My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 4

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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I apologize for being out of my normal routine for publishing weekly, but I had to get this out early. As of my weekly routine, I'll skip the 5th and publish on the 12th.I also would like to say that I appreciate all those who have read my stories, thank you so much!

Grant was kneeling down, his groin close to Neath's parted legs and groin. That was the first thing I saw when I opened the door. My jaw had dropped. I left for five minutes, give or take six, to get Neath and myself a drink.

"The fuck are you doing in my house?" Grant yelled at me. He thought I was stranger? His girlfriend! Oh how furious I was! Neath scrambled away from Grant's grasp, since he was distracted by me.

"What happened?" I asked, but he just grabbed hours coat, and left putting on while scurrying away. When I turned to face Grant, I grabbed the Champagne bottle by it's neck, and threw it at him. He ducked, but only to grab his jeans. That failed, on to plan to. I took a step and kicked the drunk out of his face. I painted the white rose red, and was happy, for there was no Queen of Hearts to execute me. His body curled up just like a withered petal during the winter season.

"Hey, look! Tomato sauce!" He said, showing his hand to me.

"J-just no. Come talk to me when you are sober." I said, walking to our bedroom.

Behind the living room area was an opening, and to the right of the opening was the kitchen, where sat an empty bottle on the diorite counter. On the corners of the kitchen and the living room, was the dining room. Going past the kitchen, I entered our master bedroom, and flopped on the bed. He cheated on me with our friend, who looked terrified! What horrible things that happened when I was gone. Some time passed, and I found myself sitting on my side of the bed, farthest from the door, and watching some show on the history channel.

The shot was on some round stone carved with strange things in it, but with symmetry. The narrator said, "The Mayans, using this calendar, predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012." Huh, only 362 years ago. Grant, who knocked on the door before entering, came in with a sad expression.

"I'm sorry." He said, slowly tilting his head up to look me in the eyes. "I know what happned looked bad, but I was drunk, Malice! I didn't have control over my actions."

"No," I interrupted, "But you did have a choice of waiting for him to show up. But no! You decided to start drinking, and guess what, your impatient manner lost us a friend." He just looked down again, for we both knew I was right. "You broke my trust. I thought it would be okay to let you be alone with him while you were drunk." By now, a lump has formed in my throat, and tears began ebbing over my lids and fur.

"I'm sorry, but-"

"But nothing!" I exclaimed, half bawling, "You still did the act, regardless of gender. I-I-I'd be less upset if you cheated on me with a girl." I sniffled, then got up to the bathroom to get a tissue. After wiping my nose, I prepared to leave the bathroom, but Grant blocked the door with sadness. He was about to speak, but I shoved him out of my way. "You can sleep in the living room." I said with a hint of anger.

"Honey, come on now." He said softly.

"Better yet, why don't you sleep outside, or with your mother."

"This is our apartment, I own it too!"

"But I'm the only one paying the bills while you spend your money on alcohol and the strip club!" I was tired of him! Hah, and I got him good. His jaw was dropped with his eyebrows fused together.

"Bitch! You don't do nothing but nag and nag."

"Well, you just carp your little behind out, because we are through!" With that, I heard the front door slam shut.