The Battle for Azure: Vengeance

That seemed to lift ignus' spirits a bit, the rockruff smiling and wagging his tail quickly as he repeated the words "kick butt" over and over.

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Edwyn's biography.

Cargan was a handsome, young iwanko and they both were gay. then after charlie found out about this one, she realized dogs eat reptiles. she then threatened cargan that she'll slaughter him and punished edwyn by locking him into his room.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 6: Setting Out

The rockruff quickly started eating the bread once it had been plated, chewing into it while holding it down with his paws so that it didn't slide off his plate or out of his mouth.

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Team Valiant Arc 8 Epilogue: The Coming Storm

The adorable rockruff managed to warm his heart without being awake, and he gently pet ignus on the head before he stood again, and walked back out to the living room, where he peered out the window.

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Team Valiant Mysteries of the East Chapter 2: Research (Pt 1)

Volcan hadn't intended to leave without saying goodbye to the rockruff, but he still hadn't thought of what to say to him.

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The Holiday Tickle

rockruffs don't get full easily, do they?" i put my paw on her shoulder, "i just want you to be happy." "thanks, lulu," she said quietly. "roxanne? is that lulu? is she here?" an unknown voice says as they creep up behind roxy.

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 3: New Home, New Teachers

The riolu greeted the rockruff with a heartfelt hug and some nuzzles of his own. qiang sat up and groaned in annoyance. "silly little beast! you made me lose," he said. in response, ignus left caulin and went for qiang again. "gah! relentless!"

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North and South Chapter 11: Kia He pt.2

Volcan had tried to ask hank along, but the zoroark was occupied with the rockruff they had brought aboard, keeping him calm and ensuring he was fed.

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 5: Farewell

The little rockruff barked a few times up at leon before he remembered to use his words, sitting back and lifting a paw to wave it a few times. "hi!" he said excitedly. "hello, ignus," leon returned, smiling lightly, "welcome."

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The Battle for Azure Finale: Unveiled

But he was pulled out of his reverie when he heard a familiar barking, turning sharply to look over his shoulder as a familiar rockruff came charging toward him, followed by the townsfolk of azure - albeit not with the same haste as ignus.

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Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 1: End in Sight

"you had some mail in the box out here," she said as she came in, holding up a pair of envelopes as she approached luke - stopping to pet ignus when the rockruff came over to greet her. "hey there, turbo," she said in greeting to the rockruff. "hi!"

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Team Valiant Arc 7.5 Chapter 7: The Junior Tournament Pt. 2

Caulin started giggling when ignus started attacking him with licks, holding the rockruff in his paws and turning his head away instinctively as ignus kept up his licking attack.

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