A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 15 (The Date - Part 1)

"watching him suck face with kiba is kind of obvious." "wait! what!? kiba!?" "yeah... i followed him last night." sasuke explained. "he went to the hot springs and ended up making out with kiba."

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 51 (Inner Demons)

kiba sighed. sasuke and kiba separated, sasuke moving to the right and kiba to the left, they didn't doubt that the kyuubi would attack them without mercy if they weren't careful. "naruto, it's sasuke..."

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 34 (The Land of Waves)

kiba didn't respond, he just stared him down while akamaru growled threateningly. "well then, i guess we'll get started then." he stated before suddenly raising his right arm up before swinging at kiba, launching three shuriken at kiba and akamaru.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 33 (The Land of Waves - Part 1)

kiba chuckled as he and akamaru appeared from no where. "yes kiba, that's right." sasuke glared. kiba glared back at him and the stand off continued until the owners wife, ling, made her way to the table carrying an assortment of plates. "'breakfast!"

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Restart Chp. 1 [Re-upload]

"nawww, kiba is good enough." . suddenly wondering to myself, what he meant by "love you" ... "are we?... am i?.."

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Restart Chp. 1

"nawww, kiba is good enough." . suddenly wondering to myself, what he meant by "love you" ... "are we?... am i?.."

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 45 (Inner Demons)

kiba sighed. "you're predictable!" a voice echoed through the forest. sasuke and kiba desperately searched for the source, kiba's sensitive nose picked up their scent. "over there!" he pointed, standing on a tree branch was kisame and karabe.

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Meeting Flare Chapter:2 WIP

kiba took a step back as the oddly colored charizard began to stirr,its wi... kiba took a step back as the oddly colored charizard began to stir,its wings slowly expanding outward showing the tattered membrane and bruised joints."

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Immortals: Chapter 2, Judgement

And opening his mouth sending a blade directly at kiba's chest, kiba in return simply brought his riht blade up sending the blade away.

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 36 (The Land of Waves - Part 4)

kiba cursed as he saw how badly hurt sasuke was. "we need to get him to a hospital!" "hey!"

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A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 8 (Sexual Tensions - Part 3)

Just as kiba was about to step through the sliding door he saw kiba stop and look back at him, he vision obscured because of the steam but naruto swore that kiba winked at him, or was he just hoping that he did?

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Moving chapter one

kiba asked "he's coming over here" twilight said kiba turned around and saw michael walking towards them.
