Poem #60: You

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#61 of Poetry

This is one of those poems where it is only done justice when performed out loud with feeling. It's a creative writing assignment given after watching Def Poetry (Russell Simmons - host). We were told to write a poem that exemplified what we were passionate about. I wrote a poem about realizing who you are and accepting that fact. It's important to be proud of who you are and to never try to change that. I hope you enjoy.


Some people say I think too much But there are some people Who don't think enough You stop and stare and look at me Like I'm the crazy one You don't even know me The only one who is close To knowing me is me Hell you don't even know yourself You sit there and judge me Like I'm some kind of freak A nerd, geek, bookworm, think-er Your stereotypical labels don't faze me

But let's stop for a minute and talk about you Let's take a moment out of our day And focus on who you think you are Or rather, on what you want others To think you are You wanna be cool, smooth, and slick You wanna be hip, phat with a ph And sick You wanna be an icon One everybody sees You wanna be the embodiment of everyone else But you don't wanna be yourself

You are too blind to see What it is that makes you Sometimes you've got to get down on your knees And plead to yourself "What am I doing? What am I becoming?" You gotta pick yourself up And dust the dust off Pick up a piece of the broken mirror And see yourself For who you really are Because you can't be somebody else No matter how hard you try You are you and I am me Now what'll it take for you to see That that will never change?

Every part of who you are is what defines you And you should value every piece Sometimes you gotta take a step back And take in the whole picture All at once to realize What you are really seeing And it isn't easy to think It's hard to criticize yourself To love yourself with harsh love And see yourself better because of it

I don't stand here telling you this I stand here making you realize that You can look in the mirror and only see you And you gotta decide if you like what you see Sometimes I think too damn much And sometimes I don't think enough.


Creative Commons License "You" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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