grant said. jack nodded, walked to the register, and ordered a coffee. he waited for a minute, and picked up his coffee, and walked back to the table grant was sitting at. grant was taking off his scarf, and pulling something from his pocket.
My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 2
"gotta lay off them cupcakes grant," i said, patting his jelly belly, "otherwise you'll be a cupcake." grant was a human, indigenous to the planet.
Unfortunately, for grant, he was with his boyfriend at the time...who dumped him a mere month later. it seemed instantly, grant and his mate, matthias, were together from that point. they helped each other so much, it seemed like it only fit.
A Giant Problem XII
I fixed grant with my gaze. "how would you know this?" grant laughed. "i keep my ears to the ground, boy, and the good doctor here told me about what had happened.
Infamy - Prologue
grant went back to the character creation menu, deleting the default blademaster and scrolling through the options. "holy crap! they have two new classes!" said grant. "psychic and assassin...they look like fish people."
Black Glass
Will you grant me a new story? hello there, my love. will you grant me your heart? hello there, my love. will you grant me a new black glass? dedicated to a broken heart.
A Giant Problem VI
Not picking up rocks and certainly not for someone like grant. "alright my dear boy, now we come to the actual heart of the operation, so to speak," grant said with barely constrained glee.
Exactly As It Should Be
grant murmured, in a nearly silent whisper to himself.
A Giant Problem V
Personally, i can make myself heard for several miles if need be "is this the grant mining station?"
Surviving Solitude Part 1
Asked grant, who walked out to see the commotion. grant was a lion, with a tan body and fierce brown eyes. his mane fairly short from the summer days, but are now starting to grow. he was well built, with a good posture.
Chapter Five - Do You See the Moon?
He sighed as he awoke, and then rolled over to face grant who was lightly snoring. "grant," scott said in a whisper, "it's time to wake up." "hmm... five more minutes." grant said as he wrapped his arms around the panther and squeezed him tight.
My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 4
grant yelled at me. he thought i was stranger? his girlfriend! oh how furious i was! neath scrambled away from grant's grasp, since he was distracted by me. "what happened?"