RR'D: Kenashi O
This 'friendship' lasted until his 13th birthday when he asked his mother if he still could have a babysitter then she became suspicious; hadei discovered the babysitter's ploy then unleashed her wrath by beating the living hell out of her.
Experimentations (A Lesson in Beginnings) Prologue
Trix winks at touma hoping that his ploy will work. "you want me to help someone who just literally busted their way into my room clean it up?! you cant be real or serious for that matter!"
A Letter of Warning - Thursday Prompt Story [#20, 08/6/23]
Basically, the ink is slowly running out and there's only one piece of paper to write on, definitely not a ploy to write as little as i can while i'm still getting back into it.
Tales of Furope: The Indecesive Phoenix
It was a ploy of distraction, and it was just the break the rest of the great knights of furope needed, as they began sneaking out of the room, one by one.
Scales and Scavs chapter 3, Odd Parenthood
#10 of wayward scale it turns out kicking james out was actually a ploy, and naturally, he's not happy about being used. "seven!" james grunted while letting an egg slide out. once the white sphere reached the ground, he asked, "any more coming?"
Behind the editor's desk
It was a well-known group, one that praised itself for being fair and balanced; it was a good marketing ploy, to attract people toward the quality articles they were publishing.
Royal Aggravations
The wolf snorted, this was a tired ploy. one he'd seen a dozen times in his long life. fine then. he'd call the king on his false negotiations and see if he had the wherewithal to follow through now instead of at his leisure.
Legendary Chaos - Chapter 1: Prologue
She was there all along; who knew that her ploy, concerning a not-so-altered past, was broken by a divine intervention that she herself could not believe happened without her consent.
Pokemons Gift Chapter 6: Memories and lessons
Finally the part of him that tried to convince him it wasn't love went for broke and used the "it's not natural" ploy.
Nightmare, Nightmare Chapter 5
Your boss will she the whole dress thing as the ploy it is. you never treat your family like this velvet. i didn't and you have such a wonderful family, one that accepted me for this holiday. continue this course and you will regret it."
1:2 Weakness
Her young slender figure, covered slightly by her revealing clothes even got alias's attention, but he wasn't naã¯ve enough not to know this was a ploy to get any male's blood running hot. her brown coat of fur was flawless as it ran up her body.
Christine Ch 3
She fussed at them for a moment before she pulled herself back enough to look at them, scowling, "if this is just some ploy to get free ice cream on the community day, you're even bigger assholes," she said sternly. that got a good laugh out of them.