My Grand, Frozen Heart part 3

Story by Enur47 on SoFurry

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After work, I drove past the gloomy, white streets and yellow floodlights. My new friends were expecting me to arrive any time soon. Leaving the comfort of the car, I stepped out to embrace the evening's cool air. Scratching my muzzle, I looked up to their apartment flat. Jeez, what a tall building. I sure do hope there's an elevator. The flight up was of ease do my good luck today. Then again, when I have good days, they turn sour in the end. 1002 read the note Grant gave me. After knocking on the door, it opened, but halted by a gold-painted chain.

"Hey! You made it!" She said, looking back, then at me with a horrified face, "Ooh, Grant drank two glasses of Champagne, and is wasted!" I just shook my grinned face with amusement while she laughed, snorting on the last one. "Oh yeah, I need to go get more to drink, so you are watching him. Ok?"


"Great, thanks!" With that, she left me with a drunk, and amusing, Grant. He layer on their brown, plush couch, showing his pale torso. He at least had on a pair of boxer briefs, but that's it. Nervously, I sat on the floor in front of him, looking at the TV across the room, and rested my head next to his stomach. They had on a cooking channel, which had baking ingredients like cinnamon and rice.

"Hi sexy." Grant said, with a hand brushing my fur under my shirt. I turned to see him, his happy face looking at me from it's perch on his hand, mounted on it's elbow.

"I thought you were wasted." I said, for he looked fine, but stank.

"Nah, I need more than that to get there." He said. Following his eyes, I saw that he was looking down at my skinny jeans. "Your legs would breathe easier if you took those jeans off."

"Uh, um." I don't know if he's trying to be seductive or what, but he's not making a good attempt of it.

"Alright," he said, getting up from the couch. He knelt down on all fours, his face so close to mine, I could see my reflection off his eyes. His breath reeked of alcohol. "Time to get your pants off." Swiftly, he yanked my jeans off, leaving my fluffy legs showing, and a pair of blue striped boxers.

"Hey!" I yelled, becoming embarrassed. My ears flattening back because I was exposed. My sheath did make a slight bump towards the fly of the boxers. When his hands slid up my shirt, feeling my muscles through the fur, it made my body flex and straighten with intensity. My heart pounded with such a fervor, it was painful. His hands cupped the sides of my ribs, beneath my chests, and began to move in a circular motion. I moaned with pleasure, but deep down in my head, in my thoughts, I knew what was happening is wrong. The whole time, Grant viewed my body with starving eyes and a wicked grin. He certainly enjoyed what he was doing.

"S-s-stop... Please." I said, my voice shaky from shudders of excitement.

"I bet you like this!" He began to dry-hump my leg, his erection was very predominant, his thumb fingers just beneath my jawline. I gasped and grasped the edges of the couch cushions with tight fists. My breathing was deep and frantic.

By now, his hands had slipped down to my back, and pulled off my shirt. Him and I, both in our undergarments, close to one another. Butterflies filled my stomach of nervousness, excitement, and dread. He picked my up, squishing our chests together, and plopped our bodies on the couch. A cheek brushed along my muzzle until two lips met. One had brushed my hair, the other through the fur on my shoulder. Slowly, his erection was being thrusted against my own.

"Greaaah!" I screamed, throwing him off. He has a girlfriend who could be home any second, let alone me as an acquaintance. I got up to leave, but a hand grabbed my leg, tripping me into a spinning blur of carpet and wall.