Hiding....... Chapter 1

This is my second story so bare with me and hope you like it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leo woke...

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Springtide: Hide and Cheat

If he was going to hide out for a bit might as well do some work. he grabbed a roll of toilet paper and unrolled it until he just had the cardboard tube.

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Unprepared Hiding (Otherwise Untitled)

The deafening realization of an empty magazine in his rifle did little to distract the coyote from the footfalls of the intruders searching his ship.

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Don't Hide Your Scars

How many people just hide everything and fake it. even hiding who they are so they can feel excepted. i was one of those people. i have made it my goal not to let my past take me over. not to let secrets and memories corrupt me. not to hide anymore.


SubChp.3 Lie to hide a lie

**twwww subch.3 lie to hide a lie** tanya woke up wondering why she couldn't see. she raised a hand and felt the blindfold over her eyes and remembered what happened.

Ode to What Hides Inside. A Poem.

I look in the mirror and who do I see, A reflection of you or a reflection of me? You see what you want and so do I, Who I want to be, by and by. If I could be the soul peering out, a lovely face looking me in the eye, with furry ears and slender...

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You Can't Hide It Forever - Epilogue

#10 of you can't hide it forever "wait, i thought this wasn't finished yet?" it isn't. :( i explained it in this journal.https://www.sofurry.com/view/1008517 i screamed. i awoke with a start, thrashing and writhing under the covers.


The Hiding Diversity (writers block ah!)

She was running to her house, but she was also looking in places where they used to play as kids, the church... nope, the old house... nope, the berry fields where she would hide when she was the hider in the hide 'n seek... nope.


chapter 14: forgivess...ship..hiding no

I had woke up to the beaufuil bright yellow sun, I slowly woke up to the bright light. Of the morning time, soon after I heard footsteps and I turn around there was roo. He sat down next to me, I didn't want to look at him and he spoke " I am sorry...

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Hide and Seek: An Axel and Isaac Story

Axel awoke to a ringing in his ears. "Mmh, what..." Looking around, he saw Isaac snoring gently asleep with his head in the puma's lap. Axel stretched and looked at the clock. _11:32... been out for a couple hours._He glanced back down at the sleeping...

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New Friends

"do you guys want to play hide and seek?" the smallest cub spoke out and chirped at the thought of being the seeker. one of the largest leopards stepped up. "hide and seek? how do you expect to do that in an open field?" "hmm.

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Friendly's New Friend - Chapter Five

Let's hide so they'll wonder where we are" suggested friendly. "okay!" agreed timothy, "what about this closet?" "nah, that's too close to the door" said friendly... "i know!

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