From Me To You
An ethereal dance, sought for two, and the final act, from me to you.
Yggdrasil’s dream (Dragons Lair "This is Me"-Challenge)
Yggdrasil's dream is my entry to the dragons lair "this is me"-challenge. in short: this is me. the following is my very own entry to the[dragons lair this is me-challenge](
Your present...
#1 of me...>:) >:) **you came into my factory shed... take a deep breath... and nap, sleepyhead...** **we all love you together... get back up, it's your birthday, honey...** **we have wonderful presents waiting for you... get back up...
Let's Speed Things Up Here!
Happy holidays, and happy giving me money! ~adam bolander
All's Fair... Ch. 6
By me.
Save me.
Searching for a hand to pull me out, but instead, touching air or brushing fingertips. who exists? who is real? will i ever find my way? is there someone who will reach into this emptiness, this darkness, and pull me out? can someone save me?
Don Quixote Complex
For you, my muse, my juliet, my dulcinea, my beloved, the one who guides me a love for the ages that will shake the world wake the world. for my friends, dear to my heart a home, belonging, a dream made real. this i promise. this is me.
Meeting Flare Chapter:1
Clearing her small throat, she asked "excuse me, can i have every ones attention?" she looks over the crowd as some keep talking to one another.
Vigilant Violet Eyes Marked With An X
Vigilant Violet Eyes Marked With An X ...
Gold Lightnig…Part 6
#6 of powers this goes on about me and black lightning. i will add our charecters soon. i will go on about lustlord in another story soon. he is a villain who loves lust and has the power of making people go into lust.
This is me. A Dragion's Lair Challenge: Puma Concolor
Puma [dragons lair this is me-challenge](%5c)
As The Darkness Closes In On Me
I look up into the eyes of a friend, one that has stood by me throughout life. he smiles, telling me to not give up just yet. feeling slowly returns to my body as he helps me to my feet.