Guro Challenge #32: Scarring/Disfiguration

Both froze, malkariss' paws still on slagar's scarred face, slagar grasping the flattened snout and protruding tongue of the polecat, claws pressing into the sagging jowls.

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Believe – Chapter 23: Last hill

The polecat's story naturally had polecats in it. he told a story from the eyes of a polecat. imya started to take this thought a few times back and forth. stories were always told from the eyes of the species that was remembering them.

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"that's a good polecat name, so it's just right for you."

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Believe – Chapter 25: Conclusion

Sometimes she imagined to see the big tracks of a stag, then the smaller one of a fox or the tiny of a polecat but when she blinked with her eyes they were gone. she remembered the trees and the rocks to the right and the left.

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Believe – Chapter 22: Nott

Naglfari was old and not fit for another journey and therefore they sent another polecat, dellingr, to go to nott and ask her again for help to lose the fear of the dark.

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Chapter 7: Fox and Wolverine

They were greeted in the restaurant by a european polecat wearing an embroidered black vest and black bow tie. "good evening. will two be all for you?" lance nodded, "i have a table reserved for 'firth'."

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Better that than at the petrified polecat trembling in my rear-view mirror. outside, steam, smoke or both rose up into the night. between that and the sickly chemical stink filling the car, i damn near threw up. my brain stalled. where was i?

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