A Fox, a Dog and a Raven - Chapter 33 (The Land of Waves - Part 1)
#34 of A Fox, a Dog and a Raven
A new chapter, a new arc, their mission begins now. They arrive in The Land of Waves and encounter a welcoming party.Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto in any way, this is a non-profit fan-fiction written for fun.
In any case, you came here for the story, so I hope you enjoy it.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
"Where is Kiba anyway?" Sasuke asked, trying to act natural, trying to play along with Naruto's reasoning for why Kiba hadn't seen him.
"Last I saw him he was walking naked down the hall to the wash room." Naruto chuckled with a roll of his eyes. "He seriously needs to learn to put some damn clothes on!"
'Yeah, but he's fucking sexy without them...' Sasuke thought silently to himself. "He'd better not take long, I had planned on leaving at dawn but since we're this late already, we should be able to have breakfast and still make it to the Land of Waves tonight."
"That so Sas-gay?" Kiba chuckled as he and Akamaru appeared from no where.
"Yes Kiba, that's right." Sasuke glared. Kiba glared back at him and the stand off continued until the owners wife, Ling, made her way to the table carrying an assortment of plates.
"'Breakfast!" She sang in a cheerful tone.*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
The Land of Waves - Part 1
It was nearing sunset, Sasuke, Naruto, Kiba and Akamaru had run all day and had made it to the large bridge that connected The Land of Waves to the mainland, the bridge built by Tazuna. Staring at the bridge that they helped protect, Naruto and Sasuke couldn't help but smile, as they remembered the many memories they had of that mission.
"Brings back memories, eh, Naruto?" Sasuke smiled.
"Hang on!" Kiba spluttered as he noticed the sign on the bridge. "The Great Naruto Bridge!?!?"
"He-he... I guess I made quite the impression huh?" Naruto chuckled.
"They named the freaking bridge after you?!"
"Get over it Kiba!" Sasuke snapped. "Lets go find Tazuna."
"Right!" Naruto fist pumped in excitement. He wondered how Inari was doing, the little cry baby had really come out of his shell the last time he saw him, he couldn't wait to see the kind of person he was now.
"That's far enough!" A gruff voice yelled. Half-a-dozen armed men appeared from behind a large pillar half way across the bridge. "You don't get to cross this bridge without paying the toll!"
"Toll?" Sasuke asked, narrowing his eyes on the apparent leader of the group, he was large and muscular and wore a sleeveless shirt to leave no doubt to how strong he was; he carried a large wooden club as his weapon of choice. "Last I checked, this bridge was free to use."
"Things have changed, we own this bridge now!" The leader smirked, raising his club to rest on his shoulder.
"Bandits!" Naruto snarled, his fists clenching in anger.
"Guess we get to start our mission straight away!" Kiba grinned, stepping into a fighting stance.
"I'll handle it from here." Sasuke announced, raising his hand to tell Naruto and Kiba to hold their positions. He calmly walked forwards until he was just a few yards away from the leader. "We are shinobi from the village of Konohana, we have been hired to eradicate the bandits harassing this town! I'll give you one chance to leave peacefully!"
"These brats!?"
"Their just kids!"
"Final warning!" Sasuke growled.
"Don't take me for a fool!" The leader yelled. "Get them!" The leader was the first to throw himself at Sasuke, swinging his large club at Sasuke's head.
Sasuke ducked beneath the club and slipped behind him, sidestepping away from the next attacker who brought an axe down in an over head swing. To Sasuke the bandits were moving in slow motion, he slipped past an attack from another bandit so he was now in the middle, as he expected the bandits took advantage of this and quickly surrounded him, ignoring Naruto and Kiba who still hadn't moved.
"We got you now brat!"
"Is that so?" Sasuke said calmly.
"Cocky till the end! I'll teach you!" The leader again attacked with a wide swing, Sasuke stepped towards him and was instantly face-to-face with him, the leader immediately realised his mistake, he had left himself open, his wide swing preventing him from being able to react in time. Sasuke delivered a blow to the mans solar plexus, winding him and forcing him to his knees as he desperately tried to catch his breath.
"Why you...!" The bandit to the right of the leader charged him, wielding a sword, with the intention of running him through. His movements were slow and sloppy, Sasuke easily evaded the thrust and grabbed his attackers wrist, the bandits poor form allowed Sasuke to easily pull him forwards and drive a knee in his stomach. He staggered backwards in pain and Sasuke followed up with a swift kick to his jaw, knocking him out old. Sasuke didn't have time to rest as one of the bandits lunged at him from behind with a knife. Spinning round with a a kick Sasuke kicked the blade from his attackers hand and leaping into the air drove his knee into the attackers face. There was a small explosion of blood as the bandits nose broke and he fell limp to the ground. The rest of the bandits hesitated at Sasuke's display of fighting prowess. He looked round and could see the hesitation, he had taken down half of them easily and the rest were one step away from fleeing, their leader still couldn't breath properly let alone talk or fight, they just needed a little nudge.
"If you're not going to attack me..." Sasuke fixed them with a fierce glare. "Then I'll attack you!" He yelled drawing three kunai from his pouch. The threat of attack broke the last of their courage, they dropped their weapons and ran away screaming and yelling apologies behind them.
"If this is the level of fighting we're going to expect here, we'll have this wrapped up in a couple of days tops!" Kiba said, walking over and nudging the bloodied bandit with his foot, getting no reaction from him. "I'm surprised you let them off so easily."
"They'll spread the word that three shinobi have come to wipe them out to the rest of the bandits in the area, fear will spread and after hearing how easily these three were put down, their numbers should fall when fear grips their ranks."
"Oh! You've really thought this out!" Naruto praised.
"Why'd you think I got you two to hang back? It's not as scary when six guys are beaten by three..."
"Sorry... four, assailants." Sasuke corrected himself. Akamaru happily wagged his tail at the recognition.
"Quite the smart one ain't he?" Came a voice from above. All of them looked up to see two silhouettes standing atop the bridge looking down at them, the light nearly completely gone with the sun setting beneath the horizon. Even without being able to see them properly, they all knew that these men were a threat.
"Kisuke! Karabe!" The bandit leader gasped in fear, having caught his breath enough to talk now, as he gazed up at the two shadowed figures standing atop the bridge.
"Eh? You're still alive?" One of the figures asked coldly.
"P-please!" The bandit leader begged, slamming his head into the ground, bowing in apology. "I won't fail you again!"
"No... you won't!" The bandit leader slumped to the ground dead, a kunai protruding from his forehead. Sasuke and the others quickly leapt back creating some distance between them and the mysterious duo standing before them.