Band Changelings Part 1

This is like the spongebob episode "band geeks", but with changelings instead! one day, queen chrysalis was wondering how to get back into the crystal empire. she had been flung out of the place, and almost bled to death. she got better.

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Square Costumes

Sindy looks to the geeks who manage to arrive, but they all know they're too late. toner clears his throat. "geeks. looks like you're the last team to arrive. which means, you're cut from the competition." "ah, dang it." arnold hops from bert's arms.

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The Taur

"it's true," he swore, "i did like that king minos in the geek story and petitioned poison for a bull guy. he showed me what to do in a dream." "it was the god poseidon not poison, and the bull presented to minos was my father; not me.

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The Taur

"it's true," he swore, "i did like that king minos in the geek story and petitioned poison for a bull guy. he showed me what to do in a dream." "it was the god poseidon not poison, and the bull presented to minos was my father; not me.

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Sonny gets Mad Scienced

Smith stared at the geek in a blind fury, and switched his gun to auto. "alright chums," sonny yelled, a manic, too-wide grin on his face. "let's \*do\* this!"

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They'd say: "tough break you homely freak--she's a slut, you're just some geek--how dare you wave a cosh in the face of dignity?"


Entry 5

She's a border collie and a bit of a geek, but she's really cool, she's currently working on an animatronic display for christmas, her family gets really into the decorating part of the season.

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Poem #60: You

Think enough you stop and stare and look at me like i'm the crazy one you don't even know me the only one who is close to knowing me is me hell you don't even know yourself you sit there and judge me like i'm some kind of freak a nerd, geek

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Band Changelings Part 2

Based on the spongebob episode "band geeks" with her new devious plan, (pause for maniacal laugh), she went around put up a ton of posters around the hive... even the bathrooms which goes without saying freaked some changelings out.

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Jurash "goju" Sulfam (French version)

Son caractère introvertie en a longtemps fait un incompris dans un village ou tous les enfants se connaissaient et où sa tendance à préférer la tranquillité et la solitude d'une partie de "command and conquer" ou d'un script bash (oui, c'est légèrement un geek

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Jurash "goju" Sulfam

His introverted character has long makes him an misunderstood in a village where all children knew and where his tendency to prefer the tranquility and solitude of a part of "command and conquer" or a bash script (yes, it a geek) has often been interpreted

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New year, new life

You can't be a geek, you are far too good looking" cynder's head lifted a bit and she looked back at spyro, she had a look of disbelief on her face. "you don't think i'm a geek?"
