Adira Clawhauser Chapter 17

Mansa took the lift to the chief's office, the first time in his whole career. he pushed the door and saw the lion sitting in his chair in defeat. 'where were you the whole time?'

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The Chronical'ers Journal part 3

It was the first time a boat would travel all the way from zahneck down to the twin duchy's. and it was theodor von sachsonien who lead the crew onto this journey.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 24

Ander looked down at his hands in amazement, as if seeing them for the very first time. his fur, unlike the grey and black of the rest of his family, had always been this peculiar shade of brown.

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Cleaning Up

For the first time, raz noticed that his shirt had been buttoned wrong, the top button hanging along on a corner of the collar while the second button had been fastened into the top buttonhole.

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Invisible Wings, 4/4

He didn't respond the first time, so i tried again. "come on ... " \* \* \* _"quivershaft, arrow," the lcd screen reads.

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Secrets Ch. 5

It wouldn't have been the first time that someone has tried to use me for their own personal gain. i need to keep alert for any kind of treachery. but there is still a kindness in his eyes that i have not seen in a long time.

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Chapter 32: Evolutions! Achieve Victorious!

Asked al hearing it for the first time. "this is something new." blackwargreymon somehow grinned with the new information he just received.

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Momma and Randall

Momma looked at her son and spoke, for the first time all day, stern, sad, and determined. "randall, i am not going _anywhere_. this is _my_ home.

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Time of War Chpt 6

"my first time?" he asked accepting the cigar. "i remember it like it was yesterday." he said lighting up and taking a few puffs.

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Heaven's Drop

For the first time ms. clark gave a soft smile. she turns and cracks the door open and waves for someone to come forward.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Six

At any rate, i should mention that this was the first time that i realized that i could manipulate sound in other ways besides a bark or a whine or a chorus of howls.

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