As The Darkness Closes In On Me
Another wave of cold wind rushes by, chilling me to the bone. From the sky, droplets of water beat down on my fur, causing me to shiver. Each step I take adds another cut to my foot, as if the earth was made of blades. The flame in my heart dwindles, once burning strong and energetically is now a slight flicker, smothered by pain.
And yet I continue forwards, holding onto the hope that maybe one day, one fateful day, I will no longer have to trudge on like this. That one day, someone will find me and care for me as I would for them. But today is not that day. I am lonely, my soul is dying.
I drop to a knee, unable to keep moving. I roll onto my side and curl up, waiting for death to come and take me. Hunger tears my stomach apart, my muscles refuse to work from the strain they'd been through. Darkness envelops me, numbing everything I was feeling.
A small light appears just ahead of me, yet I cannot move towards it, but it seems I don't need to, for it floats closer to me. As it draws near, I reach out my arm, hoping it saves me from this damned world I'm in. Fur brushes along my paw as something grabs my forearm. The light intensifies, slaying the dark and reveals the arm that is holding mine. I look up into the eyes of a friend, one that has stood by me throughout life. He smiles, telling me to not give up just yet. Feeling slowly returns to my body as he helps me to my feet. He steps back as the darkness lifts enough to show that behind him are the people that have helped me through life. No matter what happens, he says, we will be here to pick you back up when something beats you down. I nod, turning around to find the path I was on. To them, is suppose, I owe my sanity. Without them I would undoubtedly be lost, swallowed by insanity.
I turned my head up to the sky, the dark clouds looming overhead. Occasionally, however, a beam of light broke through. With the light it brought not only a little bit of warmth to my cold body, but a memory of a time that I was happy, glad to be alive. But as every cloud has a silver lining it also brings a dark shadow. As quickly as the light came it also vanished.
I came up to a pond where the water met the land and looked into it. The reflection showed myself, dirt splattered on my fur, blood slowly seeping from my wounds, my breath visible for a moment as it leaves my muzzle. In the reflection it showed those who stood behind me, but it showed something more than that, something I couldn't see next to me, but could feel. In the reflection I saw the ones who had died standing by my side, a part of their souls lingering with me.
Perhaps I'm not as alone as I once thought I was; yet I still yearn to be loved. Still I crave that sense of compassion shared between mates. As I began to walk away from the pond the clouds broke, painting a trail of light leading into a clearing as if it were placed there by the heavens itself. In the distance there was a shimmering light. As I moved towards it, it would move, as if it were testing me, taunting me. I dashed towards it, getting close enough to be able to see what it was. I stopped running, stunned by its beauty. It stood, moving fluidly with everything it did. Whatever this creature was, I knew I had to see her, him, it closer. Just as I started to move again it took off. I ran after it, realizing that the creature was the one I dreamt of, the one that I yearned for, and all that I had to do now was pursue it, conquering any challenges I'd be faced with while on this journey, my journey.
Life isn't easy, true love is hard to come by. Sometimes you may feel alone, but remember; there is always someone there besides your shadow to help you through life. C'est moi, este soy yo, this is me.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams, Green day -
Link to the thread - Dragons Lair This is Me-Challenge