A Giant Problem XII

Story by Khendarian on SoFurry

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#13 of Story Pad

Getting back on track here! My readers asked for more of this story and so here it is!

I awoke to find myself still laying back with my blanket covering me. I looked around, just shifting my eyes and not moving my head for fear of dislodging someone. My parents were sitting on my chest, talking quietly with Dr. Stevenson who was sipping at a cup of coffee. I couldn't see David or anyone else near by. I decided to close my eyes and listen to their conversation to see if I could learn anything

"I'm worried about him, Dr. Stevenson, even still. I know you say he's healthy but there's all the problems he's suffered from before all of this happened. We really don't' know do we?"

Stevenson sighed. "No, I'm afraid we don't. All we can really do is take baselines and keep an eye on him, assuming that what we have now is normal. As he ages we'll just have to deal with the problems as they come up. As for what Grant may have done to him, it looks like nothing honestly. Just vitamins and the like."

"I still don't like it," mother said

"Neither do I, but there's no point in fussing over it. All we can do is watch."

"And what about Ann?" dad asked with an edge to his voice

"She's being put on admin leave to be evaluated."

"I don't want her near my son!"

"Neither do I, but we do have to play the game as it were."

"Like hell."

"Mr. Clarke, listen to me. If we go upsetting things it may unleash something worse. Right now Jason is protected, kept safe, fed and taken care of. If we do something that upsets that balance then what? He's not being harmed right now, lets try to figure out what's happening."

"Physically? No, not much. Mentally and emotionally?" mom said "He's not doing as well as you think, doctor."

Dr. Stevenson sighed. "You're probably right. Mothers instincts. Either way, we need to figure out what's what before we start making moves."

"Fine," dad said, disgruntled. "Just keep him safe."

"I'll do my best."

I lay there for awhile, digesting what everyone had just said, wondering if I should say anything about it at all. It frustrated me, to be talked about as if I were not there or ha no ability to plan my own future and they knew it. I guess they were concerned, but did they have to sit there and talk about me like I wasn't sitting right there even if they thought I was asleep?

That my mother worried about me thinking me to be worse off was distressing. What if she were right? She had seen things about myself that I did not before.

Another thing to worry about it seemed.

Then Ann being on the project even still....

I hated being called a project.

I felt someone walk up my chest and start to rub their hand against my cheek near my nose. It was dad, my sense of smell told me. "Jason, wake up, we've got breakfast going for you," he said quietly. I opened my eyes to look at him and he smiled at me. Dad was one of the few people who could look me in the eyes without trembling.

"Good morning, dad," I rumbled and he pet me some more

"Good morning son. Ready to get up?"

"If they will remove this damn fool blanket and everyone will get off of me"

Dad laughed and made his way down my side along with the others. With the whine of electric motors the blanket was lifted off and after a quick check around myself, I sat up.

I can't just wake up and off and do something. I must always be careful of who and what is around me. Another thorn to bear.

I stood and attended my morning ablutions and returned to find everyone ready to head over to my dining area. It as nice, I guess, to have others eating with me. They followed me over in their cars and all piled out. I found a large amount of food waiting and not all the mush that I'm adjusted to. I looked at Dr Stevenson and he shrugged. "Grant sent it all over. It checks out OK."

I grumbled. "Only because he wants me for something."

"Perhaps, but follow along with it for now. If nothing else you get a decent meal."

I laughed and dug into my food. Somehow Grant had laid hands on a large amount of bacon/ham, among other things. It was one of the beast breakfasts I can remember eating

Dr Stevenson told me to head over to the exam area after I finished. I grumbled but of course did as he asked of me. I strode in to find him already waiting

"Hello Jason!"

"You're too damn cheerful for someone who's going to jab me with needles."

He laughed. "Yes, but for a good cause. Now hold still and let me get this draw and place it in the machine, then I can check your lungs and what not."

"Oh joy"


He took the blood painlessly and fed it into the analyzer, then used this huge pad it had come up with that amplified the sound of my lungs and the like. I wasn't totally sure of how it worked be he seemed pleased with it

"Ok," he said after a moment. "Lungs are clear, everything checks out. Now let me look at the reading on your blood and you're free to go."

I yawned. "About time!"

He laughed and went to the machine then frowned. My ears laid back. "What?"

He stared at it, then went pale. "Oh no...."

I stared at Dr. Stevenson, ears flat. "What's going on?"

He looked up at me. "Jason, listen very, very carefully. I don't know if it's something Grant did or if it's something that's just happened, but the virus that caused your change has reactivated. I don't know if that's normal, what it may do, or what side effects it could have. I think it would be best if we put you into quarantine until we know. I don't want to but I think it would be best."

I growled. "Why? So I won't spaz out and hurt someone!"

"Yes, Jason," he said calmly. "You know what it was like when you changed. Do you want to risk lashing out again?"


"Then I think it's best."

"I'm not an animal to be locked up!"

"I know that, Jason," Dr. Stevenson said soothingly. "But you're not human either. Now let's get you over to the unit and get you secured."

I stared at him then my shoulders slumped. "Okay," said quietly.

"I'm sorry, Jason."

"I know," I said and started towards the unit.

"Jason, I need you to carry me."

I whined but put my hand out for him. He climbed aboard and I set off for the quarantine unit. The unit is really just four reinforced stone walls designed to.... keep me from lashing out. I know there are other things to keep me in line there as well, possibly even to kill me.

I hate being treated this way.

I walked into the unit and Dr. Stevenson triggered the doors to close. I sat down on the mat provided and looked down at the tiny human who was sitting in my hand.

He rubbed the fur along my fingers for awhile. "Jason, I don't want to chain you," he said. "So I'm trusting that you'll stay in place and warn us if you feel wrong somehow. Okay?"

"Yes, sir."

"Hey. None of that now," he said gently. "I'm going to let everyone know what's going on and get things setup. I'll be back as soon as I can."

I nodded to him and lowered him down. He gave my hand one final pat and walked out the human sized door. I settled down to brood and to wait.

I dozed for awhile. Nothing better to do and food will make me tired now and again. I awoke to hearing people walk into the unit. A quick glance down revealed Grant, the base commander, Dr. Stevenson, Ann, and a two others I didn't know

I rumbled in my chest and Dr. Stevenson shook his head at me. I stopped and just stared, not trying to abate the force of my gaze in any way.

"So, Jason, feeling a bit under the weather?" Grant said, smiling.

"I feel just fine," I said flatly

"Well, the Dr. here is a bit worried. Something about a virus or some such."

I nodded to him, refusing to say more.

Grant grinned at me. "Well, Jason, you're in luck. Since this whole thing with you changed went down I've had my people working on a... well at first a cure, then just other things that could be helpful. As it turns out we've made some pretty decent strides here lately with a medication that could help your current situation."

I glanced at Dr. Stevenson and his face had no expression at all. I fixed Grant with my gaze. "How would you know this?"

Grant laughed. "I keep my ears to the ground, boy, and the good doctor here told me about what had happened. So, tell you what Jason, I have clearance from the base commander here, Ann, and some of the support staff. I've already arranged to have a million or so placed in your parents account as payment for being used in some drug trials. Everything is cleared, ready to go, and you'll be one of the first to help us test and advance our knowledge."

I grumbled. "And what if I don't want to?"

Grant smiled. "Well, that'd be pretty foolish don't you think? All that money, all that I've done to get you working again, the food I provided, and a way to keep this virus from doing more to you. Seems a sound choice."

I narrowed my eyes. "But it is my choice."

"Oh of course boy, of course. But I'm sure you'll go with it."


Grant smiled bigger. "Are you sure about that now Jason?"

"Yes!" I nearly snarled

Grant shrugged. "Well, guess I tried; He's all yours commander."