Immortals: Chapter 2, Judgement

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#20 of Discontinued

I think it might be a little rough but here's chapter two of Immortals, let me know what you think with votes and comments as I request with every one of my stories.

The enemies slowly fall back from the facility those that were cut off inside of the facility were easily dispatched by the children and soldiers that remained and soon the children were pushing the rest back out from their entree points with the S level's leading the others and the soldiers to help push the enemy out. Soon Sid, Nissia, Kiba, Terra and Sheva were standing at the main entree point that the enemy soldiers had came through with the other children guarding the other entree points.

The tension between the five S levels was thick enough to cut with a knife as they glared back and forth at one another each clutching their weapons as they all recognize the others from the Judgement project and remember exactly how they each failed and were treated even worse for not coming out as the only survivor and the more they stood there the angrier that they seemed to become, Sid glaring at Sheva and getting it returned while Terra and Nissia did the same with one another though Kiba looked around with a sadistic smile on his face. All five soon looked toward the large hole that had been blown open with Sid being the first to step through followed by Sheva, Nissia, Kiba and Terra taking the rear as moved forward, the large flat ramp that they started up stretched on for about thirty feet before they saw the night sky with thousands of stars lighting the way as well as a huge yellow moon watching over head.

Stepping from the tunnel that lead down to the facility seeing that the entrance was located in the middle of a large jungle and surrounded by trees bushes and the like, what immediately caught their attention though were the five humans standing outside of the facility as if waiting for them. From left to right there were two girls then three boys each different from the next.

The first was a child no more than six or seven years old, she had long flowing black hair that was separated into two long pig tails and had a tint of crimson to them, her closing was an old fashioned upper class black dress with red trim, her skin was pale though her eyes stood out being a bright blue that contradicted all the black and red. Standing next to the child was another girl though much older, blonde hair that hung lose around her, her clothing was street clothes from white sneakers and blue jeans to an oversized white shirt with 'Kneel' on the back of it, her eyes were blue and her expression was smug as she crossed her arms over her nicely formed chest. To the blonde girls left stood a thing boy dressed in dress slacks, polished black shoes a collared white button shirt and glasses on his face, he smiled as he watched the five come from the tunnel, his yellow eyes gleaming in the moon light as he ran a hand through his white hair that hung down to the base of his neck. On his right there was another boy dressed in military jungle camo pants with black boots and a black muscle shirt that held tight to his form, his hair was brown and cut in a military style and his eyes were brown and glared firmly at the Immortals that came from the tunnel. The final person was a boy, he had dark skin with long black hair that was parted and tied into two pony tails that hung down his back past his shoulder blades, his clothing was also street wear with black sneakers and large baggy tan pants and an oversized white shirt and even a black bandana that was folded over his forehead keeping his hair back so it didn't get in the way.

Inside of the facility Kidi stared at the screen as the ten humans outside stared off at one another, Victoria leaning forward to get a better look at them while Eda just asked aloud

"Who are those humans" that gaining Kidi's attention before looking back at the monitors

"'Those' would be a competitors Immortal project results" this shocking everyone around as Victoria shouted out "What do you mean 'Competitors Immortal" though Kidi only pushed himself away from the monitors and turned moving himself back over to the table that held the blue prints for the facility, pressing a few buttons that made the facility blueprints disappear and change to show the surrounding jungle. Soon Eda, Dutch and Victoria crowded around the table looking over the blueprint seeing miles of jungle in all directions except for the small clearing where the five Immortal children stood with the other five humans though Eda's questions weren't done

"If there are others trying to make Immortals like us then why are they fighting" this question also didn't bring a surprised or any emotion to surface from Kidi who simply looked up at her

"None of the government's have officially recognized us as an official branch so to make the money needed because many wouldn't fund us in the beginning we've become more of a mercenary business and as such many people have seen the capabilities of the Immortals and where there is business there is competition and this is what you call a 'hostile' take over."

Eda stared long and hard at Kidi who looked back down at the blueprint trying to assess the situation above ground though one could see the small hint of dread forming on his face as if something in his mind was causing a fear to form from the wolf.

Outside the ten children were still staring at one another, tension, anger and confusion was surrounding the Immortals though from the other five it seem to be more of amusement as they stared off, after moments passed the human from the enemy group stepped forward, the one who stood in the middle with the dress slacks looking like a young business man or someone who just wanted to be an adult.

Giving a smile before adjusting his glasses "Hello there, you are the famed children Immortals, am I right"

this brought no answers as the five just stood there just glaring angrily at the other humans before Sid stepped forward being several yards from the human male, with sudden speed and practiced ease his M19 was out of it's holster, aimed and fired the bullet hitting the human with the glasses right in the forehead, leaving Sid there with an emotionless expression though the other humans were quite surprised.

Victoria leaned forward being shocked at Sid's actions toward the other human before turning at Kidi with a growl "Alright Kidi, I want to know what this is really about, 'Hostile take over' my tail" she demanded slamming a paw down onto the blue print in front of the wolf, giving him no room to slip away from her question.

Kidi blinked once before turning to the enraged fox, he stared at her for a long moment before nodding "Very well" stepping away and moving back to the monitors, typing a few keys on the keyboard before several of the monitors changed showing various images of humans and variations of cybernetic implants that can be used to make them an Immortal.

Looking over this Victoria soon looked at the wolf folding her arms under her chest glaring at him, demanding an explanation silently and he indulged her

"As you know Victoria the children have been altered physically and it has also effected them mentally, the main mental aspect that we have found is the need for battle but it isn't just a want to fight it's a pure need and the stronger the implants the stronger the need" Kidi points up to the monitors making everyone look at them.

"These are variations of parts that was can and for the more part, have used to create the Immortals, these parts are as different from the next as different as the child is different from the one next to them. These implants all focus on certain parts of the childs body, increasing singular body functions as well as increasing all physical and metal capabilities, but it doesn't stop there..." by now everyone's attention was on the wolf as he spoke.

Turning and moving over and sitting in his chair crossing his legs as he continued "The parts also give the children certain abilities far beyond any other of the childrens, Sid for example is one of the precise marksman that any of you will ever see, the reason for this, his eyes are the main implants that he has and all his training that was done before I stepped in was to control his eyes. Sid is able to aim at angles, around corner, he can see anything from all sides, he has also be able to see things behind him without turning his head and most impressive is that when focusing he can even see through objects, he more he focuses the further he can see"

many around were shocked at this explanation of that though they knew that they human children were not fully human anymore these new 'powers' were very guarded secrets that not everyone knows about.

Eda was the first to speak up "But...why only humans and why only children, I mean why not use an adult if anything" Kidi closing his eyes and lowering his muzzle at that, it was a question that he had obviously had to answer before, many times it seemed

"Of that we have tried adults and both species, the answer would be that one cannot simply start removing things from the body and replacing them with cybernetic parts because it's the body that has to adapt and every time an adult was in the project they died as did the Anthro adults. It took little effort to make the connection that cybernetic parts will only kill the adults that they are placed into, so the next possible thing to do was children, we tried Anthro children at first and only a few survived the surgeries but most died within months after their bodies were introduced to the cybernetic parts..."

this changed everyones expressions from serious to sad, no one not even the large bull Dutch showed anything but sadness at the loss of so many lives for this 'project' Kidi gave them a moment to grieve before continuing.

"It was then that the last possible option were human children, granted it was several months before anyone ever tried to preform the surgery again, there were several cases where the human children didn't make it and it was found that only ages between twelve and nineteen were able to have there bodies adapt to the cybernetic parts and live past a six month period. It was then that hell began for the children, the one in charge only viewed them as lab projects and didn't see them as actual living creatures and due to the experiments that were preformed many have completely distanced themselves from others and most don't speak unless spoken to."

Outside Sid stares at he other four as if giving them a warning before laughter rang out, Sid's eyes were immediately on the body as the human sat himself up though this brought no shocked expression or gasps of surprised, simply stares from the children as he slowly pushed himself to his feet the cracking of bone could be heard as the bullet was pushed from his head.

"That wasn't nice, we just meet and you shoot me in the head, what kind of greeting is that" with that the human charged Sid with unbelievable speed, Sid's eyes followed the movements and he jumped back both his hands moving back and taking hold of his revolvers, pulling them from their holsters just as the boy was only a few feet from him with a smile as the revolvers were pointed in his direction. The move was quick and it was almost unseen as Sid was lifted into the air blood pouring from his mouth and nose as he was lifted straight into the air, through his stomach was a long blade that had sprung from the boy's right forearm, the blade was four feet in length and was connected direction to the boy's forearm.

Smiling up to Sid as blood dripped down the blade the boy adjusting his glasses with his other hand "I'm rather disappointed with the results of these 'children'" Sid hearing this narrowed his eyes, focusing them directly onto the boy before slapping his fifty caliber about a foot from where he was impaled and pulling the trigger only making the boy laugh "Shoot all you want, you can't break this, it's made..." his eyes widened as he heard the second shot followed by the breaking of metal, looking up seeing Sid fall to his feet and slamming his fifty caliber up against the boys head with a sadistic smile on his face.

Back inside Kidi looks up at everyone "You see the one before me pushed them past their limits, no matter who you are if your pushed too far you'll eventually break and they all have. Each and everyone one of them has had something inside of them snap, now what these maybe we have only found a few signs, the main one suffering from this is Kiba, he has been dubbed a sycophantic in other words has multiple personalities as well as a very twisted nature toward his opponent."

Sid having slamming the barrel against the boys head smiled broadly as his eyes glared into his eyes before narrowing as his smiled widened a bit more squeezing the trigging and sending another round right into the hole that the first round had made, he didn't stop though, he fired another and one more emptying the chambers the final round bursting out the back of the boys head along with wires and metal and some armored steel followed by a large spray of blood and bits of the humans brain as he fell. The other children stared seeing Sid standing there blood pouring out from the hole in his stomach and the dead enemy who was obviously another child but the enemy were not going to stand around anymore, the girl who was standing by the boys right charged forward two blades springing from her forearms just like the boys as she charged Sid but was intercepted by Sheva who fired a small burst into her side sending her to the ground. Kiba sprang forward with his dual forty four's though simply placing them behind his back under his trench coat before pulling out his reverse blades licking over his teeth as the dark skinned body stepped forward with a smirk as two blades came from his forearms near his wrists only facing the wrong way, being reverse blades as well which made Kiba grin before charging forward. Terra decided to take the other girl aiming her mini gun at the little girl who made and X with her arms over her chest before charging forward just as Terra opened fire sending a hail of bullets at the girl who charged straight through them before jumping into the air Terra's mini gun following her movements at the girl fell toward her. The last boy smiled at Nissia who pulled her dual MP7's from her harness and opened fire, the rounds passing the boy as he ducked down then started to run around Nissia in a circle though she was right with him not letting him get behind her as she continued shooting.

Kidi looks up at everyone "Each and everyone of them has some kind of mental instability and in exchange for the instability they acquire an rare power over their body that no one else can compare to, I don't believe that even if others went through the same thing they did that they would be able to reach the control that our Children have"

Victoria looked around before Eda spoke up once again with another question "What are the others powers I mean, Sid's eyes can see everything but what can the others do"

Kidi looking over to the other wolf "Terra can withstand strong impacts meaning her bone structure can hold up to two metric tons of pressure, she has special bone implants and joint structure as well as the ability to use only her bones without risking muscle damage. Nissia has a special implant in her brain making it so her body heals faster than all others children, it is an experimental part and still has a few glitches but she has adapted it well but we have yet to make any others as powerful as hers. Sheva is a rarity among the children, her entire body is an implant herself though she still bleeds she doesn't feel pain, all of her nerve receptors for and even the part of her brain that acknowledges pain has been altered, this wouldn't have been allowed if the man in charge had a conscious. Finally Kiba has had several implants in his brain, his joints have also been altered giving him unbelievable reaction time and some have even claimed that he is able to see the future under extreme stress when he has to focus, there are also three other children who are S level's that we had here but they were instructed to get the remaining scientists out and protect them, each of them are the same, mental instability in exchange for inhuman like power."

The explanation didn't really put them at ease because the though of what the children had to go through for this kind of 'power' as it was called though Eda in her own mind considered it more of a curse than a blessing, suddenly a loud explosion that rocked the entire facility brought everyones attention else where. Jumping up Kidi immediately runs toward the monitors and changes them to outside seeing four of the children battling four of the others, Sid standing there looking down at the fifth enemy child with blood covering his form.

Terra pulled her vulcun up to block several of the thrown blades that the child had thrown, spinning and aiming back before firing her mini gun at a tree that the girl was behind, the shells ripping the tree apart slowly before the girl jumped out throwing several blades at Terra but she was tired of this girls game of cat and mouse spinning letting the blades pierce her pack before ripping the vulcun's feeding chain off and dropping the pack before charging the girl, her speed increasing immensely without the heavy pack on her back. Jumping over and thrusting her right foot around smashing her leg right through a tree trunk making the girl behind it look over her shoulder in shock only to see Terra with her right foot on the destroyed trunk with a smile on her lips as she hit the trigger for the vulcan, the vulcan sounded off with a whirl and loud burst of the remaining rounds that it held, the girl spitting out blood as she was lifted off the ground from the force behind the rounds sending her back several feet to the ground. Terra held the trigger down till the only sound was the vulcan whirling around with no more rounds to fire before throwing it to the ground, she'd come get it later but right now she just wanted something to eat, turning around and starting toward the facility but feeling something stab into both of her shoulders and the intense pain that followed before looking over her shoulder seeing the girls face, a round had ran past her cheek rearing her cheek open so that her teeth were visible with blood pouring out.

Nissia jumped behind a tree ducking down as it was cut in half before jumping out and taking aim at the boy squeezing both triggers sending a barrage of bullets into the boys stomach and chest, the boy gritted his teeth in pain before jumping away though Nissia followed knowing that even being an Immortal if they lost too much blood or suffered a direct hit to the brain they would die. Rolling over and firing once again hitting the boy in the back sending him to the ground and moving quickly, running and placing a foot on his back before shoving both MP7's against the back of his head and placing the rest of the clips into his head, blood spraying everywhere before the clips clicked empty, Nissia standing up and ejecting the clips before pulling new clips out and reloading her weapons but feeling the boy suddenly shift under her she looked down. The body had turned his head his right arm slashing the blade back slashing Nissia in the face making her stagger back as blood ran down the right side of her face, the boy spinning to his feet and charging Nissia as she was was off guard, Nissia looked up just in time to see the blade thrusting forward before feeling the pain in her throat, the blade having been thrusted through the front of her throat and out the back just missing her spin. Nissia gasped feeling the blood filling her lungs as he ripped the blade back out making her fall to the ground placing the edges of the blade against the back of her neck with a smile, the boy looking down at the perfect position as he raised the blade over his head.

Sheva runs forward ducking under the girls blade shoving the barrel of her ROSTOVIC against the girls throat squeezing the trigger sending several rounds into her throat before her gun was knocked away by the girls left hand, the girl continued to movement spinning around bringing her right blade around though Sheva threw her gun up only to have it sliced in half before having her side slashed through. The girl smiled seeing the large gash in Sheva's side though blinked seeing Sheva just stand up glaring angrily at her, before the girl knew it she had been grabbed and flipped over Sheva's shoulder onto her back with a combat knife being thrusted into her right eye sending blood out over Sheva's hand that was clenching the blade, twisting the blade before ripping it out seeing the girl laying there lifeless with blood flowing out of her neck and eyes before turning away. A few steps from the body before she froze hearing something behind her, turning and feeling something thrusting through her stomach and pushing her back, looking down seeing two blades through her stomach with her blood pouring over them, looking up slowly seeing the girl there with a sadistic smile on her face as she twisted the blade trying to make Sheva scream out in pain.

Kiba ducks under the boys blades thrusting forward only to have him jump away and thrust his right blade up making Kiba fall back flipping backwards, landing on his feet with a smile that faded fast as he saw the boy right in his face slashing both blades up in a X pattern slashing them over Kiba's exposed chest sending blood out over him. Kiba staggered back but grinned at the feeling he was having

"Fun for everyone" he said with a sadistic smile before jumping forward slashing left which was ducked but he brought his right knee up slamming it into the boys face hearing the satisfying sound of a crack, knowing he had broken his nose made him smile happily.

This time the boy staggered back with blood running down from his nose before putting his arms up gritting his teeth in anger at being struck before jumping forward spinning and kicking at Kiba who ducked back bringing his blade up to slash right along the side of the boy's knee making a spray of blood drench his blade, the boy slamming his right foot onto the ground immediately fell to one knees before realizing that Kiba had slashed the tendon in his leg. Kiba moved over licking his teeth seeing the both kneeling down with his back to him, raising his blades up

"I think I'll take your head, sound good" Kiba called out in a happy tone before suddenly freezing just as he swung the blades down, staring forward for a moment feeling warm liquid flowing down his chest and stomach, slowly looking down seeing several blades having stabbing right into him, looking at the boy seeing him grin over his shoulder before seeing that the blades had sprung from his spin, curving upward and stabbing into Kiba.

Sid had been letting his wound heal before he looked around seeing Terra, Kiba, Nissia and Sheva all in bad situations, stepping forward before coughing up some blood his wound being sever, the blade having gone straight through hitting every possible organ and arteries that it could and ripping it out just a few moments ago wasn't the most pleasurable feeling. Looking down before he focuses his eyes, glaring up and seeing everything around him, all enemies and allies alike and what he was looking for directly. Drawing his revolvers and spinning around looking to his left and his right before tensing himself up his arms preparing themselves for the blow back of the weapons as his fingers slowly squeeze the triggers.

Kidi looks at the monitors seeing that the enemy children were proving themselves more resilient than he thought "It appears that these children have surpassed our own in survivability" turning and moving over to the blueprint, Victoria right behind him though Eda continued staring at the screen

"Kidi what are we going to do, just leave them there to die" Victoria exclaimed as Kidi looked at his blueprint before turning to look at her

"They will not die, they have a built in failsafe which I was praying that would not have to come into use" turning back and pressing a few buttons on the table making the facility chart come back up before turning to Dutch "Dutch, this is the closet escape shuttle, I want you to get everyone there understand."

Dutch walked over looking at the blueprint before nodding and calling out for everyone to follow him, everyone began to get up and start for the door except Victoria, Eda and Kidi

"Kidi what are you talking about, 'failsafe' what the hell does that mean" Victoria demanded looking firmly into the wolfs eyes

"Do you remember what happened during the Judgement project, what happen to the island Ledia" this making Victoria's expression turn grave, Eda's attention being brought to the wolf as well.

Kidi walked back over looking at the monitors "Ledia was complete destroyed and the children that were remaining were...teleported, to separate locations, this is the failsafe that I was talking about, in situations of extreme stress there is a special implant that is placed just below the cerebrem of the child. This implant monitors the childs stress level because too much stress on them and the implants can overload and kill the child, this is what happened during the Judgement project, the implants activate creating a large electromagnetic field around the children and normally it deflects everything around it but if you have several in one location the results can be very devastating and by the looks of it, we will soon have a repeat of the Judgement project."

Eda immediately stepped forward "How much stress are they able to handle before they're failsafe are activated" she called out, fear evident in her voice

Kidi turning around to look at the younger wolf "It's hard to say, all the data on their failsafe was destroyed, how to implant it, how it gauges stress but we do know that it can be set off by simple to extreme things..." turning back to the monitors "It can activate from them working out to hard or by simply thinking to hard on a certain subject but what we do know, everytime they use their abilities to a certain level, causes extreme stress on their minds and bodies."

Sid's fingers slowly began to squeeze the triggers before the sound of tearing flesh was heard, the wound in his stomach ripping open from his muscles tensing and in turn causing a large amount of blood to pour from his mouth before he fell to one of his knees. Sid placed both of his hands onto the ground, he saw them shivering slightly from to much strain on his muscles, it wasn't enough to simply see the movements of his opponent, his body had to be able to move with them if he wanted to have an effective advantage and everytime he used his eyes to that degree his muscles would be put into overdrive to be able to keep up with them so he could see and dodge the movements of his opponent.

Terra blinked seeing the little girl on her shoulders then yelled out in pain as she twisted the blades in her shoulders before ripping them back sending sprays of blood into the air as Terra staggered forward grabbing each of her biceps with an opposite arm. Spinning and looking at the girl with gritted which only made the little girl smile before raising her bloodied blades, Terra slowly lifted her fists up despite the pain jolting through her shoulders and down her arms that demanded she lower her fists but she wouldn't listen, quickly Terra charged the girl with a shout of anger. Stopping on her left foot and bringing her right one up immediately which the little girl blocked easily before jumping forward with a knife aimed at Terra's stomach but Terra was ready, catching the girls wrist and pulling her off the ground and swinging her back against a large tree holding her there by her arm. Terra's grin widened as her right fist cocked back letting her muscles relax and her bones do the damage, she thrusted her fist forward smashing into the little girls already destroyed face, over and over again she pulled her fist back and thrusted it forward and soon the little girls teeth were flying out, skin peeling off and blood flowing down steadily. Terra licked over her exposed teeth before grabbing one side of the girls head with her right hand and doing the same to the other side with her left before beginning to push, both her hands making creaking metal noises as they begin to crush the armor plating that protected the girls brain but the armor didn't last as a crack could be heard and Terras hands smashed together with a spray of red, with chunks of brain and bits of armor. Standing there panting with a smile on her face as she glared down at the mess beneath her, licking over her lips as small jumps of lightning began to appear around her, her body was at it's limit as was her mind.

Kiba stares down at the two large blades that had sliced into his chest and stomach before slowly looking up at the boy who was smiling over his shoulder at him, Kiba's expression was blank as he blinked once then lowered his head as the boy pulled his arms forward retracting the blades some while he aimed them at Kiba's neck. Kiba looked up with a solemn expression as the boy thrusted the blades back, Kiba's moves were quick and precise, bringing both his blades up and knocking the oncoming ones away before placing his foot on the boys back and pushing him self up off the blades that were coming from his back, flipping and spinning forward while bringing both his blades straight down. Kiba's blades slices through the boy's shoulders, going in one side and coming out the other sending sprays of blood coming from both ends, Kiba looked up his face still solemn as the boy stared in disbelief. Ripping his blades out, spinning them and thrusting them down, sheathing the blood from them before he began toward the boy who was backing up, both of his arms now useless with Kiba thrusting his blades through his joints he slices all tendons and muscles leaving his arms limp and unusable. Kiba flipped his blades once more so they were once again running along his forearms

"You know, I don't like seeing what happens, it takes the fun out of not knowing" he said with a depressed tone before jumping forward the boy gritting his teeth and opening his mouth sending a blade directly at Kiba's chest, Kiba in return simply brought his riht blade up sending the blade away.

"You see, there's no fun in seeing what happens next" Kiba jumped into the air landing on the right side of the boy before flipping his blades around so they were pointed away from him, crossing his arms and without a moment hesitation pulled his arms apart taking the boys head off leaving a fountain of blood spraying into the air, which Kiba watched idly not minding the jumps of lightning that was appearing around him, he knew he was at his limit with a wound as well as pushing his body into foresight.

Nissia looked up seeing the boy ready to cut her head off before looking down again and clenching her fists around her MP7's, as the boy made his swing for her neck she spun aiming one of the MP7's at his shins while the other at his face, firing both at the same time. The rounds clipped past his shins cutting into his flesh and cracking against his bones while the other rounds spun past his head taking bits of flesh with them, he staggered back and fell onto his back clutching at his face from the burning he felt. His hands lingered on his face only for a moment before he looked up seeing Nissia standing there with both guns aimed at him

"I've figured you all out" she pants out as her wounds begin to close quickly, the boy looking a bit confused as he gazed up at the girl

"You all aren't like us, just cybernetic blades and armored brains, you all have no healing abilities nor any special abilities to set you higher up other than those blades, your all just failed copies" Nissia smiled as the boy gritted his teeth then lashed out toward her in anger only to have a barrel of an MP7 shoved into his mouth and immediately letting the rest of the clip out into his mouth and out the back of his neck slowly severing his spine with each round that clipped it.

Sheva stared at the girl before placing her hands on the blades after the girl twisted them before looking up at her with an annoyed expression, Sheva's boot was kicked up and slammed into the girls stomach sending her flying back with the blades leaving her stomach, Sheva staggered abit but slowly steadied herself as she looked at her stomach. Sheva might not be able to feel pain but she wasn't stupid either, she could still loose too much blood and die, of that there was no doubt, looking up at the girl as she pushed herself up then glared at Sheva with her one eye and it wasn't long before she was charging Sheva again. Thrusting her left blade forward then her right, Sheva dodging left and right, even as the girl spins trying to take Sheva's head though Sheva merely dodges while trying to find a way to kill this girl, her gun was sliced up which only made her angry and she didn't have any abilities like Terra so there was no brute force involved, atleast not that much. Sheva ducked down then flipped backwards bringing her right foot up and smashing it into the girls jaw, sending the girl into the air and down onto her back, looking around for a weapon and seeing the closest thing was Sid sitting there, his fail safe activated though he still had his guns. Sheva immediately ran over getting his attention before pointing at his M19 making him blink and look at it

"Give me the gun" she called out as the girl got to her feet once again, Terra, Kiba and Sid's failsafe had all been activated and the surrounding areas were beginning to feel the effects of such devices though Nissia and Sheva's failsafe were still dormant just having two powerful electrical fields in the same area was going displacement in the surrounding areas.

Sid looked to M19 then back to Sheva as she spun and ducked under the girls blade, Sid thought for a moment as he watched Sheva grab the girls arm and flip her over her shoulder, smashing her into the ground on her back before jumping back and looking at him, they weren't in the facility anymore should he just let her die now since the rule was don't kill any children inside the facility. Slowly standing after Sheva had twisted the girls arm behind her shoving her onto one knee, Sheva had the girls right arm pull behind her with her right hand gripping her wrist, her left hand holding the back of her head when she noticed Sid standing up and throwing her the M19, bringing her knee up into the side of the girls head sending her rolling onto her back before Sheva caught the M19 and pressed it against the hole that used to be where her eye was. Sheva smiled as she squeezed the trigger, the recoil of the M19 pushing her back slightly as she fired three rounds into her head making sure that the rounds had penetrated the armor that protected her brain, pulling the Muri M19 back feeling a tingle moving from her hand down her forearm from the recoil of the gun.


Looking over the monitors before turning himself around looking at the two female scientists in the room "Victoria, we have around five minutes left, three of the childrens failsafe have been activated and so soon a repeat of Judgement will happen, take Eda and get to the last shuttle, I'll stay here and transfer all the information of the children and the entire Immortal project to your PDA"

moving over to his chair and sitting down in front of his desk that had three monitors built into it. Kidi's paws began typing in the Jessica information as Victoria stared at the wolf before grabbing Eda's wrist, she had known Kidi for several years and there was no arguing with him when he made up his mind and if they didn't get the information about the project out of the area where Judgement would happen, the whole Immortal Project would be lost.

Kidi looked over his screen transferring over as much as he possibly could, his eyes glancing up at the monitors seeing the children moving toward one another though staying a safe distance from one another, each looking around slowly with tired eyes, Kiba, Terra and Sid's failsafe were continuing to disrupt the energy around them, the sky slowly darkening as the powers begin to charge the very air around them. Kidi stood up after hitting send on the files before moving over to the monitors to watch, talking to himself as he looked over the monitors

"The massive energy that surrounds the children prevents anything from getting close to them though objects can be passed from the inside to the outside of the fields, these fields are the 'failsafe's for the childrens protection when they are put under extreme stress that are caused mainly from combat against other children. The energy that it takes to create such a force field is emmense and is drawn from the very air, by themselves the failsafe are completely harmless but place two in the same area the combination can be destructive beyond anything, the energies begin to effect the area around them by releasing too much energy and charging the particles around them but, everything has a limit of energy that it can take, once the air around them is overloaded something like a blackhole is created but it's very function is to protect the children but everything else, is destroyed."

Kidi closed his eyes as a light engulfed the children on the monitors, the light being so bright that it blinds all around from seeing what exactly was happening though the light quickly dies down showing that the children had disappeared leaving nothing there, Kidi opened his eyes before looking at the ground, silently hoping that Victoria got Eda out as the facility began to tremble then shake, the spot where the children were standing immediately erupting by an unseen forced that immediately spread destroying everything from that spot out.


The fox had to drag the wolfess along with her, Eda not wanting to leave Kidi there but standing there would have just amounted to nothing but all three of them dieing, Kidi was never one to back down when he made up his mind and Victoria wasn't about to try and change him now. Sitting in the shuttle with Eda sitting across from her as it sped down the tracks automatically, suddenly the shuttle jumped as a shockwave hit it, Victoria and Eda were both thrown from their seats with startled screams as they landed next to one another on the floor of the shuttle though it thankfully remained on the tracks.

Victoria slowly pushed herself up and looked around before standing and pulling Eda back into her seat as she shivered in fear, blinking as she saw the wolf quite shaken up about what had happened, the fox slowly sank down next to Eda wrapping an arm around her and rubbing the younger females shoulder

"A hell of a first day huh" he asked trying to lighten the mood and Eda gave a small smile at the joke before curled up against Victoria, Eda just wanted to go to sleep now and forget about what had happened.

Victoria petted the wolfs head as she reached into her coat pocket pulling out her PDA seeing she had a new encrypted message from Kidi, giving a small sigh as she laid her head back wishing she had a hot bath to soak in right now as she held the sleeping wolf next to her, it would be a few hours before the shuttle stopped, it running from the island that the Immortal facility was on, under water to the main land with specialized support structures that floated freely in the water but kept the shuttles tunnel completely still in the free floating ocean.


The human floats in the empty whiteness that surrounds him, unsure as to where he was though he has been here once before, looking around slowly seeing nothing but emptiness surrounding him, he doesn't know exactly how long he has been there but soon he begins to be pulled away knowing that it was now time to return to the real world even though he would rather stay. Closing his eyes as he was sent soaring through the whiteness before disappearing and reappearing in mid air flying backwards, flipping around and slamming his boots into the ground as he slide across the hard rock face.

Looking around seeing that he had been sent to some kind of mountain or rock face, standing up and looking to the sky feeling the cold surrounding him as he gazes up into the grey sunless sky, he had to be pretty high up but he didn't have much time to think over his situation as a rumbling could be heard behind him. Turning and gazing into a large cave just in time to see a large feral red dragon emerge with a loud growl that only spelled out anger as Sid turned himself to face the dragon fully, the dragon gazed at the small human as it spread it's wings a bit looking even more threatening.

Sid glared up at the dragon for the longest time before reaching down with his left hand and pulling his remaining gun from it's holster and pointing it at the dragon who opened it's mouth and roared loudly in anger as a result, it's voice shaking the very mountain though Sid stood his ground his eyes focusing in on the dragon.


Slowly opening her eyes having just came from the void as she liked to call it, the emptiness that had surrounded her was calming but she would always return to the real world and that always gave her something to look forward to, atleast that's what she told herself. Lifting her head and looking around finding herself leaning against a large wall with some trees and bushes around her, looking around before the familiar sound of a gun being cocked could be heard, turning just in time to look down the barrel of a shot gun with a large cheetah on the other end of it.

Blinking as he saw the human girl the cheetah immediately pulls his gun away to get a closer look at her before he turns calling over to someone else, Nissia was pulled to her feet and helped into the large mansion that was in the middle of the estate she must have been sent to.

Looking around as she was helped down a large hall before coming to two huge double wooded doors, the cheetah pushed the doors open and Nissia was helped into the room by the doberman that was being used as her crutch. Nissia was unsure where she was or what was happening but looking around the nicely furnished room before her eyes fell onto a familiar face sitting behind the large wooden desk, the panther blinking and standing himself up

"Well well, Nissia, never thought to see you again" the panther who was now the head of the organization said with a smile "Looks like I can repay the bullet you took for me."

Nissia thought back to when they raided this building, she had pushed him out of the way and taken a handgun round to the side, giving a half smile "Guess you can" she said trying to lighten the mood but soon after she slumped down to tired to even hold herself up anymore.


Her eyes slowly open to see the blurred image of white in front of her, blinking a few times cleared her vision enough to see the ice of the ceiling, she blinked a few more times before turning her head to the side seeing a large fire inside of the ice cave as well as some spears and a large feral polar bear laying itself near the fire. Pushing herself finding that she had been covered up with large animal pelts she also found that her wounds had been tended to, white bandages being wrapped around her stomach and the scratches being bandaged as well. Looking over seeing the polar bear staring at her just as a figure came into the cave dressed in heavy clothing to protect itself from the cold of the outside, a chuckle being heard as the figure pulled it's hood down showing a female arctic fox.

"I didn't expect you to be up so soon with those wounds" pulling a string from over her shoulder showing some freshly caught fish, setting the fish down and pulling her jacket off showing off her well toned form before sitting herself down "I was amazed to find someone like you way out here, don't get many people coming this far out" the fox explained as she began spearing the fish and stabbing them into the snow to cook them, using only about five fish before tossing the rest toward the polar bear who ate them down quickly.

Sheva remained silent as she looked over the polar bear before looking back at the fox, she was a tall and well build female with pure white fur and blue eyes, she seemed kind though Sheva wasn't sure of her like the rest of the children there was no such thing as 'trust' between Immortals and other normal people.

Grabbing one of the sticks and handing it to the young girl "Here ya go, eat up, I'll need you healed up if I plan on putting you to work, gotta earn your way out here" the fox said with a friendly smile as Sheva slowly took the offered fish giving a small nibble at it's side before blinking at the foreign taste.

The fox giggled at Sheva's reaction to the taste of fish "Oh, I'm Mika and that's Ijak, what's your name" the fox asked with a smile, Sheva hesitated for a moment before taking another small bite of the fish and mumbling 'Sheva' between bites making the fox smile

"Well Sheva, I think we're gonna get along just fine" Mika said with a chuckle before grabbing herself a fish.


Pushing himself up and blinking a few times, looking to his left then right as he moved to his knees finding that he was laying face down in a large forest, the sun was shining down on him from the few breaks in the tree tops, looking up and giving a small smile as he saw a butterfly flapping just overhead. He sat there watching the butterfly for some moments just watching it fly around, he found that his guns were still holstered and his blades were too far out of reach so he just sat there finding enjoyment in watching the beautiful little creature flapping around.

"It's a beautiful thing isn't it" came a deep feminine voice from the right which immediately got Kiba's attention, turning and looking at the giant feral white wolf who was laying on it's stomach only a few yards from him,

waiting a moment before nodding "Yes, it's almost to beautiful to be real, in a dark world that surrounds such a thing it almost brings tears to know that there are something so simple as a butterfly who just fly around normally but can be so beautiful."

The wolf nodded "That is something very rare to hear for a human, especially one so young" the giant wolf slowly stood and stepped toward the human who slowly stood himself up as well

"I would now ask what you are doing here human but seeing as you fell from the sky I would summarize that you don't know" the wolf said sitting herself down next to him as he reached down pulling one of his blades from the ground

"That's right, I was sent here because it is 'safe,' if there is ever a place" the wolf nodded to that as well before standing and turning herself around.

"My name is Terila and this is my forest, I can see that you are not here to endanger the forest nor any creature in it so I grant you passage though it, you may do as you like so long as you remain kind to the nature that surrounds you" the wolf explained before disappearing into one of the rays of light leaving Kiba standing there blinking a few times.


Gritting her teeth as she steps on the furs head, grinding her heel into the side of his face as she looks around the alley "Sent me to a safe location my ass" she hissed out before reaching down and pulling out the furs wallet, taking his money and leaving him and his other little fur buddies in pain that would make them think twice before trying to rape another human.

Terra stepped from the alley and looked around at the night life of the city, she wasn't sure where she was but soon just started down the sidewalk with some money in her pocket ready to find herself something to eat and a place to stay before a small fox ran up to her.

"Hey lady" he called out being about five nine or so though he was much older than that and obviously someone who liked to talk "I saw what you did to those punks back there and I wanted to know if you were interested in making some cash, com'on what'ca say baby" he said giving a smile but it was greeted with a shove from Terra as she moved into a fast food place.

She turned several heads and she knew why, she probably reeked of blood as well as being human, it was obvious that humans were a rarity in this place though she didn't have much time to think as the fox appeared in front of her once again "Aww, com'on you can make alotta cash with the skills you have" Terra grit her teeth and ripped the fox off the ground with one hand

"You want me to try out my 'skills' on you" she threatened making the fox laugh nervously.

Tossing the fox aside and stepping up to the counter ordering whatever was good but soon enough the fox was back "I'm serious though, if you come with me I can set you up to get a lot of cash girl" he said as she walked out of the restaurant with her bag of food "All you have to do is jump in the ring and knock your opponent out" he said walking along side Terra who tried to ignore him.

"Awww, com'on you can make a lot of money as well as near whatever else you want, you need information, drugs, men...women" that last comment got a glare from Terra and the fox flinched "Com'on girl what do you want" the fox was now pleading with Terra obviously something more than just 'helping' was on his mind, probably in trouble and needing a way out.

Terra stopped and looked down at the fox "I help you, I get what I want" the fox nodding over and over eagerly at her, obviously in deep trouble

Terra sighed softly and nodded "Alright, I do this and you help me get what I want, guns, information and a place to stay, got it" she said pulling out a burger from the bag as the fox smiled

"Got, follow me girl" he said happily and quickly running off down the sidewalk with Terra in tow.


Looking over the monitors at the five satellite images of the five immortals and a sixth one of the large body of water where the Immortal facility used to be "Well it appears that our Immortals are inferior to the originals, we will need to fix the flaw of healing if we are to surpass them" came a deep and dark voice followed by a female saying 'Yes sir.'

"I want you to increase the training, you have exactly one month to creature stronger and better Immortals, do not fail me" the voice came again followed by another 'yes sir' from the female.