeling seemed to stop. Ember didn't know if it was real but she desperately hoped so. It just had to stop.

Slowly it became less and less until finally; it was over.

Now that the pain was gone at last Ember finally screamed out and sprang into tears.

She was crying like a hatchling and now started struggling again.

She wanted no more; she just couldn't take any more this. She had to get away now!

Suddenly she felt something move underneath her.

She had no idea what it was but it made her feel very frightened.

Suddenly she felt herself being hurled through the air and collide hard with something solid.

"Wheeh!!!" she cried in the corner where she had landed.

Ember's eyes now finally shot open and she frantically looked for a way out.

She had to get away. Where she didn't know but she just needed to get away.

She suddenly spotted what looked like an open door.

Hoping it to be a way out she raced through the opening.

The late sun welcomed her as she made it outside. It was a nice day.

However Ember didn't notice it and just kept running blindly.

She wanted away, she wanted to run away from here and never stop running.

Now that she could finally run, she would go as far away from this pain as she possibly could go and never return again!

She was still crying and her eyes were still half shut, Ember had no idea of where she was going but just kept running.

Suddenly she thought she saw something purple appear in front of her but with her eyes still half closed and filled with tears she didn't stop for it.

Spyro was flying towards Ember to congratulate her with her win.

He actually wanted to go Ember right after her match was over but Cynder was of the opinion that it would be better to let Ember settle things with her mother first.

It had been about an hour and a half since Ember had left the citadel and Spyro thought they would be done by now.

He really felt that Ember had made a great accomplishment today.

After all Ember had been struggling to fight her mother ever since she first heard about it and she had done excellent.

The battle had been a very good and Spyro knew that Ember had done her very best there.

Spyro now spotted the house of Ember and gently landed on the street.

Her mother sure hadn't pulled any punches in that battle, Spyro knew that for certain. She really had fought Ember with everything she had so that made Ember's victory only even more impressive.

As Spyro walked towards the house of his friend he was suddenly startled when he heard a lot of bellow coming from somewhere.

He looked around to find the source of it but before he could identify it he heard a loud blow what ended the bellow.

"What was that?" Spyro asked himself.

He looked around but no matter where he looked he couldn't spot anyone nearby. He was standing completely alone.

As he was almost there he just dismissed it but he quickened his pace towards Ember's house. There was no reason for him to think that the sounds had anything to do with Ember but he still wanted to get there quickly. Just in case.

He was feeling slightly relieved as he saw the house of the pink dragoness appearing.

Suddenly, out of nowhere someone crashed full force into him.

Spyro was knocked down on his back and other person fell over on top of him.

Spyro looked up a bit annoyed to who it was but when he spotted her his annoyance vanished and was replaced by shock.

It was the pink dragoness that had crashed into him, and she was crying.

"Ember?!" Spyro exclaimed in shock.

Ember didn't reply and just kept crying. She didn't get off of him and to Spyro's shock she buried her head inside of his chest to cry more.

"Ember, what happened?" Spyro asked still laying on his back with Ember sobbing in his chest.

Ember just continued to cry and sob without giving even a clue that she had heard him.

Her cheeks and her chin were soaked with tears and Spyro could feel her body tremble as she lay on top of him.

Spyro looked to Ember with pity and shock. The sight of Ember like that was something Spyro had never seen before. He had never seen Ember behave this way. Not even close.

However Spyro didn't think about it for long and now tried to push Ember off of him so that he could talk with her.

Ember wouldn't let go and kept holding on to him with both her paws.

She held on to him like for dear life and pressed her muzzle into his chest as she kept sobbing.

Spyro used his tail to give a bit more force to his push.

Ember did get off this time but something was very weird.

She didn't let go of him but was forced off. However Spyro knew very well that Ember was much too strong to be pushed off so easily, if she wanted to hold on to him than he shouldn't be able to push her off unless he used extreme force.

But he just gave her a medium push. What was going on with her?

Spyro got back to his feet but couldn't get his thoughts in a row. The situation had him completely shocked, stunned and baffled.

Ember stood before him, crying heavily and not speaking at all. It looked like she was in a completely different world.

She sat on her behind for a second but immediately jumped up again as if she had sat down on a branch of thorns.

"Spyro!" Ember suddenly yelled as if she had just noticed him now.

"Ember" a bit on instinct Spyro walked closer to the dragoness to try and find any possible way to console her.

However as soon as he was close Ember ducked underneath his head and hugged him tight with her wings.

She pressed him as tightly against herself as she could and it looked like she would never let him go again.

However Spyro pushed her off again. He wanted to comfort her but not like this.

Ember was still much too weak to resist and it was easy for Spyro to push her away.

When she was off Spyro looked at Ember stunned as he tried to get his thoughts in line.

"Let's go to the citadel now, okay Ember?" Spyro suggested as he had no idea of what he was going to do with her.

Ember stood unmoving and wept silently but after 10 seconds she nodded.

Spyro turned around and walked back to the citadel, Ember following slowly by his side.

Spyro walked the entire way to the citadel instead of flying.

Ember's house was quite a distance from the citadel to go by foot by Spyro but wanted to comfort Ember. In any way he could.

As they walked Ember kept trying to touch his side and never got away from him.

Hoping it would help Spyro draped his wing over her protectively and allowed her to walk closely next to him.

Normally Spyro really hated it whenever a dragoness got this close to him but with Ember crying nonstop the entire way he made an exception for her.

As they walked Spyro just couldn't get the question out of his head "What could possibly have happened to her?" he kept asking himself that question every 10 seconds during the entire journey.

He looked towards the sobbing dragoness that he had under his wing.

Ember looked so broken en pitiful. It just was beyond belief. What could have possibly have made her like this?

The two dragons slowly walked the entire way to the citadel. Ember never said a single word to Spyro and just kept sobbing as she leaned on him for support.

Spyro didn't say much either. Not because he didn't want to but because he had no idea of what he could possibly say to the crying dragoness.

He just let her lean on him and looked at her with pity.

When they had at last reached the citadel Spyro saw Cynder appearing from the gates and walking up to them.

She looked at him with curiosity for why Spyro had brought Ember along but that emotion disappeared almost as fast as it came.

She stopped about a metre in front of them and looked shocked at Ember who looked at her for one second before ducking back under Spyro wing.

Cynder looked back at Spyro, disbelief, shock, confusion and pity all written across her face.

"What? What has happened?!" She asked him shocked.

"Let's just get her to our room okay" Spyro suggested. He had no idea of what was going on either but he really wanted to know. He simply had to find a way to help her.

With Cynder's help Spyro brought Ember up to their room and once there they put her down in a corner.

Once in the corner Ember backed away from them in fear and kept crying.

"Okay, enough tears now!" Sparx said a bit annoyed.

Spyro snarled at him to say something like that now. However he didn't do something about it as he had bigger issues.

He turned back to Ember "Ember, what happened?" he asked slowly and carefully.

"I-I-" Ember stuttered between sobs.

"Come on Ember, what happened?" Cynder now tried.

Ember didn't even give a reply this time and crawled away from her sobbing.

"Ember, we want to help you" Cynder said as softly as she could. However as she approached her Ember backed against the wall, seemingly terrified of her.

Now Spyro also approached her, trying to help.

"Please Ember, just tell us"

"Spyro!" Ember screamed like a helpless hatchling.

She flew out from her corner tackled him to the ground. She then buried her head inside his chest again and sobbed desperately.

"Uh?" Spyro had no idea of what to think about Ember's behaviour.

"Help me please" she begged Spyro.

"Excuse me?" Cynder said, her voice sounding a little sharp now.

Somehow Ember seemed to hear it as she got off of Spyro and just sobbed some more while standing motionlessly.

"Cynder, try and see if you can find Georga. She knows Ember very well and she might know something" Spyro suggested.

"I will" Cynder said although it sounded a bit reluctant.

She walked out of the room clearly with having some reason to stay behind.

"Why don't you go along with her Sparx?" he strongly suggested as he didn't want him around with Ember like this.

"Do I really have to?" Sparx complained.

Spyro glared dangerously at him and got the message as he grumblingly went along with Cynder.

When the door closed Spyro turned back to Ember.

For some reason Ember turned away from him again and had laid back down in the corner.

She just lied there now, sobbing and crying like a hatchling. Not paying Spyro any heed it seemed.

This was all so odd. Spyro had no idea of what to do with it.

He had asked what had happened too many times so he didn't know what to say now to the crying dragoness that lie in front of him.

Suddenly now that she was laying with her side to him Spyro spotted something strange.

Ember's tailbase and all the sides of her behind were bright red or blue instead of their normal pink. Outside in the sun it was hard to spot but now he could see it clearly.

Spyro had never seen that before.

"Is she sick?" he wondered as he had no idea of why Ember's hindquarter had that colour.

He decided now try to and ask it again.

"Are you sick Ember?" he asked, his voice as soft as he could make it.

At first nothing happened but then Ember slowly rose her head up and looked at him with teary eyes.

She didn't speak but Spyro just looked at her calmly and didn't rush her.

"No" She answered at last.

As Spyro looked more closely it all of a sudden hit him.

He couldn't believe he was so clueless that he didn't recognise the kind of redness. It was from bruises and he had observed the battle and he knew that they didn't come from there.

"Did someone attack you?" he asked then.

This time Ember also took over a minute before she replied.

"No" she said silently her sobs intensifying.

Spyro saw that this was going to take forever.

"Come on Ember?-" He approached her slowly, hoping to not frighten her. "What happened?" he asked. He still sounded kind but also a bit more forceful this time. If he wanted to help her he needed to know what had happened.

Ember didn't answer and just sobbed while she didn't seem to notice him anymore.

Spyro now approached her so close that his muzzle was only a few centimetres away from hers.

Still she didn't move nor talk. She only kept crying but she had already tackled him twice so Spyro did not let his guard down.

Somehow feeling like it he tenderly nuzzled her in the hope to comfort her enough that she would talk.

Ember's nose felt very soft and her tears had made it wet. Spyro could feel just how much she had cried.

Ember didn't rub back but didn't push him away either. She did seem to get a little bit more relaxed now however.

Spyro actually thought the nuzzling felt quite nice. But he could also very well feel her sadness and he still had no idea what she was sad about.

Suddenly Ember threw her head over his shoulder and now cried out loudly.

Spyro was very surprised by this move at first but this time he didn't push her away.

Instead he tenderly rubbed her back with his paw and just let her cry.

"Why?!" Ember screamed while Spyro continued to rub her back gently. Pity coming up in him more and more.

"How could you do it?!"


Ember kept screaming and crying while Spyro kept her close and rubbed her back a bit more now.

Suddenly Spyro retreated his head and moved away a bit from Ember.

Ember just continued to sob and cry. She didn't move away as well nor did she try to keep hold of him. She was completely powerless.

"What happened Ember?" He said trying to sound stern.

Trying to force the answer out of her was possibly one of the most difficult things Spyro had ever done in his entire life.

He really hurt him to do that to the crying Ember but he needed to know what was wrong with her if he was going to help her.

However a few sobs from Ember indicated that she wasn't ready yet.

She didn't even open her eyes and tears slowly escaped through the narrow slit between her closed eye-lids.

Spyro didn't know what he should do or what to say. He just wanted to help her.

Feeling a bit guilty that he had forced her away like that he now pulled Ember closer to himself again.

Ember took the invitation and kept crying and screaming again. Like she didn't even care that he had pushed her away.


"How could you?!"


The words kept repeating themselves over and over again. Ember kept screamed and sobbed over Spyro's shoulder while he rubbed her back tenderly with his paw.

Spyro just so desperately wanted to know what could possibly have happened to her. He so desperately wanted to help her but as long as he didn't know what it was there was nothing he could do but let her cry.

He just felt so completely useless, if he only knew.

Spyro listened carefully as Ember's words clearly said it was something awful what happened to her. He was listening for anything that might give him an indication of what could possibly have happened.

Then suddenly, Ember said something that caught his attention.

"How could you do it?!... Mom!!!" She shouted.

"Mom?" That one word suddenly made everything clear for him.

"Did your mother hurt you?" He asked her, this time keeping her crying over his shoulder.

"Yes" he heard Ember sob.

"Her mother hurt her!" the thought came down as a bombshell to Spyro and a certain anger started rising in him.

However he quickly forced that thought out of his head as Ember needed him now.

"Don't worry Ember" Spyro said as Ember was still crying over his shoulder.

Suddenly she delicately turned around and opened her eyes to look at him.

Spyro didn't know what to say but just smiled warmly at her sobbing face.

He slightly retreated his head and nuzzled her again while continuing to rub her back with his wing.

"Don't worry Ember" he said tenderly.

"I'll protect you and I won't ever leave you" he assured her softly.

Ember didn't reply. She just stared at him, her large blue eyes filled with tears that rolled down her cheeks.

She opened her mouth but closed it again as if she didn't have the strength to speak.

She just threw her head down over his shoulder again and cried silently.

Spyro felt so much pity for her.

What could her mother possibly have done to make the always strong Ember so broken?

"Ember, please tell me" Spyro tried it again to find out what had happened now Ember had cried out some more.

However it was as fruitless as the other tries so he just let Ember cry even more.

He decided now to just let Ember cry out and hope that at one point or another she would tell him what her mother had done to make her like this.

Suddenly the door opened and Spyro was forced to look away from Ember.

"Sorry Spyro but I can't find Georga" Cynder said as she walked in.

"What?! Is this?!" Cynder exclaimed by seeing Spyro hugging Ember and Ember crying silently over his shoulder.

Ember looked up with her teary eyes but then buried her head back down into Spyro again.

"Cynder, go tell her mom that she is sleeping over tonight" Spyro ordered next, his voice not very kind.

"What? B-but can't she better go to her mother?" Cynder asked surprised.

Spyro's lips curled up, revealing his fangs "I don't want her to be near that dragon!" he snapped fiercely.

Cynder was very surprised by how fierce Spyro was all of a sudden but, still confused she just did as he said.

She left again and Spyro got back to comforting the crying Ember.

Cynder in the meantime was now heading out over the city again.

Ember's position with Spyro had shocked her at first but after she thought about it for a while, it fitted perfectly in the situation and she quickly forgot about it.

Spyro was just trying to console Ember so that was the reason he was holding her like that.

However there was one thing that she didn't understand.

"Why was Spyro so fierce all of a sudden?" Cynder thought as she was flying over the city.

"I just suggested that it could be better for Ember to be with her family but I guess he didn't agree"

"But, just what could have happened to make Ember like this?" Cynder thought as she now touched down on the street and walked towards the house of Ember.

"Could it be?!" a very shocking possibility now entered her thoughts.

"No, this is a mother I'm talking about here. There is no way that a mother would take revenge on her own child" That Wilmfe could do anything to truly harm Ember was something that Cynder could never believe. She was Ember's mother, she never would do something like that.

"Ember beat her fair and squire so it must be something else." Cynder thought as she now knocked on the door of the house.

After some time the door opened and a dragoness that Cynder recognised as Wilmfe appeared.

Wilmfe was looking very fierce down and Cynder gulped from it.

"Oh, it's you again!" She snapped fiercely as soon as she spotted Cynder.

"Um, yes." Cynder took a step back.

The fierce feral look in Wilmfe's bright red eyes made Cynder's blood run cold and she could feel her body starting to tremble.

"Well we wondered..." Cynder stammered very intimidated by the look of Wilmfe glaring down at her.

"What?!" Wilmfe said fiercely what caused Cynder to duck in.

Cynder started to make scared squeaking sounds now as Wilmfe clearly struck fear in her heart.

However Cynder gathered up all her warrior courage to suppress it and toughen up.

"If Ember could sleep over tonight." she just managed to finish.

"Fine!" Wilmfe slammed the door shut in her face, leaving Cynder perplexed on the streets.

Taking over five minutes to recover Cynder started to fly back again to the citadel.

"Wow, that mother of Ember sure is scary." Cynder had fought against towering hero orks, monstrous trolls, that humongous earth golem and even against the dark master himself, but that dragoness seemed scarier than all those enemies combined.

That look she had in her eyes.

Cynder shivered just by thinking about it.

Suddenly she remembered what she was thinking about before she knocked on the door.

"Maybe her mother did cause it." Cynder found the thought almost unbelievable but the sight of that dragoness seemed to actually make it possible.

"A mother can do something like this?!" Cynder found the thought-

Well she just couldn't believe it.

"No, Ember is just acting like a weenie" Cynder thought in a try to answer the sensitive question. However, inside she knew very well that this wasn't true.

Ember was no weenie, she was a very tough dragoness, possibly even tougher than Cynder was herself so whatever happened to her must have been heavy, brutal and devastating.

In that mindset she flew back to the citadel while the thought that her mother might have been the one that had hurt her kept circulating in her head.

It seemed real yet it was unbelievable. But then again... Ember's mother also was unbelievable. Not even Malefor came close to being that scary.

Back in the citadel Spyro had laid Ember down on the bed he shared with Cynder and had laid himself down next to her.

He had made himself a promise that he wouldn't leave her side until she stopped crying.

Ember had been crying for hours now and it didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon so Spyro was still with her.

He tenderly had his wing draped over her while Ember just sobbed silently.

Suddenly the door creaked what caused Spyro to lift his head up to see who it was.

He spotted Cynder enter the room while carrying a large bag on her back held down by her wings.

"What's that?" Spyro asked.

"Dinner" Cynder answered "I just guessed that I would rather bring it than take Ember downstairs." she said.

"Thanks Cynder." Spyro said as he looked back to Ember.

She had her eyes closed it looked like she was asleep.

Spyro slightly shook her body to wake her up.

Ember didn't yawn or stretch out but just opened her eyes and looked around a bit confused like she was trying to figure out where she was.

"Ember, dinner" Spyro said carefully.

Ember now smelled the food and slowly got up from the bed.

Seeing that Ember wasn't going to say anything Cynder just lowered the bag down and opened it.

In the bag Cynder had brought two small boars and a large number of taviboah.

She gave Sparx one of the taviboah, Spyro and herself the two boars and the remaining taviboah's to Ember.

She had given Ember fruit because she thought it would be more easy for her to chew.

As soon as Ember spotted the food that Cynder put in front of her she dove on the it like she hadn't eaten in days.

Voraciously she gorged them all inside and didn't chew at all.

She chocked on one but forced it out of her trachea with a gagging sound and continued on.

"Wow, slow down there Ember." Cynder said surprised, waving her paw.

However Ember had already eaten all 12 of the fruits in less than a minute. She weakly slouched back to the bed of Spyro and Cynder where she collapsed and started to sob again.

The scene pained Cynder a lot as she really felt for her.

She moved her head closer to Spyro now.

"What has happened to her?" She whispered softly so that Ember wouldn't hear it.

"Something with her mother." Spyro answered sadly as he looked back towards the wreck of Ember.

That it was her mother was more a confirmation than a revelation to Cynder.

She had partially been expecting it.

She now looked again to the pink dragoness who lay sobbingly on the bed.

"What could Wilmfe possibly have done to her?!" Cynder tried to visualize it but nothing she could come up with did suffice.

Ember had been so playful just yesterday with that climbing rope and that hanging upside down.

Ember back then still seemed so full of joy and energy. Cynder also knew that Ember could be mature and assertive as when she set up the act to help Georga. She could also be very powerful and strong in the battle arena.

Ember seemed so strong and happy. To see her broken like this-

Cynder looked at Spyro and his eyes told her he was thinking the same thing right now.

The two finished their meal but neither really enjoyed it.

"Cynder, why don't you go and get the mattress?" Spyro suggested sternly.

"Can't you do it yourself?!" Cynder said in thought as Spyro constantly sent her for errands but she just did what she was ordered and walked out of the room.

She had picked the mattress a few times before so she knew where to look.

She opened the closet and laid the mattress on her back.

It was heavy but Cynder was strong enough to carry it if she put it the right way.

Dragging most of it along the floor she carried it back to the room where she laid it down on the floor.

When she turned she was shocked to see that Spyro had joined the crying Ember on their bed.

"Um, Spyro" Cynder stammered in disbelief.

"You'll sleep there for tonight." Spyro said like an order.

He didn't even turn to look at her and now shove even closer to Ember.

"Spyro" She almost couldn't believe Spyro just forced her off like that and was together with Ember.

Trying to forget about it Cynder just laid down on her mattress and tried to get some sleep.

She shivered a little from the cold and curled up to get herself a bit more warmth.

Having to do that really made her feel the absence of Spyro's usual warm and soft body.

It was the first time since their victory over Malefor that she had to sleep without Spyro by her side and she didn't like it all.

She looked towards them again and she could see that Ember was still sobbing a little.

Although it stung on her, somewhere inside she could understand it.

Spyro just didn't want to leave Ember and that meant she couldn't sleep with him tonight. But it still felt nasty that Spyro now slept with Ember on their bed instead of her.

Cynder looked more to Ember now that lay comfortably next to Spyro's warm body.

Cynder now almost felt a certain anger come up. That place next to Spyro was hers. Spyro was her mate so she should sleep with him, not Ember.

However Cynder sighed to force that emotion out and turned around now. She slept with her back towards Spyro as to not do something that she would regret by the sight of her mate laying on their bed with another female.

"Tough love, eh Blacky" Sparx grinned.

Cynder gave Sparx a hard swat with her tail but he dodged it.

"Easy does it there" He said.

Cynder blew a small typhoon his way and Sparx only recovered just in time not to smack against the ceiling.

He didn't say something as Cynder looked very aggressively and floated to his bed.

Cynder didn't bother with him and closed her eyes, sleep following quickly afterwards.

Despite what it looked like, while Cynder and Spyro were asleep Ember was still awake.

The pain on her tailbase was there but it was nothing compared to what she felt on her cloaca.

Spyro had asked her numerous times what had happened but she just couldn't bare to repeat it.

However while she tackled him twice and used him as her crying doll for hours he never left her side or got mad. He even let her sleep with him during the night.

The pain was still there but she didn't feel the fear anymore that she felt earlier.

Being with him she once again felt that warm and assured feeling that she hadn't had since Ignitus last visited her.

Ignitus had been there for her but it seemed like he wasn't the only one.

Spyro would also help her, support her.

While the pain was sharp in both her mind and her body Ember somehow could find the peace she needed to dose off.

"Spyro" she muttered. Cynder was so lucky to have him with her. He was such a wonderful friend.

Cynder really had a great mate in him.

She fell slowly asleep. She couldn't stop crying but through her cries she managed to smile to Spyro as he would protect her.

He would protect her from her mother, her pain and her fear. He was such a wonderful dragon.
