paper hearts - poem

#2 of poetry collection poem no. 2 paper hearts lead to paper cuts designed to bleed others dry hearts of glass break so easily made to fall apart and cry hearts of glass are so sensitive, gentle while paper hearts are careless, unkind hearts of glass

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Paper Rebels (pt3)

Part 1: paper rebels (pt1) part 2: paper rebels (pt2) [icon credits to:] paper rebels (pt3) by **whitepython** dalreto pushed himself forth and connected a clean punch against grodacio's snout.

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Paper Rebels (pt2)

Part 1 paper rebels (pt1) part 3 paper rebels (pt3) [icon credit:] paper rebels (pt2) by **whitepython** "open up already! there is no point in hiding." everything was over.

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Words on a paper 2

Your souls, tearing at the strings of fate, wishing they were not of this earth. Has the high power forsaken us? Are we simply an experiment gone wrong? No matter what your choice is, you can't change what is meant to be. You hear the cries of the...


Seppia: Game Mechs and Out of Character Items

Player) --d-6 (three dm only) --paper & pencil (keep track of game/story) random encounters **encountering enemies are based on the dm's decision.

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Wheels and Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ At the sound of the bell and whistle, the fox groaned audibly. Looking up from her book to the subway car around her, fellow passenger's expressions generally matched her feelings. She tucked her book into her satchel while the car rattled into the...

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Paper Pat's Story (SPOILERS)

#1 of sega superstars origins this is a story about a news girl named paper pat , hi , i'm **patrica** , i'm 8 years old , i lived in the **orphange** in **california** since m, i went out and take a **job** , i felt like i'm the **best news girl** , but

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And here, i saw a big pile of papers take a tumble to the floor. once the avalanche passed, i was just realizing what happened: he took care to hide the paper for not having to sort it out.

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Carefully Arranged Papers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Alexander hefted his backpack from the post X-ray conveyor belt to one of the inspector's tables. He tried to keep his glittering red crest feathers in a subdued posture, handing his passport over to the customs official. With the apathetic gaze that...

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Glass Doves and Paper Swans: Prologue

\*Three years earlier\* A gentle breeze is blowing through the air on a cool spring day, as distant laughter can be heard. One lone ram is walking along a park path, hands in his pockets and shoulders slumped. He lets out a sigh as he trudged along...

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Fire Branded Leather: Ad in the Paper

Will gritted his teeth as he slid the paper of the envelope back and forth between his fingers. "this is stupid."

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