Restart Chp. 1

Story by Mello_PurpleWolfie on SoFurry

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Heres a post on my chapter one of my second story series. Yeah, this chapter is also short.

Kiba Radikal is my character. someone that i knew on a personal level in real life and he was someone really special to me, he helped me through a lot

Neon Radikal is my character

EDITTED: re-wrote it, since i have found the original, i have retyped it, and now it isnt so short.

_Restart Chapter One_

Suddenly hearing a flood of sounds flowing into my head, opening my eyes. Seeing car traffic nearby, children playing, pedestrians walking down streets. Wondering what was going on, having not a clue as to what happened, suddenly thinking to myself, "who am i?". Starting to worry myself, not knowing who i was, where i was, or what happened. Holding my head, thinking hard, trying my best to remember, having no luck. Suddenly having flashbacks going through my head, as i look at the bracelet on my wrist.

"Okay! You can open your eyes now" As the stranger is standing there with a huge grin on his face

"Oh, what is it?" As i stand there holding some box

"Open it silly"

"Awww, thank you, I love it" Holding a bracelet as i give him a hug

"Yeah, no problem Neon" Hugging me back

Searching my pockets hoping for some answers. Finding a wallet, a cell phone, a ticket for a movie, and an iPod. Looking through my contacts on the cell phone, looking through all these unfamiliar names, coming across a name, "Kiba Radikal" ... thinking to myself, "That sounds so familiar", with a few clicks on my phone, it starts ringing, once, twice, three times. "Oh god, i hope he answers"


"Oh, thank god, you answered."

"Of course i did, its you, why wouldn't i?"

"Uhmm, well, since i don't remember a thing, not even as to who you are.."

"What?? .. What happened last night? Why didn't you come home?"

"I live with you? I don't have a clue what happened last night.. or as to who i am."

"Seriously? Tell me where you are, and ill come find you."

"If i knew where i was.. then id tell you, but i don't."

"Oh right, describe where your at then."

"Looks like a park, with surrounding buildings, a childrens park, and some sort of statue."

"Sounds like the downtown park... Ok, stay there, i'll be right over."

"Ok, Hurry, Goodbye."

"I love you Neon."

"Uhh, what?"

"Oh... i guess you really don't remember huh.. Don't worry, i'll explain everything."

"Ok, bye."

Finding a nearby tree, sitting under it for some shade. Looking through my belonging again. Wondering to myself if i should phone and tell more people. "Nawww, Kiba is good enough." . Suddenly wondering to myself, what he meant by "Love you" ... "Are we?... Am i?.." Looking through my wallet, finding $47.00 dollars, a debit card, drivers license, a piece of paper with the numbers "91-29-11", and a picture of a german shepard. Looking at the back of the photo, reading the words that were on the back "I love you, forever and always, Kiba" . Everything seemed so new to me, so weird, feeling like an alien on a different planet. Staring around the park, looking at the children playing, the parents over on the bench. The traffic passing by, the bright blue sky. Realizing how beautiful the world suddenly is. Leaning against the tree, tears welling up in my eyes. "Why don't i remember?!" Putting my paws up to my face, a few minutes pass and i look up, seeing a handsome canine walking up to me.



"Yes! Seriously don't remember anything?"

"I wish i could..."

"Well, were kind of dating.."

"I figured, Uh.. how long?"

"About two years.. weird, telling my own boyfriend about how long we've been dating."

"Im sorry, i really wish i could remember, but i don't."

"Don't worry, it will all come back eventually."

"I hope so. So, can, we go back home?"

"Sure, we can go back and relax, rest up."

Following the canine back to a car, just outside of the park. Getting in the passenger seat, looking at him, blushes as he turns to stare at me back. Looking through my wallet, finding my drivers license, "Neon Radikal, age: 18, sex: Male, Species: Husky" . Looking at him again, "Were Married?", turning back to look at me, "No, you decided to change your name, cause you always loved my name.. Radikal" . Looking back at my wallet, then looking back up to stare at him. His muscular outline, his tight shirt outlining all his muscles, his abs, his arms, pecks. Those gleaming blue eyes, that smile, it was all wonderful. Shaking my head, turning around to stare out the window. Watching all the passing traffic, pedestrians, buildings. Finally slowing down near a street filled with houses. Hearing the signal light blink, waiting for the traffic to calm down before turning. Slowly driving down the street before turning into a driveway, slowly pulling up the house. Slightly sighing as i get out of the car, looking at the house, it was decent, a good size for two people.

"I wasn't expecting a house, more like, an apartment."

"Well, we do better than others i guess." Slightly giggling to himself.

"Well thats always good." Walking inside, looking around.

"Yeah, Do you, want to watch a movie or something?"

"Sure" following him to the couch.

"Your choice" as he sits down at one end.

"Im up for anything." sitting down at the other end.

"Ok" watching him slide in a disc and sitting back down

"Im kind of tired." Yawning as the previews flash by.

"Well, come here." patting beside him

"Ok..." Resting my head on his lap. Closing my eyes. Thinking *This is nice..*

Feeling his hand rest on my head, "I missed you.". Feeling safe in his arms, in his presence. "I missed you too" . Watching the movie go by, glancing up at him every now and then, to find him staring back at me. "Im sorry i let this happen to you", grabbing onto his paw "its not your fault." . Closing my eyes, slowly going into a sleep.

Hearing gun shots in the distance, the only thought in my head was to keep running. As I'm running aimlessly through the dark foggy forested area. Making quick turns, passing by trees that all looked the same to me at the time. Hearing the gun shots again, motivating me to keep moving forward, suddenly tripping over a root of a tree, falling, hitting the ground with a thump...

Waking up hours later, to find him laying with me on a bed, resting in his arms, on his chest. I felt safe, i didn't want to leave this ever. Nudging him a little. Seeing him awake, smiling at him. "How did we get on the bed?", seeing him smile back at me. "I moved us, thought it would be more comfy than a couch" Sitting up slowly, wondering whats going to happen now.

"Well, lets get up and around."

"Cant we just lay in bed all day?"

"As tempting as that sounds, i think we need to try and figure out what happened"

"Fine.." Following him into the living room turning on the tv

Sitting down on the couch, watching some television show, but i wasn't paying attention to the show, i was too busy staring at Kiba, looking at his beautiful blue eyes, his muscular tone, his light brown hair. He looks back at me, seeing his smile, seeing that shimmer in his eyes, he pulls me close and hugs me tightly. Resting my head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep again, feeling the deep breaths of Kiba, could feel him slowly rubbing the top of my head, now feeling safe, slowly falling again.

Running through the forest, as fast as i can for fear of being caught. I look back again to see the man standing there, slowly walking towards me, caring a gun. "Neeeeooon" firing off his gun, making my heart beat faster, closing my eyes, in fear of being shot. Hearing my name being called again, stopping behind a tree, panting. Not knowing what to do, peaking around the tree to see him in the distant, walking aimlessly. Hearing more gun shots, leaning against the tree, hearing his foot steps get closer and closer, everything goes quiet, my heartbeat seems to get louder with each foot step. Closing my eyes tightly, not knowing what was going to happen next.

Being woken up by Kiba, hearing him saying something, rubbing my eyes, slowly sitting up. Finally hearing him asking me if i was alright, looking at him and slowly nodding "why do you ask?" , "cause, it looked like you were having bad dreams, you sure your ok?" , nodding again and giving him a hug. Following him into the living room, looking back at the tv. Seeing the news flash by, as the words passed by "Wanted: Neon Radikal, conviction for fur slaughter". Thinking, that i was in trouble, deep deep trouble. Looking over at kiba, his face expression was the same as mine, shocked as ever. Starting to pace back and forth around the house, wondering what to do. Seeing him moving around the house, grabbing things. Standing up following him around the house. He looks over at me "we have to get out of here", continuing onto grabbing things around the house, grabbing some of my own clothes, packing it up, walking over to the door to find him waiting, tapping his foot impatiently "Hurry, we don't have much time", everything was happening so fast.

"Kiba, you have to believe me, I didn't do that, im framed!"

"I know you wouldn't do such a thing, don't worry, i believe you"

"Ok, so, what do we do?"

"Clear your name of course."

"and how do you think were going to do that?"

"Gather evidence.. Find out what happened that night"

"Ok, lets go."

Leaving the house, walking towards his car, unsure of what is going to happen. Looking left and right to check for any kind of authority, none, getting inside the car, looking over at Kiba, "Im scared". Seeing him stare back at me, with the same worried expression "Its ok, im here, i'll be here, i can save you." pulling me, hugging me tightly. Right then, i felt safer, feeling his strong arms wrapping around me, feeling his heart beating against mine. I didn't know what was going to happen, or what was happening, but i did trust Kiba, he truly is, an amazing guy, i don't know how i got him. I was happy that i have him now.

As i start looking through the things in the car, i find a camera. "Look at the pictures" looking up at Kiba "what?" i could see him smile, while focusing on the road "its my camera, i took a lot of pictures, just look at them, maybe you'll remember some things..." . As i look through the photos, i find a lot of me and him. "So, when is our anniversary?" , hearing him chuckle a little as i continue to look at the pictures "Since April 15th, 2008". Smiling, continuing to look through the camera... "We went to Europe?" turning to look at me for a second "yeah, real fun. Even snuck into Qlimax 2008. it was so cool, you are always so crazy, talking me into things". Putting the camera away, i look out the window. wondering whats going to happen. "do you think i'll remember?", i could see his eyes shift, focusing on something. "of course, all in good time". Closing my eyes, slowly falling asleep again, hoping to get more answers from them.

As im running, something doesn't feel right this time. i look at my surroundings and im running in some meadow. I stop running, turning around to get pounced by someone. Opening my eyes to find Kiba smiling and licking my face. I smile back and for some reason, everything seems to be getting farther and farther away, i could hear him say something from a distance. "Hey, Neon, wake up hun" ... "Neeeeoooon"

As i slowly sit up, regaining focus to the real world, i notice that we stopped in a parking lot. Blinking a bit and shaking my head. "Hey, want to stop at a hotel or something?" turning to look at him. "Uhmmm, no, cant they like, track us by that?". He just smiles at me and giggles a bit. "If you were renting the room with your I.D. but they don't your travelling with me... so?". Mentally slapping myself for sounding stupid. "Yeah, sure...". Hearing the engine starting up, the soft purr of the engine, the rumble of the car, the air conditioner blowing cool wind in my face. Slowly driving up to this really tall building, i try looking up to the top, but end up hitting my muzzle against the window from leaning in towards it. i could hear a slight giggle... "Ok, wait here and i'll book us a room". After what seemed like hours, but only turned out to be ten minutes, i could see him walk up to the car, jingling some keys in his hands. I grab my bags, taking one of the keys from his hand, looking down at the number on it, reading "1129". i think to myself "Wow, must be pretty high up!". I look back to see him grabbing his bags, i start to giggle a bit, grabbing a dolly and quickly running for the elevator. Pushing the button as fast as i can, as if i was being chased. Peeking around the corner and get instantly pounced, laying on top of me, smiling and staring into my eyes. staring back, after what seems like forever, finally breaking the silence "i can see why i fell in love with you". Smiling back at me, he gently kisses me on the forehead. As he helps me stand up, we quickly jump into the elevator, realizing that the doors were closing, pushing the button for our floor. Hearing the elevator slowly start rising, going past each floor, staring blankly at the door, waiting for it to open. Finally after 10 minutes of riding in the elevator we reach our floor. Doors slowly opening, and more and more of the rooms come into sight, a sign on the wall read "1100-1150 right" ... "Ok, i guess our room is to the right..." i chuckle a bit "thanks sherlock holmes" , he looks at me and chuckles a bit too "i can see you got your humour back". Shaking my head a little, and continue to walk down the hall, glancing left and right every now and then, checking the numbers on the doors. Finally reaching our room, reaching into my pocket, looking for the key... realizing its gone, as i turn to look at Kiba i could see him jingling some keys "How did you get those?". As a big grin appears on his face "When i pounced you, i pulled a sneaky ninja". Shaking my head a little and gesturing him to open the door. "Ok, ok." Moving back so he can open it... Walking inside the room to find it was a huge room. "Whoa, this was the only room left? Why didn't you just bring me to another hotel?" Laying down on the bed, stretching out "Cause, this wasn't actually the last room, i just wanted a nice big cozy room for the both of us". I go over to the couch and stretch out on it. "Yeah, this is cozy... so what now? we cant just stay here forever... they'll find us" I glance over at him to see him sitting up and resting against the headboard. "well, we can figure it all out... tomorrow... tonight, you and i need rest, mostly me, since you slept most of the way here". Rolling my eyes a bit "I was figuring things out... so, goodnight?", tilting his head a bit "Your not sleeping on the bed?" ... "No, im good, goodnight". Slowly closing my eyes, falling into a deep sleep, hearing Kiba yawn and roll around.

Waking up in the middle of the night, gasping and breathing heavily from a nightmare, sitting up, wiping my forehead from sweat. Sighing and looking over at how peaceful Kiba was, laying back down, staring up at the ceiling for a bit. Unable to go back to sleep. Sitting up again, slowly making my way over to the bed, and snuggling into his arms. Hearing him wake up, could see his smile, licking my cheek "Glad to see that you joined me" . Smiling and resting next to him "Heh, yeah..". Wrapping his arms around me, kisses me on the cheek, saying goodnight. Feeling more safer in his arms, closing my eyes, slowly falling back asleep.