New year, new life

Story by Draco978 on SoFurry

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#6 of New year, new life

Hey everyone! My first story on this site... or any site even. So i'm hoping it will go well! This is just something i thought of in a couple of days so if it's bad tell me why it is! I need the feedback to improve! Enough from me, read it and enjoy :)

The last of the warm days of summer faded and gave way to the chill of autumn. September was easily the most hated month, an awful cross of the clear skies of summer and the cold temperatures of winter. It was if the weather taunted you by reminding you that it was no longer summer and that soon winter would be upon you. The tree's had began to turn from green to brown, the world had died a little, even it seemed hopeless and in despair.

But for Cynder, September only meant one thing: school. The park was desolate apart from the black dragoness sitting on her own, desolate swings drifting in the wind, the imaginary echoes of missing children playing on the play things as yet another remind her of her impending fate. she slouched and her head stared at the ground, there was a small puddle and she stared at her own reflection. The face that stared back was devoid of hope and miserable, what had she done to deserve this life?

"Another year... another load of shit"

She muttered to herself and she thought about the summer which had just passed. It had been one of the worst summers of her life, she glanced at her wrist. The diagonal slash was hard to see but still visible, she grimaced and hoped no-one would notice. She stared at herself in the reflection as her mind picked out multiple faults in the dark scaled face. Suddenly she kicked the puddle and yelled as a flash of anger burnt her insides.

"I'm disgusting! Why was I cursed with this?"

The hate filled words crashing out to an empty field, no-one to show any sympathy, not that anyone would anyway.

Cynder had no confidence in herself whatsoever, Cynder was thin, she had a well shaped body, her dark scales shone in the sun. Her face was beautifully built, But, her main feature was her deep emerald eyes, they were warm and kind gems which glimmered in the sun. From anyone else's point of view, she was absolutely beautiful. But from her own, she was no better than a shaved monkey. Years of bullying and misfortune had killed her inner happiness, she was barely more than a husk of a dragon, she thought her self truly ugly and she had accepted that she would never be loved long ago. Cynder was kind, considerate, friendly and generous, but this didn't matter to the other dragons, when you came from a background like Cynder's, nothing matters; you will always be a target for bulllies.

She picked up her bag, got off the bench and began to walk down the dirt path which lead to school, maybe she could sneak in unnoticed. Maybe today she could escape the mental torture just for one day, the summer had been bad enough. The scar on her wrist seemed to sting again, she could heal it but she left it as a reminder that she was filth, that she deserved the scar and she wasn't worth the energy it would take to heal it.


She trudged towards the looming building which was her school, she knew she had to go, maybe with an education she could manage to get a job which could pay for a face surgery.

She stopped outside the front gates and took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay inside.

She made her way past dragons and dragoness, they talked and laughed, some were on about their holidays, others simply about how annoyed they were at being back at school. Cynder pn the other hand had nobody to talk to, she had no friends, nobody tried to speak to her and Cynder just kept her head down as she walked through the crowd.

She looked over and saw a pink dragoness surrounded by her gang of friends.

"Ember..." the pink dragoness was Cynder's main bully, Cynder didn't truly hate anyone but if she had to choose one person, it would be her. She was the one who found out about her life outside of school, from then on she taunted and insulted her on an almost daily basis, her and her gang would surround her and throw insults and sometimes rocks at her. Ember was one of the worst people in the school, she often went out to parties where she drank and took drugs and she had lost her virginity years ago, these could all be forgiven if it wasn't for the fact that she was completely heartless and she effected everyone around her. Dragons could be decent on their own but next to her they were just as vile as she was.

Cynder could see a new person in embers group, it wasn't a girl though. All Cynder could see of the newcomer was the back of his head, he was being surrounded by dragoness. she spent less than a second looking at the group before she turned away.

"Great... yet another boy to bully me, this year is shit already"

Cynder slinked into class and sat at her seat near the back. She was always the first in, that way she avoided the main crowds of dragons and it meant she could sit at the far back of the class in the corner. A bell sounded and suddenly dragons began to pour into the classroom. Chatter filled the room as dragons still catching up from over the summer told there stories, Cyril arrived a moment later and began to prepare for the lesson.

Cyril had become the head of science's after Volteers 'accident'. Not much was known about the 'accident', the most anyone really knew was that it involved electricity, Whipped cream, honey, bee's and that he and his wife had gone to hospital extremely.... satisfied. No-one had questioned any further.

Cyril stood in front of class and called for the class in be quiet, the low murmur stopped and everyone looked at him.

"Well class, looks like I'm taking you again this year. Firstly from me I hope you all had a good summer, secondly I have news for you all, we have a new student"

Cynder just put her head on her hands and daydreamed that the new student was handsome and kind and that he would like her, she even had a wild thought that he might even like her in that way. But she pushed all thoughts out of her head, she knew if she wished then the complete opposite would happen. She let out a sigh and looked down glumly at Cyril, who had opened the classroom door.

"I'd now like you all to welcome Spyro" he announced

Cynder's glum eye's widened at the sight of the new boy as he walked in, he had a toned and defined body. His legs were powerful and stocky, he had broad shoulders and a strong back. He emanated power but his face changed the image entirely. He had soft sapphire blue eyes and small nervous smile, he looked around at the class and Cynder could swear he spent a millisecond extra looking at her before he looked down at the rest of the class. He began to speak in a sheepish voice.

"Um... hi, I'm Spyro... I hope we all get along"

Cynder couldn't take her eyes of him as he shifted under the gaze of the class, part of her dream had came true, maybe, just maybe the rest would. Unfortunately someone picked up on her staring.

"Hey look! Blackie has got a crush on the new guy!"

The whole class started laughing and Cynder's dreams were squashed, the reality of her situation biting down on her hopes. Cynder curled up slightly in defense as she struggled to hold in the tears which were beginning to flood her eyes, she had been humiliated on the first day in the first lesson... again!

Cyril yelled over the class and they roared in laughter.


The class died down again apart from a few more sniggers. Cyril turned to look at Spyro who watched the dragoness at the back curl in defence. He had a concerned look on his face and he sighed slightly.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Spyro, Please may you pick your seat" Cyril said and Spyro snapped out of his trance

"Wha... oh yeah, sorry."

He began to walk to the back of the room, dragoness across the class began to shuffle to make a space next to them, the pink dragoness from earlier even shoved a bright blue dragoness next to her off her seat to make a space. But Spyro ignored all them and made his way to the very back.

Cynder felt someone standing next to where she sat and she heard a soft voice speak.

"Is this seat taken?"

She looked up and saw the purple dragon standing there smiling gently. Cynder shook her head slightly and he sat down next to her. Every other dragoness in the room gaped at Spyro, he had chosen to sit next to HER! The ugly one!

"Hey... I'm Spyro" Spyro whispered to Cynder, she just stared back at him in confusion and a bit of fear.

"What are you doing?" She asked accusingly, Spyro looked at Cynder with surprise.

"Umm... sitting next to you? Have I done something wrong?" he seemed cautious as he panicked that he had offended her in some way.

"But why did you want to sit next to me? When they are a lot more attractive dragoness's in here, why me?"

Spyro gave a nervous laugh and spoke in an even more sheepish voice.

"Well, I guess just I just wanted to... you look friendly. It's not a problem is it?"

Cynder shook her head

"I just thought that you would have wanted to sit next to someone else..."

"Well, I don't" and Spyro gave a small grin. Cynder felt a smile come to her face, it was the first smile in a long time. Cyril spoke again and they stopped speaking to listen

"Good. Today we will do something extremely easy, chemical reactions. we see them all the time and we use them in everyday life. I know it is an extremely vague topic but it's just to jig you're brain juices, so... Can someone tell me a very basic reaction and it's produce?"

Most of the class just looked around blankly, Cynder knew an answer but didn't bother putting her hand up, she had been embarrassed enough today. Spyro tentatively put his hand up and Cyril nodded

"Rust" Spyro said

"Good and how does that that reaction to make rust work?"

Spyro continued "Some metals have iron in them like some steels, rust is a series of Iron oxides, rust is the oxidation of the iron in the compound, which means the iron reacts with oxygen in the air causing it to become more brittle and change colour, that's why we have to look after such metals by polishing them with wax and oil, to stop the oxygen reacting the iron or at least delay it"

Cynder looked at the purple dragon and thought to herself.

"Maybe he is different, he hasn't laughed at me and he seems quite smart"

Cyril looked approvingly at Spyro

"Well done, not the best description in the world but certainly better than what I asked for. But now something a little more challenging, What would I use if I wanted to manipulate the speed of a chemical reaction? Also give me an example of what I'm on about"

Cynder knew, she watched Spyro and wondered if he knew also. He spent less than a couple of seconds thinking about it before he answered.

"You would use a catalyst. Catalysts change the reaction speed but keep the chemical formula the same. Salts can be used as catalysts, but also 'pure' catalysts can be used, these are elements which can alter reaction speeds such as Platinum and Carbon."

The whole class looked at Spyro in a bit of shock, Cynder also looked stunned at Spyro and he glanced round and gave a grin at her, Cyril gave a chuckle and spoke in a merry voice.

"Finally, another student that at least knows something. Cynder, you'd better watch out."

Spyro looked at the black dragoness who glanced at the floor embarrassed. Spyro whispered to her.

"You're Cynder? Those other dragoness's were liars, you aren't a nerd at all."

Cynder looked at him then back down at the ground again, Spyro tried to rescue the situation.

"I was kidding! I'm sorry, you're probably more clever than me"

Cynder shook her head and looked at him, his blue eyes were full concern and worry.

"it's not that... the pink one told you that didn't she?"

Spyro nodded and Cynder rested her head on her arms. Spyro nudged her and spoke softly.

"Hey, don't worry, I didn't believe her. You can't be a geek, you are far too good looking"

Cynder's head lifted a bit and she looked back at Spyro, she had a look of disbelief on her face.

"You don't think I'm a geek?"

Spyro looked at the black dragoness who was now beaming at him, she had completely missed the compliment. Cyril interrupted than as he spoke again.

"OK Cynder, let's see if you can stay on top of Spyro, make him sweat a bit, make him work" The whole class gave a low snigger, Spyro and Cynder both blushed a bit at the same time. Cyril kept on going, oblivious to the innuendo.

"If I put Sodium in water, what would likely happen?"

Cynder glanced nervously at Spyro he grinned and urged her on.

"Go on, let's see if you really are as smart as they say"

Cynder took a deep breath and started.

"The Sodium would either start to pop and fizz, or, depending on the amount, it could even catch fire"

"Now tell me what would happen if I put potassium in water?"

Cynder shyed away again but Spyro nudged her gently.

"Mostly the same but more violently, they are both alkali metals which is why they would react like that."

Cyril sighed a little and chuckled quietly

"At least two people have kept some brain cells... still this is all very easy I'm sure."

Cynder looked around to see a big grin across Spyro's face, she could help but stare a little. His face was almost perfect. Spyro spoke again in a cheery voice.

"Damn... I'd better watch out, you could beat me!"

Cynder felt a glow inside her heart and her face lit up and Spyro could help but see how truly beautiful she was, but the moment was destroyed when someone began to yell across the class.


Suddenly there was a chorus of insults at Cynder only a few dragons didn't join in, what happiness Cynder had fizzled out of her in a second, her face sank again and she curled up in her seat. Spyro instantly got annoyed and stood up.

"HEY! Was there any need? I just did the exact same thing and yet no-one laughed and insulted me. So tell me, was there any need?!"

He bared his teeth at the class and his glare silently dared anyone to challenge him, after a minute he sat back down. He saw Cynder and there was a tear in her eye, he wrapped an arm around her gently and spoke.

"Come on, chin up. It's in the past now"

Cynder forgot her troubles as she felt Spyro's arm, her mind raced and she was breathless over the contact.

"He's touching me! He's actually hugging me!" She sat up again and Spyro removed his arm, she felt a little sad as he broke the contact but she didn't mind. She looked at him with shining eyes and whispered.

"Thank you"

Spyro looked at her with an almost compassionate smile, Cynder's heart beat wildly in her chest.

"Maybe he's the one... the one who can rescue me from this"

Cyril spoke again and turned to the class.

"Thank you Spyro, we will have none of that! we are here to learn! Now back to reactions...."