Pre-Summer Fun - Part 1
It's moments like these that i despise living on this floor of hooligans, although i do find it odd that most of the trouble makers were placed in this one floor. there were toppled tables, holes on the walls and some broken doors.
Camera Eye: London
But in an unfortunate meeting with soccer hooligans, she realized that even the most sane londoners have their problems, just as residents of every major city.
Moony's New Friend
As he turned the corner, there were some hooligans rushing passed him. they darted in a direction before moony even knew what had knocked him over. they were followed by some guards from the nicer part of town.
Come as You Are - Scene 6
I don't know who you hooligans are, but you are ruining this social event. this event was partially organized by our new church leader, dave, and if he sees you two freaks here, i will hold you both responsible for ruining this dance.
Jace Gets Bested
As both hooligan and sword dropped, jace 'caught' the falling blade with the top of his right hind paw and he 'threw' it at the next attacker on his right.
How We Survive: Arc 2: Chapter 1 W.I.P.
Known only by its reputation of harboring hooligans off the streets for a night of loud music and socializing about a revolution they'll never quite attempt to make happen.
Kaiju ga Gotoku 4.6 - Bait and Switch
Pounding his shoes on the pavement, the turtle raced after the hooligans as shoji tore off in front of him.
Why Us [Part 2]
Found me...we got friends this time around then." he went to continue till he heard yelling from outside and he went over to the window hear people out there yelling about getting someone then someone crying out in pain "not this time..getting tired of these hooligans
Trei's Tribulations. Chapter 1
Yet, here he was, stuck with no way to contact home since the pay phones nearby had been vandalized and ruined by local hooligans. stuffing the schedule back into his bag, the lupine stood swinging it back over his shoulder.
Daisy and Boss: 14 - The Mare with the Mouth (Part one)
Boss put the vehicle in park and grinned as the two hooligans raced around shrieking excitedly. dani made a small sound of amusement as the rusty red colored buck called out to the twins with a frown, halting their attack. "cute."
Virgin Nymphomaniac Chronicles #3: Discovering Lidia 1/3
If you wish to read the other parts, you may need to change the site's allowed settings.)many people think of nymphomaniacs as nothing more then sex-crazed hooligans, and while that can be the case, oftentimes it can be far more complicated than that.
Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 1
Unbeknownst to her foolish daughter, both the front and back doors were securely locked, so unless she wanted to dive out the window like some hooligan, she'd have no choice but to give up some answers.