No Time For Caution

lockdown all bulkheads and seal the galley. isolate the enemy network and listen carefully! a chorus of "aye, captain!"

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Research Log [#011]

It was on lockdown. there was no security team member in the gatekeeper's office. i've been periodically checking the gate to see if it has opened. all of this time it has remained shut and unmanned. we are trapped in here.

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Eternal Mortality: Burling Burning

Attentinon: the city of burling is now under full military lockdown. all civilians must return to their homes, or be arrested on sight. all combatants are ordered to cease fire, or be shot on sight..." ....

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Star Fox: Ascension #03 IMPRISONED

As soon as they'd tested the device on the girl it had sealed her up inside and the entire facility went into a state of lockdown, turning the temple into a tomb for everyone trapped inside. "nothing so far, admiral.

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Two Lovers Alike

Techie crawled through the portal and used the emergency button on his blaster to put the country capitol and white house on lockdown under a few hundred feet of dirt, sand, and clay. however, the city was about to be demolished by a missile.

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Sonic XL Halloween Specail

As shadow kept shooting down hordes of the zombies he chaos controls out just as the lab goes into lockdown everyone looking confused as sonic says "was that a freaking zombie!?"

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Firefox - Chapter 1 - Thirty-Seven

"get back to the control room immediately and engage full stealth lockdown. we need to disappear." all five saluted sharply with a curt "aye, captain" before hurrying off.

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The lever i pulled was an emergency lockdown lever, shutting all doors that worked as airlocks.


Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Twelve

I could tell she was happy that the packhouse had been put on lockdown. she tried not to show it, and i tried not to hold it against her. after all, all she wanted was for us to be safe.

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Eternal Blue 10: Full Circle

The patrol of guards rounded the corner suddenly, stopping for a moment when they saw the group of intruders in front of the lockdown storage door. "fuck!"

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To Aug or not to Aug.

"unfortunately, the stellar federation still has that region of space under lockdown. they view it as a tactical staging area, private vessels such as ours are not allowed entry despite our owners previous dealings with the planet.

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