poem: never forget

The shifting sand will never seace. The heat will never end can't you see. Its in our lives its in our minds. The fire is bound to our bones can't you fell. For its nothing you know of. seeping beneath the skin. The burns felling like they will never...

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Fix or Forget | Part 1

Memories are nasty little creatures. They have a habit of sneaking up on you when you are most vulnerable. Like a loan shark, they wait patiently until you're trapped somewhere; then, they pounce. My memories came for me as I lay in a hospital...

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To Live & Forget - Chapter 3

#3 of to live & forget chapter 3 now here, i don't know if i should do a flashback next chapter but with how the story is progressing it might not need it. however i'm conflicted to even continue writing this series or not.

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To Live & Forget - Chapter 2

#2 of to live & forget 2nd chapter of to live & forget hey everyone, hope you are enjoying the story. i actually have chapter 3 finished but i will check and correct and maybe add some stuff.

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To Live & Forget - Chapter 1

#1 of to live & forget live & forget or drown in regret.

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Fix or Forget | Part 2

My dad used to say: forget what you can't fix, and fix what you can't forget." he gets up and walks over to the door. "and if you like him as much as i think you do, i doubt you're gonna forget him anytime soon."

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Never Forget: Prelude: Humans

This is the Story of the most hated and evil race, the most hated of the five races. Humans, were a young race but when the great beings created them they left a hole in their hearts so that they may seek to fill it with knowledge and love for all...

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How can i forget?

But i'm really struggling with trying to forget, **_ _** because i still feel the same as that first day we met.**_

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A Party He Won't Forget

Hayden stands by a wall, drink in hand, as his friend socializes with his other friends. The aardvark only came because Howard asked him to. What were the lion's words? _"You can only stay inside your room for so long, come out and get some fresh...

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Before I Forget - Chapter 1

**Chapter 1 - Photograph "Look at this photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh"** "Ah shit. It's raining again." Tala grumbled over her coffee. It made a nice change from alcohol and Zaphira had to admit she was happy to see her friend on the...

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Tribute To a Night I'll Never Forget

You breathed into the mic, keeping your anticipation deceivingly calm as i nodded my head and forgetting you couldn't see. "yes! i've been walking on thin ice these last days, what is this surprise?"

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A Night to Forget Pt. 2: The Game of Life

I'm a _chinchilla_, dammit, and don't you forget it!" think i sprung a leak, because my pride came flowing right out. damn, i'm an arrogant asshole, you say? well, no kidding! glad i wasn't the only one to notice. but i wasn't done.

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