Team Valiant Arc 9 Chapter 1: End in Sight
#119 of Pokemon Team Valiant
The Dark Crusade is on the run, and on the verge of collapsing...
Calhoun and Seji seek to return to safer territory again.
First chapter of the final arc of Team Valiant!
Written once again by myself and Korban
The Battle of Azure had ended in the Crusade's greatest defeat to date... Most of the Crusade's army in the East had been lost, their strategist and Lieutenant, Asya, had been captured and worst of all, the destruction of the Ravager - the last ship under their control. Calhoun, Seji, and four of their hired hands - Crane, Zann, Karth and Sound Breaker, were on the run...
After Seji had successfully teleported them away from Azure, attempts to locate stragglers were met with failure. Sash was unresponsive to Seji's calls - likely still recovering from his sound defeat at the battle, and the rest of Sound Breaker's Sabrewings were scattered to the winds. To further their plight, they knew that every Rescue Team the Guilds had in the East were looking for them... There was nowhere left for them to hide.
So it was that Calhoun made a desperate plan that brought them into the very heart of enemy territory; a gamble, but their final option...
A lone guard - a Poliwrath, was doing his rounds on the dock when he noticed activity on one of the boats tied up further down the pier. He might not have thought anything of it if the lights on the boat where he could see movement were not all off; it wasn't unusual for people to take their boats out at night, but it certainly was odd for them to not have any light to see by. Suspicious, he signaled one of his co-workers to accompany him as he went to investigate.
Unbeknownst to him is just who that co-worker was... As they approached the docks, the co-worker - a Kadabra, lifted his head upon seeing the occupants on the ship, a look of recognition on their face. As soon as the Poliwrath saw who was on the boat and started to call out, the Kadabra struck, driving three red claws through the Poliwrath's back before he knew the attack was coming.
With that, the Kadabra stepped over the dead body, and approached the boat. The lights came on, and a Machamp leapt onto the pier, starting to charge at the Kadabra, when they spoke up in a more familiar voice.
"Calm yourself." The Kadabra hissed, holding his hands up in surrender. He then started to warp and distort for a few moments before he revealed his true form to the Machamp. "It is I, Sakkaku."
Zann held back his raised fist, taking a moment to study the Zoroark. Then, behind him, came the voice of Calhoun. "Stand down, Zann!" and the Dark Blaziken hopped down to the pier.
"I am glad to see that you were not captured in Azure," said Calhoun as he approached the elderly Zoroark.
"It was a close call." The Zoroark answered with a nod. "Unfortunately, I was the only one that managed to escape. The rest of the crew either drowned or were captured by that brute from Warmachine."
"Asya too?" Calhoun asked.
"She was the last I saw before I abandoned ship." Sakkaku answered.
Calhoun sighed. "I feared as much," he said, "She'd have tracked us by now if she had escaped. From what you say, she was confronted by Captain Torolf, so she is surely dead or captive now."
"What should we do then?" Zann asked, "We broke into the Siphon Prison once; can we get her out?"
"They'll be expecting us to do that... We'll have to leave her for now," said Calhoun, before he looked at Sakakku. "Given that you revealed yourself to approach us, will you be accompanying us, Sakakku?"
"I still have a score to settle..." Was all Sakakku answered, his brow furrowing angrily as he brushed past Calhoun toward the vessel.
With no further interference from the guard, the remnants of the Dark Crusade fled from Westport's harbour. Eventually, the body of the Poliwrath and the stolen boat would be found, and a search would be conducted, but by then, they intended to be far away from the shores of the continent, and disappear into the islands until they could plan their next move.
Sakakku retired to bunkrooms in the hold below. Despite his success in escaping capture following the Battle of Azure, the Zoroark remained injured from his setbacks at the stronghold of the Kaeru assassins; the broken ribs he had suffered from the Focus Punch - inflicted on him by the captain of Team Phalanx, were far from healed. He hid his pain well, but his fatigue, not even he could mask.
"Good call launching this plan on a moonless night," said Zann as the group began to relax. "Sun won't be up for hours yet; we'll be long gone before they find us."
"Nearly a perfect getaway," added Crane.
Calhoun, seated in the corner, said nothing. Seji looked over his shoulder at him, finding the dark Blaziken seemed lost in his head, brooding...
"...Sir?" Seji finally asked after a long, uncomfortable silence. When he received no response, he slowly rose to his feet and called his name in a firmer tone. "Calhoun."
The Blaziken jumped when Seji called his name again, looking up sharply at him. "Ah... Forgive me, Seji," he said, "There is... Much to think of."
Seji narrowed his eyes for a split second before responding. "...What is our next course of action, sir?" He asked in a somewhat cautious tone.
Calhoun took in a deep breath before answering. "We have lost the East," he said, "Our position here is gone... Our only option now is to retreat to our secret fortress in the West, and plan our next move from there."
At that, Seji grimaced slightly. "Forgive my skepticism... but what more can we do?" The Alakazam asked realistically. "They have proven to be superior to anything we can throw at them. The Typhlosion bested our heaviest hitter, our squadron of fliers was taken down by merely two on their side, they have more Blessed in their ranks and one of them we have discovered to be linked to the Creator himself." Seji listed off. "Not to mention that we have lost yet another vessel, and the fact we have not seen any signs of Asya or Sash means they have either been captured or killed by the Guilds..."
The Alakazam gulped silently before daring to continue. "We must face the reality at hand, Calhoun... This crusade is dangerously close to being a lost cause. We've lost far too many forces to continue."
"It is not lost yet, Seji," Calhoun stated, looking squarely at the Alakazam. "One of the four Nexuses still remains. If we can reach it, and control its power, we can still win. The only threat we face now in the West is the benign dictator of Gladiator City; he's the only one over there actively searching for us. But he has not found our base, and that still puts the advantage in our favour."
Seji frowned slightly. "You aren't factoring in the other obstacles in our way." He said plainly. "Romulus of Team Phobia is just one threat we face out there. The Western Continent is the largest landmass in the world, and it is nothing but a scorching wasteland. The heat itself will cripple what remains of our forces, and that's not counting the unpredictable landscape and aggressive fauna that resides there."
"One problem at a time, Seji," said Calhoun. Then, before Seji could say more, Calhoun winced, and put a hand to his head again, feeling a throb of pain filling his skull.
But even as Calhoun nursed his aching head, Crane spoke up. "Well, I for one don't see any further gain to this," he stated, "It'll take you weeks to get back to the West, and you already haven't paid us for the last month. My boys and I aren't in this for your cause, Calhoun."
The dark Blaziken lifted his gaze to glower at the Cacturne. "Are you saying you want out?" he asked.
"As I said, we're not in this for your cause," the Cacturne repeated, and Zann and Karth came to stand beside him, "So if you can't pay us now, then we're taking our leave at the next island. We're done with the Crusade."
Seji felt a tension in the air, half-expecting Calhoun to lash out and attack the three hired goons. But despite that, when he looked at Calhoun again, the dark Blaziken was making no move to do so; he simply stared, as if considering Crane's words.
"Sound Breaker," he began, calling to the Skarmory who was still standing by the door , "Where do you stand on this; are you of mind with them?"
The Skarmory let out a sigh. "I've lost most of my men in this assault. Many of them are in no condition to fly anymore." He answered, looking up toward the sky. "I have no regrets for the actions I've committed today, but... I think it's about time I finally accept the circumstances and go into retirement. If fifty of my men can't even take down one former Red Talon, then I'm not fit to lead them anymore."
He then looked back at Calhoun with a wry smirk. "For what it's worth, working with you has been an interesting experience, if somewhat unorthodox."
Calhoun's expression remained unchanged, then he slowly turned his gaze away. "Very well... All four of you are free to go; consider your contracts terminated," he stated.
Crane looked surprised, clearly having expected Calhoun to fight them, or at least argue. When neither happened, he didn't seem to know how to respond to it. Fortunately, Zann brought up a new subject, clearing his throat as he turned to Sound Breaker.
"Well, you can always join up with us if you want," he offered, "Can never have too many fliers on the team."
Sound Breaker chuckled a little. "Well, if a decrepit archaeologist can hold up his own in a fight, then I suppose I could lend my services to a band of petty criminals looking to make a quick Pok," he replied, taking a jab at Seji. The Alakazam grimaced in response, but said nothing to refute such a claim.
With that, the four hired muscle departed as the boat passed an island, seeing smoke from a settlement and deciding that was the best place. Zann dove into the water to swim, while Karth carried Crane over the water and Sound Breaker followed behind them. Now the boat was inhabited only by Seji and Calhoun...
The Alakazam watched his former colleagues make their departure, filling him with both mild relief and concern. At least they would go on to live their lives however they wanted, but now it was just himself and Calhoun left aboard the vessel, and with such few numbers, even with the Dark Blaziken's overwhelming power, he heavily questioned the future of this endeavour.
'...Perhaps it is time to cut my losses as well....' He thought to himself as he considered the option.
"Best that we carry on, then," said Calhoun, "Let's find a port where we can refuel, and stock up on supplies. As Crane said... We have a very long journey ahead of us."
"Indeed..." Seji remarked. "When we arrive at our base, I shall see if I can get in contact with Sash... Hopefully he hasn't been captured."
"He should already be there," stated Calhoun, "Before control was taken from me, I used Mewtwo to ensure he escaped after his defeat. Eberon too. Those two, at least, are not lost to us. In all likelihood, they are both still healing from the aftermath of the battle."
"Given the extent of their injuries, they will likely be out of commission for quite some time." Seji answered, averting his gaze as he spoke. "Recruiting new soldiers will be another daunting task to overcome. The West is vast and contains more wild Pokémon than there are civilized. We won't find the same caliber of warriors as we did before the attack on Port Azure."
"There is no shortage of Pokemon willing to fight for money; we have no shortage of either," said Calhoun. "But, you are correct; it will take some time to find them. Especially now that we no longer have Mewtwo to transport us around the world."
Once again, Calhoun winced and put a hand to his head. That was when Seji noticed, for the first time, that Calhoun's grimace was less one of pain and more like Irritation. He looked ready to shout at someone - not at the Alakazam, but was holding himself in check... Curiosity finally got the better of him, and he began to subtly reach out telepathically toward Calhoun and scan his brain waves in an attempt to uncover just what was going on within Calhoun's psyche.
That was when he sensed it. An ongoing conversation, taking place inside Calhoun's mind...
"I will find it," Calhoun stated to the other presence, "I only need time to gather my forces. Otherwise, if the Guilds find us, we won't be able to secure it."
"The longer you wait, the more likely you will fail." The other voice stated irritably. "You must act as soon as you arrive in the West. Forget about building your forces. Once you complete the ritual, you will be invincible. Those fools that overpowered you will either grovel at your feet, or meet a gruesome end."
"I will be but one Blessed, against six, one of whom carries the essence of your father!" Calhoun retorted, "Strong as I am, not even I can defeat so many on my own!"
"I am the only one who can stand up to my wretched father, and I hold the power to utterly crush him. The others are merely fodder." Giratina countered. "It took all of them combined to finally seal me away. Lesser beings who are only able to tap into a portion of what their patrons can do will be all the same to you as well once our bond is complete."
Calhoun was silent for a moment, considering their options. "You make it sound so simple... But I have learned not to underestimate the power of these beings we now face. I need to think this over; one more mistake, and everything will be lost. I can't let that happen now."
"Fine... but do not take too long to make your decision." The voice added, both as a warning and as a command before it receded back into the darkness.
"Easy for you to say," Calhoun thought to himself after the voice was gone.
Seji felt a deathly chill crawling up his spine as he realized who Calhoun was talking to... He withdrew his consciousness as quickly as he could and relaxed his posture as best as he could before Calhoun could notice. His mind reeling as he realized the source of both Calhoun's power... and his foreseeable madness.
'He's communicating with him of all things...!' He thought internally. '...Perhaps it is time I handed in my resignation... but not yet. The others were let go easily, but I know the truth now... If I were to try and leave, I would most certainly be killed. If not by Calhoun then by Tory or even my own apprentice.' He mulled about to himself.
Then, he sighed and glanced up toward the night sky as Calhoun turned away from him, lamenting on his actions during the previous battle. 'For once... I concede that you are right, Lashanne... I only wish I had realized sooner...'
The survivors of the Crusade ventured across the sea for many days and nights, with Calhoun spending most of the time at the boat's helm. They stopped at a local port town, landing out of sight of the dockyards before Sakakku cloaked Calhoun in an illusion, allowing him to sneak in and steal fuel and supplies.
It was there that Seji finally heard a voice calling out to him telepathically. The voice of his apprentice, reaching out to him from afar.
'There you are!' The Gallade exclaimed clearly. 'Trying to establish a link with you has been an utter pain in my neck.'
The Alakazam grimaced slightly as his apprentice practically shouted telepathically to him, taking a moment to recompose himself before he responded. 'I see you're recovering well from your sound defeat earlier.' He responded.
'Do not test me, old man. I'm in a bad enough mood as it is without your chiding remarks.' The Gallade practically growled at him. 'Just link me with Calhoun. I must speak with him... Or has he met an untimely end as well?'
'No, he is very much alive...' Seji responded. 'He is currently absconding some fuel for our vessel. I will link you with him once he returns.'
'Tch... he better not take too long...' the Gallade responded impatiently.
A short time later, Calhoun returned along with Sakakku, the two bearing the supplies they had managed to procure, when Seji got Calhoun's attention and told him that he had made contact with Sash. With that, Calhoun was brought into the telepathic conversation.
'Sash?' he asked, seeking confirmation.
'What the hell happened?' The Gallade demanded of Calhoun. 'Why am I back at the fortress? Did you succeed in wiping out our adversaries?'
Calhoun's expression soured. 'No...' he said, 'I had Mewtwo send you back to the fortress following your defeat. Eberon as well. But the attack failed; the Ravager and the personnel we had aboard are gone, Asya has been taken captive, Mewtwo is lost as well, and Sound Breaker and Crane's crew just deserted us when I could not pay them. It is only myself, Seji and Sakakku left now, as well as you and Tory.'
There was a long pause afterward, then came the sound of Sash exerting himself with a furious exclamation before he turned his attention back to Calhoun. 'So on top of suffering yet another humiliating loss to not only that sword wielding Lucario, but his damn brat as well, now you're telling me we are without our ace in the hole, our tactician has been captured, and two more Legendaries have now been freed of your influence??' He shouted angrily. 'You better have a plan on how to hold this crusade together, because I'm tempted to follow suit and leave you in the dust as well!'
'Patience, my friend,' Calhoun returned, 'I have the beginnings of a plan... One that our dear tactician left for us before her unfortunate capture. With our limited resources it will be difficult to achieve, but if we can, it may tip the scales in our favour.'
'Just make sure that whatever plan you have in motion, you leave that Lucario and his brat alive... I want to execute them personally...' Sash countered, his voice dripping with venomous malice.
'That, I cannot promise, if this plan works,' Calhoun stated, 'We are nearing the edge of the Equatorial Islands. If you have healed enough, link with Seji, and share some of your power with him so he can teleport us the rest of the way. I have little doubt that we are being pursued out here.'
The Gallade grunted angrily at Calhoun's response, but didn't make any other reply afterward. Calhoun felt his link with Sash being cut as he switched his focus to his master, to which Seji began receiving some power from his student; enough for the Alakazam to teleport himself, Calhoun and Sakkaku back to their hidden headquarters in the West.
They appeared next to Sash, standing on a balcony overlooking a vast fjord, stretching as far as the eye could see, their noses assailed by the fresh mountain air of the high walls to either side of the fjord, mixed with sodium-rich water mingling with the waters below.
Calhoun turned to regard Sash, and nodded to him in greeting, and took a moment to look him over. He looked like he wanted to say something, but seemed to think better of it, and looked at Sash.
"Do you know how much we have in the treasury here?" he asked, "We are going to need to hire more hands."
"We're just shy of about half a million Poks," the Gallade answered. "It will last us for now, but if we're going to increase our ranks once more, we're going to have to consider petty robbery as a means of income."
"Half a million... That will not buy us much," said Calhoun, putting a hand to his chin and looking out to the fjord as he thought, "At most, a few of the gangs from the desert will be available, but they are hardly a capable fighting force. We need someone who can train some formidable fighters for us..." he lingered on the 's' as he spoke, having a thought.
He turned, and his eyes settled on Sakakku.
The Zoroark glanced back at the Dark Blaziken and narrowed his eyes. "...You expect me to train up your little standing army, do you?" Sakkaku asked pointedly.
"I would ask if you would be interested," Calhoun replied, betraying no intent in his voice - though Seji and Sash for that matter had heard him use it before.
It was a diplomatic tone that Seji had heard Calhon use before. The same tone he used to win the allegiance of Jora and Tory and Asya alike; a smooth, level tone, addressing the other as an equal. That was step one; Calhoun's next words though would depend on how Sakakku responded, and then he would play his next card - the same card that won the allegiance of the criminals from the Siphon Prison. Calhoun knew exactly what Sakakku wanted... But how would the Zoroark respond?
"If you want me to train your forces, then I'll need a substantial raise in my contract with you..." Sakkaku answered firmly. "One and a half times what we agreed on, plus I want that wretched frog at my feet so that I can torture him to my heart's content."
"Agreed then," said Calhoun. "Now, our next hurdle will be carrying out Asya's last plan - to remove the presence of the Guilds from the West Continent, and take advantage of the unified state of this land."
"Then let's not delay any further." Sash remarked. "My blades are itching to taste blood once more..."
"It is not that simple," said Calhoun, "Removing the presence of the Guilds means we must eliminate the head of Gladiator City, and his team, and destroy the Guild Hall in the city as well. That was Asya's plan that she left us. However, if we do this, and if we leave any_survivors this time, those 'heroes' out east will travel across the world to hunt us down. That other Blaziken, the one who keeps coming after us, made it clear he, at least, will _never stop hunting us."
He began to pace along the balcony as he went on. "With six Blessed backing them now - carrying the powers of Reshiram, Zekrom, Zacian, Palkia, Kyurem, not to mention Arceus himself, we must not let them know we are involved. Asya was better at this than I, but this will take a subtle touch, and a thorough result."
"Then how do you propose we approach this attack?" Seji asked, watching Calhoun pace back and forth. "There are only two among our ranks that excel in stealth and subterfuge, and one of them has yet to turn up."
"If you mean Tory, he's already here," replied Calhoun, "I called him back after the assault on the Fortress. The attack on Azure was not ideal for his talents for ambush, infiltration and assassination."
With a shake of his head, Calhoun continued. "But, he alone will not suffice if we are to revise Asya's old plan; it was her who masterminded weakening the Guilds before, and she also had the idea to eliminate Team Phobia here in the west. The bounties we placed on Romulus have been fruitless in the long run; nobody will challenge him, and any thug only seeking money would indeed be a fool to do so."
"It would take some strong and courageous Pokemon to challenge Team Phobia." Seji remarked absently.
"We have something better. We have Eberon." Sash countered. "If memory serves, he succeeded in destroying most of Gladiator city twenty years ago. I imagine he'll be filled with renewed vigour if we were to set him loose on Gladiator once more." He added.
"You are correct, Sash, and that is indeed the plan," stated Calhoun, "But lest we forget, he was stopped, and not by Romulus or Team Phobia - they didn't exist yet. The Black Titan was defeated by three legendary Pokemon who, individually are as strong if not stronger than Romulus. The ones who call themselves the Swords of Justice."
Sakkaku then piped up. "If they stand against you, then why don't you just do what you've always done in the past?" He asked. "Bend them to your will, and turn the West's protectors into their vanguards of destruction."
"That is easier said than done, Sakakku; each of them is a formidable warrior on their own," said Calhoun, "To challenge all three of them at the same time would be nothing short of folly. If we're going to take them, we must tackle them separately, and to do that, we must first draw them out."
At that, he smiled. "I might know just how to do that, too," he said, "I need more time to think about it, and to find the right people for it. We just need to find-"
He stopped, his eyes twitching and a hand lifting to his head as if in pain. Seji knew that body language now, having figured out what it really meant. Giratina was speaking to Calhoun again... But what was he saying?
Seji attempted to enter Calhoun's mind, to look at his thoughts as he had on the boat. But the moment he attempted to link his mind to the Dark Blaziken's... He was met by a burning pain, filling his skull, and his telepathy was forced out of Calhoun's mind, along with an ominous voice filling his head.
'Your presence is not welcome in this... conversation, interloper...' The venomous growl spoke to Seji, making his eyes widen in absolute fear as he now realized that he knew... Giratina knew he was onto him, and if the God of Destruction and Antimatter knew it...
Calhoun's gaze toward him was telling... He knew as well that Seji had been spying on his thoughts... But surprisingly, the Dark Blaziken didn't address it. "Nevermind... Sash, Sakakku, I leave the fort to you two. I must go see about finding us some additional hands."
Seji could only stare on after Calhoun as he and the others parted ways, the Alakazam still wearing that look of utter fear on his face even as they departed from view. Eventually he shook his head and woke himself up from his own stupor, blinking rapidly before his expression went from shocked to stern.
'I can't stay now...' He thought to himself. 'Calhoun is onto me now. The first chance I get come moonrise, I will tender my resignation and depart from this place...' He continued to monologue internally, turning to make his way to his own room. 'And as insane as it might sound... I know exactly where to go...'
Later that night...
Once they had all made their rounds, Seji and the other lieutenants all parted ways and went to retire to their chambers to rest for the night. Seji made sure that no one was watching him as he went into his chambers, locking the door behind him and making his way over to the study in the far corner of his room. He reached up for a book on his shelf and flipped it open, turning to a bookmarked page and taking the slip of paper out of the book before he closed it. He then moved over to the desk and lit the hanging lantern next to him, then began to unfold the slip of paper into a full sized map of the Western Continent; something he always kept on hand during his earlier days out when he merely hunted treasure before becoming involved with the Dark Crusade.
He studied the map carefully, identifying the landmark that gave the approximate location of the stronghold where he currently was, and then moved his finger along the map until he found Gladiator City. He measured the distance between the two locations, and then studied the map for the fastest possible way to get to his destination. He allowed himself a small smile when he found his answer. The river between the fjord ran along the canyon down to the open ocean, and from there, he could hug the shoreline and travel around the outside of the continent until he reached Gladiator City.
On the other hand, it looked like it would be a straighter shot just to go along the high ground, but Seji knew better. He hadn't survived this long in the desert by being reckless. Between the frequent sandstorms, the aggressive fauna, the bandit gangs and the many sinkholes that littered the dunes, it would take him far longer than if he stuck to the waters. As an added bonus, being near the water meant he would always have a fresh supply until he reached the ocean, and even then he knew how to purify sea water with his psychic powers in the event he ran out.
Nodding in satisfaction, he folded the map up once more and slid it into the book he pulled from the shelf. He had his plan, he had his means of getting to Gladiator, now it was just a matter of waiting for the right moment to execute his escape plan. For now, he grabbed a bag lying next to his bed and began packing up essentials for his trip. Cured food, a large canteen of fresh water, and the book housing his map to name a few.
With his things packed, he grabbed a cloak hanging on a hanger next to his door and wrapped it around himself, then he moved to his window and gently slid it open to peek outside and take note of his surroundings. Below him he saw a sentry slowly patrolling the floor below, and above him was an overhang where he could no doubt guess there were more patrols keeping watch. Those ones above he could escape with ease, but the one below would be a small challenge. If he was to go through with what he was planning, he had to time his leap just right so that he slipped right past the guard without him being the wiser. He bided his time, waiting until the guard below turned away from his post before he saw his chance.
He slid out the window and let himself fall, shooting past the floor below like a knife cutting through the air. He fell headfirst toward the river below, waiting until the last possible second before he caught himself with his telekinesis, slowing his descent until he was hovering just above the water. From there, he levitated over to a makeshift raft he had built during the month they had been recruiting more soldiers to add to their ranks and touched down on the deck. The Alakazam then untied the rope anchoring it to the fjord and unfurled the sail so it could catch some wind, then he grabbed a paddle that doubled as a rudder and began to paddle away from the shore.
This was it. He knew there was no going back now. After paddling for some time, he slid the oar into its slot and used it as a rudder while he worked the sail with his other hand, letting the wind carry him the rest of the way. As he sailed down the river, his thoughts travelled back to the confrontation with Teams Valiant and Phalanx down in the Southern Islands, specifically his conversation with Lashanne about the kind of man Calhoun was and what he would do to his allies after acquiring more power.
'So far, so good... No alarms have been sounded yet' He thought to himself, then turned his gaze toward the night sky and sighed heavily, thinking back to the Battle of Azure; the last time he saw his former rival alive. "_Victor... wherever you are now, I hope you can forgive me,"_ he muttered as he continued sailing down the river.
Unknown to the Alakazam, however, his departure had not gone unnoticed...
High above the fjord, standing on the catwalk of the highest floor, Calhoun watched impassively as Seji's boat sailed out toward open sea.
"It seems you were right," he said aloud, since there was no one else to hear him but the fallen god. "Seji has abandoned our cause, after becoming aware of you in my mind."
'And yet you let him escape with such knowledge.' Giratina pointed out. 'You should have killed him right then and there. He has now become a liability, one that will no doubt warn the enemy of your next intentions.'
"On the contrary, my friend," said Calhoun, his frown turning to a light smile, "I did not act because it plays to another plan I have in mind; Asya was not the only one who knew how to think ahead. I intend to turn Seji's betrayal to our advantage."
Giratina was silent for a moment as he considered Calhoun's words, then he spoke. '...You have piqued my curiosity.'
"Seji will undoubtedly go to the only ones who can protect him," said Calhoun, "Team Phobia will not act without help, and it will take some time for that help to arrive, considering we are on the opposite side of the world from where the rest of the Guild's elite are located; that buys us time to get to the West Nexus. You guided us to the Eastern one; you can lead us to this one too, yes?"
'I can, if you open your mind to my influence like you did last time.' Giratina answered. 'However, you may not have as much time as you hope. You forget that your adversaries have freed Mewtwo from your influence. There is a high chance that it will help them reach this section of the world through teleportation.' He further explained.
Calhoun hummed as he considered. "You have a point," he agreed, "Still, we are not lacking for time. I'm going to create a couple of little distractions for them to worry about first, which will buy us more time. It may even have the additional benefit of removing some of them, if fortune is on our side."
WIth that, Calhoun turned from the balcony railing and headed back into the fortress, to begin the preparations for his final gambit...
Azure, three weeks later...
Port Azure was looking more and more like its old self again as the reconstruction efforts continued in town. Thanks to the combined efforts of the locals, the funding and additional muscle provided by Team Warmachine, and the efforts of the local teams for construction and gathering supplies, many buildings were back up. The most important structures had been the first to be raised; the hospital, the grocery - with some generous contributions from Bluegrove, Westport and Berrymore to feed the townsfolk, and the docks, allowing boats to land carrying supplies.
Though the attack remained fresh on everyone's mind, and the traces of it would scar the land for many days yet, the stalwart populace of Port Azure was slowly but surely rebuilding their lives again. Yet, Luke remained restless, as he had been unable to contribute much to the efforts - still healing from his reckless battle against Mewtwo. If there was any plus side to this, he had more time to spend at home with Ignus, but he hated being confined to the house while his body healed...
There was a knock at the door, and he called "Come in!" from the couch; the door opened, and Lashanne stepped into the house. The Delphox had mostly healed from her injuries, sustained during the defense of Azure. The cut above her eye was gone, and the bruises and cuts she had suffered fighting the hordes of Pawniard and their Bisharp Centurion were mostly gone - though a few scars remained.
"You had some mail in the box out here," she said as she came in, holding up a pair of envelopes as she approached Luke - stopping to pet Ignus when the Rockruff came over to greet her. "Hey there, turbo," she said in greeting to the Rockruff.
"Hi!" Ignus yipped excitedly, spinning in a circle in front of Lashanne before sitting on his haunches and rearing back to lift his forelegs upward.
"Thanks Lashanne." Luke answered, smiling softly as his son kept reaching up for Lashanne. "I think he wants to greet you properly."
"Oh, alright," she said, levitating the envelopes over to Luke before she picked up Ignus, lifting him off the floor and cradling him in her arms. "Oof... Has he put on weight? He feels heavier than last time I lifted him."
"He has been growing lately. I swear he's almost eating double what I used to put on the table for him during meals." Luke answered, gently taking the envelopes into his paws and going over them one by one. "Hmm... bill... bill... a get well card..."
There was an envelope that caught his eye, addressed from Hadleigh. Setting the other envelopes aside, he opened this one and lifted out the paper inside, pleased to find a letter from Neilla and the rest of Team Plainsrunner.
When word had spread that Azure had been attacked, Neilla had written to Luke expressing her concerns. He suspected that if he hadn't written back to her, she would have brought her whole team all the way to Azure to check on them. Thankfully, he had written back, and this letter was the latest in a chain of messages they had been exchanging. Luke had also shared his experiences in the Aporagorev Boglands, when they had tracked down the East Nexus in his last letter.
He couldn't help but smile when Neilla brought it up in the letter, stating "You should have let me come along, you know," in bold print, before moving on to the rest of her message; inquiries about Azure's progress, and information on Hadleigh's own reconstruction efforts.
"I guess hindsight is twenty-twenty... Maybe we should have brought her along with us," he muttered under his breath as he finished reading the letter. "I'll write back to her later," he added as he set the paper down and moved onto the next piece of mail.
"Her who?" Lashanne asked, her keen ears catching Luke's mumbled words even with her attention on Ignus.
"Oh, I just got a letter from Neilla. We've been writing back and forth ever since the aftermath of the battle here." Luke explained.
"Ah, right; she wanted to come along when you guys went to the boglands," said Lashanne. "Well, like you said, hindsight; she might've been handy to have along. But, you gave a good argument when you convinced her to stay behind."
"Maybe so... Having another along for when we traversed that dangerous area could have saved us so much trouble," Luke answered with a heavy sigh. "Maybe then, we might not have suffered both the trek and the loss of Kage's father..."
"Hey, don't do that to yourself," said Lashanne, coming to sit on the couch beside him, "You and the others did the best you could, wandering through unfamiliar terrain, to a place we couldn't even be sure was where we thought it was. Nobody could have done better under the same circumstances."
"I know, but... still. You know how I am Lashanne." Luke countered. "I'm always thinking that I could have done more to make the situation better for both parties, sometimes recklessly so."
Lashane grimaced, turning her gaze from Luke to stare at the floor. "Yeah, I suppose I can understand that... I went through similar thoughts during the defense," she leaned back on the couch, idly petting Ignus as she gave a melancholic sigh. "Especially with Victor. If I had just been stronger - if I could've stopped Sash myself, Caulin wouldn't have lost his grandpa..."
Luke sighed at that. "Despite wanting to save everyone... Even I know that we can't; just the ones within our ability to do so." He answered, gently taking Ignus into his arms and letting him get comfortable in his lap. "Of course, sometimes... we learn and grow stronger from failing. It teaches us what we did wrong so that we don't repeat it next time." He explained. "I mean... Look at what happened when Victor passed. Sure, it was a heavy loss to endure, but Caulin grew stronger because of it... as morbid as that sounds."
"I still would rather it hadn't happened," said Lashanne, "You didn't see how Caulin snapped when it happened. If I hadn't stepped in when I did, I don't know what would've happened to him; seeing Victor's death seemed to wake something in him. Something that nearly drove him to kill out of malice. I think Sash was trying to make him do just that, even if it meant letting Caulin kill _him_in the process."
"Well whatever the reason, it's a good thing you did talk some sense into him before he crossed that line." Luke said with a nod. "The last thing he'd need is the blood of another pokemon on his paws, and being reminded of the atrocity he would have committed..."
"Uh... A little late for that," said Lashanne, "Several of those Pawniard he was fighting... He..." she trailed off, but she had said enough for Luke to understand.
His eyes widened, and he immediately understood where she was going. He held up his paw and shook his head. "Nevermind. Let's not speak any further of this..." He requested. "I'm still having a hard time coming to terms with my own recovery."
"Right... Sorry," she said, "But... There is one thing I wanted to talk to you about... Something I didn't want to say in front of the others."
"What's that?" Luke asked, giving the Delphox her full attention.
She took a deep breath before she answered. "During the battle, I was leading them... My team, and yours... Their lives were in my paws. If I had screwed up I... I don't even want to imagine what might have happened. How do you shoulder that much responsibility?" She visibly shuddered, "And more than that, live with the mistakes when you fail, or make a decision that puts them in danger?"
Luke stared back at Lashanne in silence for a few moments, registering and understanding her question, then taking the time to formulate his response before he answered.
"When I signed Team Valiant up to be part of the Guilds, I knew the risks I would be taking." He began. "I knew that this line of work could involve not just losing the lives of innocent Pokemon, but also the lives of my fellow teammates. I know these risks, and yet every day I push them as far back as I can, because I can't let myself be worried about that in the heat of the moment."
He gently lifted up his paw and touched his own scarf. "That's why I chose the teammates I did. To mitigate that risk as much as possible. That way, if there ever were to come a time where I'd be putting one of my friends at risk, I can confidently say that they can handle that situation to the best of their ability." He added. "As for how I cope with the fact that I could lose any of them at any given moment... I just fight even harder than ever, so that in the end, we all come home safe and sound."
Lashanne listened attentively to Luke's words, her ears turned to take in everything he said. She took a moment to consider it, and eventually she gave a slow nod. "Thanks," she said, "I think I needed to hear that..."
Luke nodded back. "For what it's worth, I think you did exceptionally well in holding your own, both as a leader and a fighter." He offered with a smile. "I think Volcan should consider you for his second in command after what you did."
"I think he already does," said Lashanne, smiling back, "Sure, you'd think Minato would be his first pick, but I don't think he feels he's up to the task. Serena's too timid and Tristan and Sol are... Well, need I say more?" she asked with a snicker.
"No, I don't think you do," Luke added with a chuckle of his own.
With that, Lashanne stood from the couch. "Right. I better leave you to it," she said, "Thanks for the talk, Luke. I grew so accustomed to handling things on my own, I wasn't sure who to turn to, but you seemed like the right choice to bring my concerns to."
"No problem, Lashanne. Anything you ever need to talk about, you can come to me about it." Luke offered.
She nodded, and reached over to pat Ignus on the head. "See you later, Ignus," she said before she turned to leave, heading out the door and leaving Luke to catch up on his mail.
But that was when he happened to notice another envelope in the pile; one that was in a style he didn't recognize. But the wax seal on it, he did know. He had seen it before, back in Hadleigh, during his tenure as a Guild Councillor. A metachord; three overlapping triangles - a symbol intended to mean 'fear'...
It was the emblem of Team Phobia.
Elsewhere, out in the forest, Volcan and Sol were having a practice fight. The Blaziken jumped out of the path of an incoming Flame Wheel from the Typhlosion, keeping his eyes fixed on Sol as he tried to read his movements. Sol quickly turned back around while still in his Flame Wheel attack, but quickly shifted so that instead of generating fire as he rolled, he started gathering rocks around him until he was encased in a massive boulder that careened toward the Blaziken as fast as he could roll.
Volcan waited until the last moment, and then sprang, jumping clear over the rolling Typhlosion in a short jump, landing and spinning on his heel to face him again. However, right as Volcan was about to land, the rocks around Sol suddenly exploded outward in all different directions, some managing to catch Volcan and leave him momentarily vulnerable for the Typhlosion to round on him and swing a Mega Punch at the Blaziken.
Volcan had no time to evade, making an 'X' with his arms and taking the hit, which made him skid back several feet before he fell back in a somersault, gaining more distance before landing on his feet again. He shook out his arm to ease the pain as he addressed Sol.
"Well, suffice it to say you're recovered, Sol," the Blaziken remarked.
Sol snorted, looking at his own fist and clenching it tightly. "...Almost," he corrected, "Didn't hit you as hard as I woulda liked, or else you'd be sitting on your ass."
"Maybe I've gotten tougher?" the Blaziken suggested before returning to a combat-ready stance, "I have been training pretty hard, you know."
This time, Volcan was not using his usual stance; instead of having both fists raised like a pair of snakes, S-curved and ready to strike, he instead had shifted more to the side, with his dominant arm tucked by his waist and the other raised in a position to intercept incoming attacks.
Sol arched an eyebrow at the Blaziken, suspicious as to what that stance meant, but ultimately shrugged it off and began running forward, shooting a few Embers as he ran to try and make Volcan flinch, then rolled a few times before launching out with a Double Kick.
Volcan, though, saw through the trick; Sol was not usually one to resort to distraction tactics, and he had telegraphed it too well. Volcan charged in, igniting his left hand with a Fire Punch to swat aside the embers, before he snapped forward as if he'd been launched by some unseen force, closing the distance between him and Sol in the blink of an eye before he delivered a punishing gut-punch to the Typhlosion.
Sol grunted and grit his teeth as he felt the force of the punch, almost making him gag from how hard the punch was. However, thankfully he had flexed his abdominals right in the nick of time and glared furiously at Volcan, grabbing at his head with both paws and slamming his forehead square into the Blaziken's, causing them both to stumble back from the double edged attack.
"_Ow-wah!"_Volcan exclaimed, stumbling with stars blinking across his eyes.
"Fuck!" Sol growled, grabbing his head with both paws and shook his head back and forth. "When the fuck did your head get so hard??"
"When did yours?" Volcan countered, rubbing the top of his skull.
At that, Sol smirked. "I've always had a hard head, or did you forget already?" He remarked in a snarky tone.
Volcan shook his head to clear it, "Gah, nevermind," he said, before he rushed at the Typhlosion again, this time moving in a wide berth around him.
Sol watched Volcan strafe him, his expression turning serious as he kept his eyes on the Blaziken as he closed in, clenching his paws at his sides in preparation for a retaliatory strike. The Blaziken shifted his posture back to his regular one, and moved in for his signature sweep kick, followed immediately by an overhead axe kick, but this time, Sol was ready for it. He stepped back from the sweep kick and tensed up in preparation for the axe kick. It hit his shoulder, making him growl, but he held his ground. Then he grabbed Volcan's leg before he suddenly turned and threw him over his shoulder and onto the ground behind him.
Volcan grunted as he hit the ground, bouncing and tumbling over it before landing on his back, winded from the impact. He allowed himself to remain there for a moment, staring up at the sky until Sol came to stand over him, looking at him upside-down.
"Well, I guess that one goes to you," he said, "Good reaction speed. I thought my shifting technique would catch you off guard, but, no such luck."
"Might have worked on an opponent who's used to dodging a lot, but not against a juggernaut like me," he remarked, then offered the Blaziken his paw.
Volcan turned over onto his knees, before grasping Sol's paw and standing up. "And I thought Tristan was supposed to be our tank," he remarked, chuckling.
"Well now you have two." Sol answered back as he yanked Volcan back to his feet before letting him go. "Got another in ya, or you wanna take five?"
"Let's take a quick breather," the Blaziken replied, motioning to a pair of stumps from recently felled trees where they could sit down. He looked up at the sky, shading his eyes as he tried to gauge the time of day by the location of the sun. "What time did we start - ten or so?"
"Little earlier than that. Nine-ish or something." Sol answered as he took a seat, sighing and letting his body relax. "So... ya never told me how yer mission went, despite it obviously being a success."
"You never asked," Volcan returned, seating himself as well, "But, short version is, it was harrowing to say the least. After doing all that research in Lindenberg and heading into the Aporagorev Boglands, our challenges were only just beginning. Mires, sucking you down like a vacuum. Wild Pokemon waiting to ambush you to make you their meal. Territorial battles between different species - which we managed to get ourselves caught in the middle between some Pinsir and Heracross."
He shook his head. "It's a small wonder nobody has ever managed to successfully explore that place. I hope we never have to go back," he said, "And things didn't improve when we got to the Kaeru Assassin's stronghold. Tory made short work of several of their assassins, and we were too late to save Kage's father. But, at least we managed to purge the Nexus."
"So all in all, mission complete." Sol summarized. "Then you come back to yer home getting demolished... that musta sucked, huh?"
"It certainly came as a shock," said Volcan. He lifted a hand to his chest, resting it over his heart as he went on. "When I saw the smoke rising, all the memories of Arc came back in a flash; they overwhelmed me. Then there was this..." he paused, seeming hesitant to say more. "Well... Either way, we double-timed it back here to join the battle, all the while praying you guys had held the line."
He lifted his gaze to smile at Sol. "Not the least of which being you. Taking on the infamous Black Titan of Gladiator City all by yourself? There ought to be a medal for you for that alone."
"If there is, I haven't got it yet." Sol remarked with a shrug. "Those guys weren't lyin' though. He was pretty fuckin tough to take direct hits from me and keep going like it was nuthin... Part of me wonders if I got lucky in that last clash we had."
"I've noticed one thing," Volcan said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees as he looked at Sol, studiously. "Ever since that battle, you've been... Different. You're not as angry or abrasive as you normally are, like your temper's been cooled, I guess would be the best way I can describe it."
Sol glanced at Volcan in silence for a long moment, then he looked ahead again as he spoke. "That Eberon guy..." He began. "He and I were a lot more alike than I'd like to admit..." He said, then he turned to look back at Volcan again. "You remember what you told me after you beat me that one time? About how I was like a wild inferno that burned away everything around it?"
"It was actually a tornado, but yes, I do," Volcan replied with a nod, listening attentively to the Typhlosion.
"Well... Eberon's pretty much what I could have turned out to be if ya hadn't beat some sense into me." Sol admitted, looking down at his own paws and clenching them a few times. "Before I went into that fight, I made an offhand comment about takin' a monster to beat one... but now I see that if I wanna beat a monster like that, I can't let myself sink to that level. I gotta be better than a monster..."
Volcan didn't speak, sensing Sol had more he wanted to say. "It's funny... We were both broken outta prison and given second chances at life. I chose to turn my shit around, but he went back to being the monster everyone made him out to be... We were both monsters that had our lives fucked around with by someone else, but... I guess all I needed was the right push to open my eyes and see the problems I was causing."
At that, Volcan smiled. "If you think about it," he said, "Even if it took a defeat to make you see the truth, you still made the choice to change, but he had no such desire. All he craved was the complete destruction of the world that wronged him, and even after twenty years in prison, he never lost that thirst for vengeance. In that way... You proved you are stronger, not just in combat, but also in spirit."
"Heh, well... My vengeance wasn't against the world in the first place, so I guess there's that." Sol remarked with a smirk. "Which, all that really took was words instead of fists to make right..." He added, then rolled his head along his shoulders. "Enough about me though. How're you holding up? You look like you haven't slept fer a while."
Volcan grimaced at that. "I've been having trouble doing so," he said, "I can't explain it, but ever since we repelled the attack, almost a month ago, I've felt this... I don't know the word for it; this itch, or maybe more like a sense, that something is about to happen. No matter how I try to relax, I can't shake it off. It's like this constant, nagging sensation that I'm not yet strong enough, and I need to be for whatever's coming."
"...Your boo feel the same way? Or is he still comatose?" Sol suddenly asked.
"No, he's up and about now, though still recovering," replied Volcan, "But if he's feeling the same way I am, he hasn't said so yet. Not that I've asked; Minato already got on me about my not getting proper rest; I don't want to worry Luke too, when he's trying to heal." He noticed Sol's arched brow, and added, "I know, I know; I shouldn't be keeping it from him either," he admitted.
"Keeping it from yer friends is one thing, but your man? Sheesh, that's low," Sol remarked, nudging Volcan's arm with his elbow.
"Yeah... When you put it that way, I should tell him about it," the Blaziken admitted, feeling humbled.
"Well, ain't my place to judge what you tell anyone," said Sol, "All I care about is him getting back to his usual self... Much as I hate to admit it, without him, we don't stand much of a chance against that Black Blaziken."
Volcan blinked at the Typhlosion. "...You just admitted to someone being able to accomplish something you can't?" he asked. "Who are you and what did you do with Sol?" he joked, a smirk tugging at the corner of his beak.
"Hey, I'm still the same ol' berserking rage monster you know and love." Sol replied with a smirk of his own. "I'm just saying that yer boo's got something none of us have, and that's what's gonna win us this war."
Volcan let out a chuckle, but nodded. "Yeah... I think Minato said something similar," the Blaziken replied, "But... There was a price to pay, for all that power he's gained. If he brings it out all at once, well... It can leave him in a pretty bad spot, like now. He pulled out everything he had to take down Mewtwo, and it's left him barely able to summon his aura anymore until he recovers."
"That ain't what I meant." Sol stated firmly. "It's not that weird power he's unlocked, it's that one quality of his that makes him stand out from the rest of us... In fact, it's that same quality that my own brother is known for. The only difference is that Luke's not against throwing the first punch or becoming a complete savage in order to win."
Sol looked up toward the sky slightly. "I used to fight to push everyone else around me down. To prove without a shadow of a doubt that I was the best there ever was. Luna only ever fights when the people around him are in danger, doing everything in his power to push back the fuckers that try to mess with those close to him... But Luke? He claims to fight fer what's right, but I see through that bullshit. He doesn't just fight to protect everyone. He fights to push himself forward; to be the best warrior he can be."
"That's why he never brags or takes pride in beating down his adversaries. When he fights, he sets the bar fer others to strive to be the best they can be." Sol went on, turning his attention back to Volcan. "It's because he brings the best outta everyone else is why we need him, because without that kinda morale... We're dead in the water before we can even throw the first punch."
Volcan took a moment to consider Sol's words, particularly about how Luke inspired others to strive to be their best. "You know... I can think of a certain Lopunny that motivation applies to," he remarked with a chuckle, "But yeah, you're right. We've all grown and been made better for knowing him, looking back on it. Especially me," he looked at Sol, "And, by extension you as well... It was through him you got your second chance, and he's the one who gave me the knowledge I needed to give you that push in the right direction."
Sol half-expected Reshiram to make a comment then; she had attempted a few times to steer Sol in much the same way Volcan had, but in his frustration at being forcefully bonded to her, he'd always ignored her. At the moment, though, she was keeping to herself and minding her own business, letting Sol and Volcan have their discussion.
Volcan continued, "I guess he managed to be the heart of my team, indirectly, while also being the heart for his. He has flaws - not a Pokemon alive doesn't, but he's managed to help all of us come to terms with ours, and be made stronger for it. Directly, or indirectly," he smiled fondly, "Just one of many reasons I love him."
"Well, let's hope that kinda love sticks. Don't want you mouthing off again after the last time you two were at each other's throats." Sol stated with a hint of bitterness in his tone, then pushed himself back to his feet and stretched his arms. "Welp. I'm thinking I should mosey on outta here. I promised that squirt I'd help him get used to his new body when I had some free time."
Volcan caught on quickly. "You've been helping Caulin train with his new body too?" he asked, hopping up from the stump.
"Someone has to." Sol remarked. "Everyone else is too busy tryin' to rebuild the town."
"An old proverb comes to mind," remarked Volcan, "We all seem to be taking part in Caulin's education these days; Lashanne's schooling him, me, Minato and Tristan - and now you - all help train him, and Jora's even been teaching him the islander language so he can better communicate with Koa. 'It takes a village'; I think it went something like that?"
Sol nodded gently. "Yea something like that." He agreed, then his smirk faded slightly as he approached the Blaziken. "By the way, uh... just wanted to let ya know that... I meant what I said when I took the stage from those fucks tryin' to out you..."
Volcan looked at him quizzically for a moment before he caught on. "You mean when the townsfolk were trying to pin the attack on me?" he asked for clarification.
"Yea, that..." Sol answered. "Yer probably the only one that I truly consider a friend... You took the time to look past the Devil I was known as... and ya never gave up on me whenever I was bein' difficult, or even when we were at death's door that one time."
Volcan smiled and lifted a hand to rest on Sol's shoulder. "How could I do any less?" he asked, "You had been dealt a bad hand. I wanted to do what I could to set things right for you, and I certainly wasn't going to leave you behind after that. Since then, I've grown to consider you my friend too. And one day, you'll see... The people of Azure will start to see you the way I do."
"Fer their sake, I hope yer right about that." Sol said in response, then he stepped closer, and Volcan suddenly felt the Typhlosions arms around his back and his front pressed into the Blazikens as he held him close, patting his back a few times as he did.
Volcan was momentarily caught by surprise when Sol hugged him, but he wisely kept silent about it and returned the embrace, wrapping his arms around Sol and hugging him, idly running his hands over the fur on his back.
"...Thanks, Volcan." Sol whispered as he slowly pulled back, addressing the Blaziken by his name and smiling genuinely at him for a moment, then that smirk returned as he suddenly punched his shoulder lightly. "Next time we scrap, I'm puttin' yer face into the dirt."
"Well if nothing else," Volcan remarked, rubbing his arm, "If I can ever take you_down one on one, I'll _know my training with the Shifu Brothers has been paying off."
"Good. Keep that mentality in mind until then." Sol said before casually saluting him as he turned and headed off to find Caulin.
But as Sol started to leave, his ears caught a familiar pair of footsteps approaching. Heavy footfalls, by someone - or something, very large. Looking ahead, he saw an Aggron stepping out of the trees.
"Yo, Sol," Tristan called in greeting, waving his claw.
"Oh great, it's the dumb one..." Sol muttered under his breath. "Whatcha want, tin can?" He asked in his usual abrasive manner.
"Geez, no need to get uppity; I'm not here to crash a party," the Aggron returned, and not in his own usual manner. "Volcan still with you?"
"Right here, Tristan," Volcan chimed in, hearing his name spoken and jogging over to stand beside Sol, "What's up?"
"I think you better come back to yer place; both of you," said Tristan, "Luke just got a letter from Team Phobia."
Volcan straightened upon hearing that. "From Romulus?" he asked.
"Yeah, and whatever it said has got him real riled up," Tristan replied, "He called all of us - his team, ours and Torolf's, to come to the house, fast."
"Sounds like the next phase of the war's about to begin." Sol remarked, punching his fists together in anticipation. "No time like the present, Cap. Let's hustle." He added before taking off.
"He's got the right of it; let's move," said Volcan, breaking into a jog and following Sol back to town, with Tristan's thundering steps following closely behind them...