Why Us [Part 2]
Rouen's POV on last lives and living with guilt of leaving his mate twice
Waking from a dream screaming out a name "Jaiden!!" a large black fur paw came to the panther's face as he tried to stop his rabid breathing, a few minutes later he finally was calm as he started to look out of the window to his small apartment. He looked at the moonless sky just barely able to see the stars cause of the lights of the city. "I'm so sorry for what I did to you Jaiden. Not once but, twice I have left you." he began to get out of the bed stumbling a bit to the bathroom turning on the light he looked at himself in the mirror before looking away. "I can hardly look at myself knowing of what I put you through not once but, twice...for what? I left you through death then, in another life reincarnated..you..you could remember each life perfectly...I told you I didn't. I wanted a new clean slate for us to start our lives together." turning the water on to the sink he reached his massive paws in cupping them to begin splashing his face with the water.
As he grabbed a towel drying his face a bit he sighed "I didn't want to worry you on what I remembered, or how sadness was the last thing I left you in. Feigning ignorance of a past life the second time we met, even through I knew of my past." he looked up as he dropped the towel as he stared in the mirror he saw a figure there, remembering of what he used to look like. "I was a monster...twisted cause of the dragon's blood I chose to drink." as he spoke the figure began to get features as he began to remember his looks. The pupils beginning to elongate and become more dragonic in nature..scales appearing on the face along with the dark black fur. Longer, sharper, stronger teeth appearing in his mouth as he looked away from the image he was seeing "I was consumed by the blood I drank. The dragon's blood gave me such powers and strength and I couldn't stop myself from consuming more and more." he moved a hand up slamming it against the mirror having it shatter "Until my mind shattered and I didn't want more blood..I tried...I really tried to keep onto my sanity and look for a cure."
He felt blood trickle from his hand into the sink with the shattered mirror pieces "One day, I snapped unable to control my anger, my powers, or anything. I was on auto attacking the slavers as they tried to take people from a village I happened to be in that day." he reached out grabbing the towel he used for his face, starting to wrap his hand in it now as the blood stained it crimson "I cant remember all that happened..how many I killed..how many there were...or anything I was in a blood rage and soon a hand came to me and seemed to take that rage away. Melting my anger as my senses came back there you stood...a purple fur male wolf with orange markings and soft eyes. You were just in a pair of harem pants as you weren't scared of me." he began to chuckle a bit as he could see Jaiden in his mind "You calmed me and the moment I saw you I fell for you..hard and took you away from the carnage..the other slaves got away and the village took them in."
As he sighed he began to move his tail some slowly behind him "I took you in and even though you told me of your second sight..I didn't want to use it..I didn't want to I didn't love you for that. I loved you for you...and kept you safe. Soon it would all come crashing down as I found the one dragon who could cure me. Or it could bring to me great power..as I looked at the world around me the war that had began...dragons being hunted for fun. And I knew it had to end." he began to walk from the bathroom into his small apartment as he turned the lights on "I set in motion a means to end the war, and as I did that the voices I heard became more clear...the blood I consumed caused me to hear a language no one else did...it was the dragons of the past wanting peace for further generations." as he came to the kitchen he opened the fridge looking in to see some takeout he had ate earlier and took it to the microwave tossing it in...leftover Chinese food microwaved..ugh he thought as he waited for it to reheat he spoke more to himself "I wrote a journal entry I knew you would find it eventually..or did you already know? Know of my end or of the journal?" he began to smile a bit shaking his head "You probably did just knew if you tried to stop me I wouldn't of let you."
Not paying attention to the microwave dinging he just stayed leaning against the counter top "Finally the day came and as me and the female dragon stood opposite each other neither of us really fighting for "Good" or "Evil" just a means to an end. If I won her blood would cure my shattered mind. If she did she wouldn't know peace for people would continue to hunt her for her blood..and her race would continue to be hunted as well." he lowered his head staring at the floor as he lowered his ears "I wasn't scared..angry or anything. Usually I felt something before and during a battle yet..this time there was nothing. A serene calm as we took off into a massive fight that seemed to ravage the landscape around us. It ended after a while as I am sure it was a surprise a full blooded dragon had found her match in a man who wasn't. As I fell and you came to me I heard your soft lullaby as I told you it was more fun to live in the moment...and then I asked if it was over cause I was so tired..I just wanted to close my eyes. Your soft lullaby the last thing I heard as I died." he began to tear up a bit as he closed his eyes trying to hold them back "I died in your lap leaving you alone..a man who once was a slave I saved and gave you genuine love then left you alone.." tears fell from his cheeks as he started to tremble "Then I awoke in a new life...and waited what seemed like forever until we saw each other." he began to choke a bit as he tried to calm down
"We found each other faster then last and you remembered the last life what was I supposed to do? Huh!? I didn't want you to keep remembering how I left you and wanted to leave the last life behind it was supposed to be a new happy life. I found you, you found me...we got friends this time around then." he went to continue till he heard yelling from outside and he went over to the window hear people out there yelling about getting someone then someone crying out in pain "Not this time..getting tired of these hooligans." he began to head out as he left the apartment he said softly "Sorry last life went so wrong Jaiden..cause of me." he began to run down the stairs as in his mind he saw it...clear as day it seemed he was running in slow-mo ~The village we lived at had began to be plagued..by death by a being living close by. Why I haven't a clue but, I wanted it to end.~
He could see a cave system that he and his friends went to as he had told them they needed it to end..they could deal with the threat cause if they waited...it would never be solved. Remembering what he told Jaiden "Waiting doesn't make the problem go away..nor help anyone." and you went with me and our new friends to end it...the enemy in there was...like me last life. Consumed by power and had a broken mind cause of it, he was a vicious battler he was a lion with powers over lighting...his attacks were fast and hurt with yet we continued the battle. I saw in his eyes...a sadness, pain, and fear...then a voice called into my mind..to end his life for he didn't want to live anymore. After I heard that I looked into the eyes and saw tears in the lion's eyes...and I saw something else some of his life...I don't know how or why. Seeing how he was a normal person who used his powers to keep people safe...especially his wife and kids...then one day he found a chest inside this cave..and inside a pair of gauntlets that when he placed on began to change him as it gave him more power at the cost of his mind, and how he killed his own family through a fit of rage I told him "I haven't a problem with what you are, or how you look..I care for what you are doing to everyone. I wish..this wasn't gonna end this way be great to call you a buddy and go drinking..or spar hell even go on adventures with everyone." and as he made a final attack I grabbed him...and used everything I was to end his pain...at the cost of my own life. I am so sorry Jaiden I am."
As he got outside into the alley he saw a person on the ground being hit as three "Gang" members were laughing, they turned to see Rouen and went for him as well. They were part of a group terrorizing the neighborhood lately as they came for him Rouen grabbed the first a skinny coyote with baggy clothing on as he was grabbed Rouen turned and flung him into the wall knocking the wind from him..the other two jumped onto his back as he began to stumble. it took a bit but Rouen stood there as the three ran off from the alley as Rouen yelled out "Don't ever show up again or I'll break your legs." going to the person on the ground he stopped in his tracks seeing purple fur and a familiar scent on the wind. When the other began to turn he offered out a paw "Here let me help..." as the purple furred wolf coughed a bit he took the offered hand and leaned on Rouen as they went up to his apartment..as he helped him to the couch he sat there as Rouen went to close the door he heard "Thanks..my name is Jaiden." as Rouen heard the name he smiled slowly closing the door and saying under his breathe "I know...welcome home."