Maverick Hunter - Chapter 9
Eros nara da - dora no - uoora de," the hologram sang, continuing the song in the same rhythm that aietos was humming moments ago. the bird woman's jaw was unhinged as she watched the hologram sing her childhood lullaby.
Enigma Wars: To Catch a General part 3
A hologram of maverick appeared, "greetings enigmas, and soldiers." "general maverick, how about you come out and show us some of that allegiance hospitality." crimson said to the hologram. "patience, master crimson all in due time.
Fox on a Colony (Otherwise Untitled)
A shaky monochromatic hologram flickered into view above the controls as the tractor's comm-node buffered more and more of the message.
Thirteen Tales From Another World: Eleventh Tale
Ra'ntau waved his hands around again and once more holograms appeared. this time the holograms looked like a bunch of levers, buttons and knobs. ra'ntau reached out and manipulated them as if they were real.
Chapter X: Kagen, Part Two
Turning on his back, he looked up and saw elias fighting the hologram. he could see the hologram, something had to be projecting the hologram as well.
Round 2 part 2: This Fire Burns
A hologram of a clock tower appeared behind him. "and two cards face down. that's it." two cards appeared face down.
A New Dive (Anthro TF/TGs) [COLLAB]
"that's no hologram. just look at her, how she moves, and those...those..." "maybe it's just a reaaaaallllly good hologram." victor said giggling quietly.
[TF] Fluffy Machinations of Order
A copy of the same image covers it, and both of the holograms jitter together like the vision of a drunkard.
Limbo Lower (Otherwise Untitled)
In the skeletal framing of panels and discolored equipment, the flickering blue hologram of a kestrel glanced between the deer and wolf dubiously.
Round two part 2; This Fire Burns
A hologram of a clock tower appeared behind him. "and two cards face down. that's it." two cards appeared face down.
Episode 6: Puzzle
The hologram's garb changed color from white to a gold and gunmetal grey in an ironic mirroring of its attack mode. "ah ha! so you do want a fight!" fara grinned, taking a defensive stance. the hologram said nothing.
Enigma Story Chapter 1
The hologram of a cloaked wolf answered. "yes, master". "good now is the time to show those weak enigmas that we're still alive". he said "we get to finally reveal ourselfs to the enigmas".