My Grand, Frozen Heart Part 2

This was unusual, for I was in high spirits. My happiness surpassed my last submit, which became a pebble compared to how I felt. I got on a cyan t-shirt, which felt amazing, with some dark blue skinny jeans and my big coat. Practically galloping down...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart part 1

In the winter night of the suburbs, I walked home from meeting with a friend until 8:30 pm. The amber floodlights above shone the snow a flaxen gold. With my hands in the pockets of my heavy, black coat that reached my boots, I listened to the...

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The Little Things

The autumn trees shook and stirred with screechy sounds encompassing the atmosphere halloween had brung. Withered, dark branches moved like the craggily hands of a witch, working her magic onto the pups playing below. The cocker spaniel pups affably...


Surviving Solitude Part 2

The birds chirped in the late morning air. Trees brushed against one another up above, in harmony with the tall grass we took shelter in. The river was trickling out it's usual current, flowing from the northern mountains. The air here was sweet with...

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Surviving Solitude Part 5

The cool, morning air burned my black, wet nose each time I breathed. A warm back from Chase's chest made me cozy enough to fall back to sleep. I smiled, happy to have someone who cared about me. The only thing is, that I'm not gay. I know Chase is by...

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Surviving Solitude Part 6

Daniel looked so peaceful sleeping on Grant's bed. Then again, he's been sleeping a lot lately. It worried me that one day... He'll never wake up. That his chest will fall and never get back up. Looking at the fluffy leg of his, it reminded me of when...

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Surviving Solitude Part 13

We were going to the river, my sisters and I, to see if there were any game to find. But what we found was no joke. Scattered along the gravel strewn riverbed were four people. A husky, a lion, two goats. When we approached them, they looked as if...

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Surviving Solitude Part 1

Today is Sunday, August 18th, 2057. It was daybreak outside, where the autumn sky was a flaxen blue, veiled by the orange leaves nestled in the tree branches of the few trees surrounding the house. The world used to be a better place back then. In...

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Halloween Special

The road grew more and more foggy on the campus as I walked towards the dorms. I knew it was Halloween, so I tried to get to my room as quickly as possible, since people around here like to pull pranks on each other and get drunk. Especially now that...

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My Grand, Frozen Heart-FINALE

The amber floodlights of the highway were bright in the dark background. The only sound was of the humming of my car, driving to a place in mind. I know I wronged Neath, and that it was my fault. I let myself be impatient for him, for everyone. I...

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Surviving Solitude part 11

The morning sun shone over shadowed horizons, sweetening the slick, slippery fields of sown soil. Today felt like a day of change, perhaps good, or bad? Either way, there was no doubt something was of to come. Rubbing my neck, I remembered what had...

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Surviving Solitude part 10

Everyone had eaten and gathered in the living room, socializing or watching Marilyn read to Marvin. Liam and Nate were coming down, followed by Shane. He was wearing a pair of black shorts. Aiden was missing here, so I decided to go look for him, since...

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